Catalog A-Z Index
- AAD - Architecture and Design
- AAE - Architecture
- About Truckee Meadows Community College
- ABS - Architecture Building Science
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Forgiveness
- AC - Air Conditioning
- ACC - Accounting
- Accounting, CoA
- Accreditation
- Additional Academic Opportunities
- Admission
- Admission Policies
- ADT - Architectural Design Tech
- Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, SC
- Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, CoA
- Agricultural Science, AS
- AGSC - Agricultural Science
- Air Conditioning Technology, AAS
- Air Conditioning Technology, CoA
- Air Conditioning Technology, SC
- AM - American Sign Language
- AMI - Advanced Medical Imaging
- ANTH - Anthropology
- Anthropology, AA
- Applied Business Management, BAS
- Applied Technology Division
- Apprenticeship, CoA
- Apprenticeship in Construction Trades, AAS
- Apprenticeship, SC
- APST - Applied Statistics
- Architectural Drafting, CoA
- Architecture and Residential Design, Architecture and Construction, AAS
- Archived Catalogs
- ART - Art
- Art History, Fine Arts, AA
- Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) General Education Requirements
- Associate of Arts
- Associate of Arts (AA) General Education Degree Requirements
- Associate of General Studies
- Associate of General Studies (AGS) General Education Requirements
- Associate of Science
- Associate of Science (AS) General Education Degree Requirements
- AST - Astronomy
- AUTO - Automotive
- Automation and Robotics, Manufacturing Technologies, AAS
- Automotive ASE Technician, CoA
- Automotive Certified Technician, Transportation Technologies, AAS
- Automotive General Service Technician, CoA
- Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-Basic, SC
- Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-Diesel Equipment Technician: Heavy Equipment Electrical, SC
- Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-Diesel Equipment Technician: Heavy Equipment Hydraulics, SC
- Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-Diesel Technician: Basic, SC
- Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-Diesel Technician: Electrical, SC
- Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-Diesel Technician: Heavy Duty (HD) Diesel Engines, SC
- Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-Diesel Technician: Heavy Duty Power Trains, SC
- Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-General Service, SC
- Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-Master, SC
- AV - Aviation
- Bachelor of Architecture
- Bachelor of Science (BS) and Bachelor of Architecture (BARCH) General Education Degree Requirements
- Baking and Pastry, CoA
- BIOL - Biology
- Biology, AS
- Bookkeeping, CoA
- BRL - Bricklayer
- BUS - Business
- Business, AA
- Business, AAS
- Business and Social Sciences Division
- Business, CoA
- CADD - Computer Aided Drafting and Design
- Campus Resources
- Career and Technical Education Leadership, BAS
- Career and Technical Education, SC
- CE - Cooperative Education
- Certificate of Achievement General Education Requirements
- Certificate of Achievement in General Studies General Education Requirements
- Certified Dietary Manager (CDM), SC
- Certified Nursing Assistant, SC
- Certified Professional Bookkeeper, SC
- CH - Core Humanities
- CHEM - Chemistry
- Chemistry, AS
- Choose Your Degree or Certificate
- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching, SC
- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Security, SC
- CIT - Computer Information Technology
- CLS - Clinical Lab Specialist
- College Annual Security Report
- College Locations and Information
- COM - Communication
- Commercial Refrigeration, SC
- Communication, SC
- Communication Studies, AA
- CompTIA Certification Preparation, SC
- Computed Tomography (CAT Scan), SC
- Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences Division
- Computer, Network and Email Access
- Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) Machining, CoA
- Computer Programming, Computer Information Technology, AAS
- Computer Science, AS
- Computer Technologies, CoA
- CONS - Construction
- Construction Estimating, SC
- Construction Management, Architecture and Construction, AAS
- Construction Project Management, SC
- COT - Computer Office Technology
- Course Registration and Enrollment
- Course Retake and Grade Replacement
- Courses A-Z
- CPD - Counseling and Personal Development
- CPE - Computer Engineering
- CPT - Carpenter Apprenticeship
- Credit for Prior Learning Policy
- Criminal Justice, AA
- CRJ - Criminal Justice
- CSCO - Cisco
- CS - Computer Science
- CUL - Culinary Arts
- Culinary Arts, AAS
- Culinary Arts, CoA
- Culinary Arts Entrepreneurs, AAS
- Culinary Arts Entrepreneurs, CoA
- Cybersecurity, Computer Information Technology, AAS
- Cybersecurity, SC
- DA - Dental Assisting
- Dance, Fine Arts, AA
- DAN - Dance
- Data Analytics, SC
- DATA - Data Science/Analytics
- Data Science, AS
- Degrees and Certificates
- Degrees and Certificates Offered
- Dental Assisting, AAS
- Dental Assisting Basic Training, SC
- Dental Assisting, Full-time/Part-time, CoA
- Dental Hygiene, BS
- DH - Dental Hygiene
- Diesel ASE Technician, CoA
- Diesel General Service Technician, CoA
- Diesel Technician, Transportation Technologies, AAS
- Divisions
- Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention Policy
- DT - Diesel Technology
- Early Childhood Education, AA
- Early Childhood Education, AAS
- Early Childhood Educator 1, SC
- Early Childhood Educator 2, SC
- Early Childhood Educator 3, SC
- ECE - Early Childhood Education
- ECON - Economics
- EDCT - Career and Technical Education
- EDLE - Equity, Diversity, & Language Education
- Education Paraprofessional Program, SC
- EDU - Education
- EE - Electrical Engineering
- EIT - Electrical Instrumentation Technology
- ELEC - Electrical Apprenticeship
- Elementary Education Teacher Preparation, AA
- ELM - Electrical and Mechanical Technology
- Emergency Management, BAS
- Emergency Medical Technician, SC
- EMHS - Emergency Management
- EMS - Emergency Medical Services
- ENG - English
- Engineering, AS
- English, AA
- English and Math Co-Requisite
- ENGR - Engineering
- Enrollment / Registration
- Enrollment Status
- ENT - Entrepreneurship
- ENV - Environmental Science
- Environmental Science, AS
- EPY - Educational Leadership and Psychology
- Equal Opportunity/Title IX
- Faculty and Administrative Staff
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Financial Aid Eligibility and Application
- Financial Aid, Scholarships and Student Employment
- Financial Aid Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Fine Arts, AA
- Fire Science Technology, CoA
- Fire Suppression, Fire Technology, AAS
- Fire Suppression, SC
- FREN - French
- FS - Fire Science
- FT - Fire Science Technology
- Fundamentals of Smart Automation, CoA
- GE course list
- General Education
- General Information
- General Studies, CoA
- GEOG - Geography
- GEOL - Geology
- Geology, AS
- Geospatial Data Management, SC
- Grade Reports, Incomplete Grades and Grade Appeals
- Grades
- Grading Scale
- Graphic Arts and Media Technology, Advanced Certificate
- Graphic Communications, CoA
- Graphic Design, Graphic Arts and Media Technology, AA
- Graphic Design, Graphic Communications, AAS
- GRC - Graphic Communications
- Grievance Procedures Relating to Equal Opportunity
- HDFS - Human Development and Family Studies
- Health Sciences, CoA
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration (HVAC/R), CoA
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration (HVAC/R), SC
- Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technician, CoA
- Heavy Equipment Technician, Transportation Technologies, AAS
- HIST - History
- History, AA
- HIT - Health Information Technology
- HMD - Hotel Management
- Hospitality and Tourism Management, AA
- Human Development and Family Studies, AA
- HUM - Humanities
- IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
- Industrial Communications and Data Analytics, SC
- Industrial Maintenance for Automation, SC
- Industrial Mechatronics, SC
- Industrial Process and Maintenance Theory, SC
- Industrial Programming and Controls, SC
- IRW - Iron Worker
- IS - Information Systems
- IT Basics, SC
- IT Specialty - Back End Developer, SC
- IT Specialty - Front End Developer, SC
- IT Specialty - Full Stack Developer, SC
- Landscape Architecture, Architecture and Construction, AAS
- Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice, AAS
- LAW - Law/Paralegal
- LGM - Logistics Management
- Liberal Arts Division
- Life Sciences, Allied Health, and Public Safety Division
- Light Duty Diesel Engines, SC
- Linux Professional Certification Preparation, SC
- LMH Diesel Fleet Maintenance Technician, CoA
- Logistics, CoA
- Logistics Management, AAS
- Logistics Operations Management, BAS
- Machining Level 1-CNC Milling, SC
- Machining Level 1-CNC Turning, SC
- Machining, Manufacturing Technologies, AAS
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Technology, SC
- Manufacturing Technologies Welding CNC, CoA
- Manufacturing Technologies Welding CNC, SC
- MASG - Massage
- Massage Therapy, CoA
- Massage Therapy Entrepreneurship, Business, AAS
- Math/English Placement Testing
- MATH - Mathematics
- ME - Mechanical Engineering
- MGT - Management
- MICR - Microbiology and Immunology
- MKT - Marketing
- Motion Graphics, Graphic Arts and Media Technology, AA
- Motion Graphics, Graphic Communications, AAS
- MPT - Manufacturing and Production Technology
- MT - Mechanical Technology
- MTT - Machine Tool Technology
- MUSA - Music Applied
- MUSE - Music Ensemble
- Music, CoA
- Music, Fine Arts, AA
- Music Recording Technology, SC
- MUS - Music
- Networking, Computer Information Technology, AAS
- NRES - Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- NSHE Policy Against Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment; Complaint Procedure
- Nursing, AS
- NURS - Nursing
- Nutrition and Dietetics, AS
- NUTR - Nutrition
- Office Management, Business, AAS
- Online Learning Student Complaint Process
- OPE - Operating Engineers
- OSH - Occupational Safety and Health
- Paralegal/Law, AAS
- Paramedic, CoA
- Payment
- PBH - Public Health
- PEX - Physical Education
- PHIL - Philosophy
- Phlebotomy, SC
- PHYS - Physics
- PLCM - Plasterer & Cement Masons
- PLST - Plasterers
- Policies and Regulations
- Policy for Implementation and Awarding of the Continuing Education Unit
- Policy on Unsupervised Children
- Political Science, AA
- PPF - Plumber and Pipe Fitting Apprenticeship
- Prehospital Emergency Medicine, AAS
- Pre-Nursing Track, Public Health, AS
- Progression Standards for F-1 International Students on TMCC’s I-20
- Progression Standards for Students Receiving Veterans Education Benefits
- PSC - Political Science
- Psychology, AA
- Psychology, AS
- PSY - Psychology
- PTD - Painting and Decorating Apprenticeship
- PTR - Personal Trainer
- Public Health Track, Public Health, AS
- Public Safety Dispatch, SC
- Radiologic Technology, AAS
- Radiologic Technology, BAS
- RAD - Radiologic Technology
- READ - Reading
- Real Estate Salesperson, SC
- Refunds
- Regulations Concerning Off-Campus Organizations
- Regulations Concerning Student Sponsored Events
- Regulations for Determining Residency and Tuition Charges
- Religious Holiday Observations
- RE - Real Estate
- Retail Management, SC
- Revit Architectural Drafting, SC
- RN to BSN, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- RS - Refrigeration Service Apprenticeship
- Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Students
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
- Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Registration Option
- SCM - Supply Chain Management
- Secondary Education, AA
- Secondary Education, AS
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship, AA
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship, CoA
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship, SC
- SMTL - Sheet Metal
- Social Work, AA
- SOC - Sociology
- SOTA - School Of The Arts
- Spanish, AA
- SPAN - Spanish
- SRGT - Surgical Technology
- Statement of Policy in Accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- STAT - Statistics
- Sterile Processing Technician, SC
- Student Appeals
- Student Bill of Rights
- Student Responsibilities
- Student Right To Know
- Student Services
- SW - Social Work
- TCA - Touring and Convention Admin
- Theatre, CoA
- Theatre, Fine Arts, AA
- Theatre Tech, SC
- THTR - Theatre
- TMCC Academic Divisions
- TMCC High School
- Transfer Credit Policy on the Evaluation of Previous Training and Education
- Transfer to TMCC
- Truckee Meadows Community College Library Policies
- Tuition and Fees
- Tuition and Fees
- Veterans Resources
- Veterans Upward Bound
- Veterinary Assistant, SC
- Veterinary Nursing, AAS
- VETN - Veterinary Nursing
- VIS - Visual Media
- Web Development, Computer Information Technology, AAS
- Welding, Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) & Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), SC
- Welding, Manufacturing Technologies, AAS
- Welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) & Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), SC
- Welding Technology, CoA
- WELD - Welding
- Wildlife Technician, SC
- WMST - Women's Studies