Additional Academic Opportunities
Career and Technical Education (CTE) College Credit
The CTE College Credit Program (formerly Tech Prep) grants free college credit for approved high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. CTE programs are a sequence of high school elective classes taught by high school teachers at the high school. The CTE College Credit Program prepares students to earn an associate degree, certificate of achievement, skills certificate, and/or industry credential in less time and at a lower cost by not repeating courses in college for skills mastered in high school.
To qualify for CTE College Credit, students must:
- Complete the CTE program (2-year or 3-year) course sequence with a B average or higher.
- Pass the State End-of-Program Technical Skills Assessment.
- Pass the State Workplace Readiness Skills Assessment.
- Apply to TMCC
- Apply to CTE College Credit
- Enroll in a credit-bearing course at TMCC
For complete eligibility requirements and application information, please visit or call 775-674-7683.
Graphic Communications Workshops
The Graphic Communications Program (GRC) offers a series of 0.5 - 1 unit professional level software applications classes that focus on one particular graphics software over a one-to four-week period. These short courses are tailored to meet the needs of industry professionals and may not apply toward the Associate of Applied Science degree in Graphic Communications.
The following applications are currently being offered:
- InDesign (beginning and advanced)
- Illustrator (beginning and advanced)
- Photoshop (beginning and advanced)
- Acrobat
- Dreamweaver
- Premiere
These workshops are listed in the TMCC class schedule under the Graphic Communications section. The GRC program also offers customized workshops that can be developed to meet the specific needs of companies and organizations. For more information on customized workshops, please call 775-673-7291.
Internships are courses that integrate classroom study with related work experience in a real-world environment. Theory and practice are blended by training in career-related areas of professional interest. This method of instruction serves as a testing ground to make a student’s educational program more relevant and meaningful while providing employers with an ongoing pipeline of future employees.
An internship:
Helps to provide more significant meaning to formal education;
Increases motivation for learning;
Contributes to the student’s development of a sense of responsibility;
Provides an opportunity to move into jobs that require new skills and responsibilities;
It gives the student a chance to explore specific jobs about their capabilities;
Offers preparatory opportunities to enter the working world in the student’s selected professional area.
To be eligible for an internship, a student must:
Have completed a department’s specified number of units toward a declared degree, emphasis, or certificate and have met published prerequisites;
Have a 2.5 GPA or higher to qualify;
Enroll in one to eight credits with department/program approval;
Be available to work the necessary hours as agreed to by the employer, faculty, and student in a position directly related to the student’s major area of study (credit is awarded typically at a rate of 45 hours of work per credit);
Be able to identify, with the help of the employer partner and faculty sponsor, a set of job-related learning objectives that will enhance the student’s career development.
Academic credit is awarded for completing the mutually agreed-upon learning objectives assigned by the faculty sponsor. For students wanting to complete an internship at their place of employment, the employer must agree to establish new learning objectives before the internship is approved. For more information, visit the Internship Program website or contact the Internship Coordinator at 775-673-7060.
Jump Start Program
TMCC invites current High School students to take college classes while they complete their high school diploma or equivalent. The Jump Start Program is one of several dual enrollment opportunities at TMCC. Dual enrollment allows high school students to take college classes while they are still enrolled in high school. These classes may count for both high school and college credit. High school students who complete dual enrollment classes generally take fewer classes in college and save time and money on total college costs. Each school district, or in some cases high schools and their governing authority determine how college courses are used to satisfy high school graduation requirements.
Credits earned in Jump Start classes may be applied toward an associate degree at TMCC and transferable credits can be applied toward a baccalaureate degree at UNR, UNLV, and NSC.
Parents and students who request enrollment in a TMCC class with the Jump Start Program agree to the conditions established in the Information for Jump Start Parents and Guardians and must follow the Jump Start Student Roles and Responsibilities.
Academic freedom is practiced at TMCC and allows faculty and students to pursue whatever inquiry they feel is important in the classroom without fear of censorship. In a college environment, students may encounter adult language and images, different philosophical viewpoints, and belief systems.
Once admitted to a college class, the student should be the only point of contact with college instructors.
Students are responsible for paying all applicable fees within the specified time frame. Please note students are also responsible for the purchase of any required supplies and/or textbooks.
Ready to start? To enroll students must follow the Steps to Enroll: Jump Start Students.
Most high school students have an ‘under 18 hold’ on their MyTMCC account. Students should complete an online Permission to Enroll form every semester to request class enrollment. Legal guardian and high school counselor consent are required.
For more information, please visit or email
Online Programs and Courses
TMCC offers different degree and certificate options you can complete online. Online courses are treated the same as traditional courses when being considered for transfer. The advantage of completing your degree online includes convenience, expert instruction, and additional student support.
If you choose to complete a degree online, you will have the flexibility to study on your own time, wherever you are; all you need is an internet connection.
To find our online degrees and certificates, go to Choose Your Degree or Certificate.
Online class schedules can be viewed in MyTMCC or the current Class Schedule (filter for "class type=online").