Paralegal/Law, AAS

Program Code: Paralegal/Law-AAS

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

This program can be completed 100% online. 

Note: This degree/certificate leads to professional licensure in Nevada. Licensing requirements vary by state/territory and relocating could impact whether you will meet eligibility requirements for licensure. If you do not live in Nevada and/or do not intend to seek employment in Nevada, then your application for admittance will be under review to determine eligibility for licensure in your state prior to acceptance into the program. Please visit our Professional Licensure Programs page for full details on the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement. 

Program Description

Associate of Applied Science, Paralegal/ Law: Paralegals assist attorneys in a variety of settings such as private legal practices, the public legal system, and corporate legal departments. TMCC’s Paralegal/Law program is the only American Bar Association (ABA) approved program in Nevada.

Paralegal Career Map

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
This sequence contains a summer session. You cannot begin this program in the summer. It is recommended that you take the summer session following your first or second semester in the program.  
Electives: LAW 233, LAW 251, LAW 255  
 Semester Total0
 Total Units0
Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
Communications/English 4 3
Human Relations 4 3
IS 101 Introduction to Information Systems 3
LAW 101 Fundamentals of Law I (This is a prerequisite for all other LAW courses.) 3
Mathematics 3
 Semester Total15
2nd semester
Communications/English 4 3
LAW 261 Legal Research I 3
LAW 263 Ethics 3
Science 3
 Semester Total12
3rd semester
Elective 4 3
LAW 203 Real Property 3
LAW 205 Contracts 3
LAW 259 Legal Writing 3
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions 3 3
 Semester Total15
4th semester
Elective 3
Fine Art/Humanities/Social Science/Diversity 3
LAW 204 Torts 3
LAW 231 Procedure - Civil 3
LAW 264 Civil Evidence 3
 Semester Total15
Electives: See notes above. This is a summer Semester. 6
 Semester Total6
 Total Units63

See approved General Education list for the AAS Degree.


See program recommendations or requirements.

Special Program Requirements

The LAW 101 (Fundamentals of Law I) course is open to all students. Upon completion of LAW 101 with a grade of ‘B’ or better a student may register for additional LAW courses through normal registration procedures as long as the proper prerequisites have been met. A student must maintain a 3.0 GPA average through all legal specialty coursework to graduate with an AAS degree in paralegal. The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Paralegals requires that students complete a minimum of 9 credits of LAW (or legal specialty courses) in a live format either in person or in a synchronous online course. Transfer units intended to satisfy legal specialty units will be reviewed by the program coordinator for course content to ensure that the course(s) satisfy ABA requirements. No more than 12 semester units will be allowed via transfer for legal specialty courses. No legal specialty transfer units are allowed via examination or portfolio. Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law.

Program Requirements

AAS degrees are generally non-transfer degrees designed for students to enter the workforce.

To earn an AAS degree, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 units within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the AAS.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
General Education Requirements
Diversity 1[3]
Select a course that also satisfies Humanities/Social Science.
Composition I
Composition Enhanced
Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
Business Letters and Reports
Humanities/Social Science3
Select only a Humanities or Social Science course from the approved AAS General Education list.
Human Relations3
Select one of the following:
Supervision and Human Relations
Principles of Management
Leadership and Human Relations
Organizational Behavior
Select from MATH courses 120 or above.
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions3
Degree Requirements
IS 101Introduction to Information Systems3
LAW 101Fundamentals of Law I (LS) 23
LAW 203Real Property (LS) 23
LAW 204Torts (LS) 23
LAW 205Contracts (LS) 23
LAW 231Procedure - Civil (LS) 23
LAW 259Legal Writing (LS) 23
LAW 261Legal Research I (LS) 23
LAW 263Ethics (LS) 23
LAW 264Civil Evidence (LS) 23
Elective Requirements
Select 12 units from the following:12
Special Topics Legal Assistant
Procedure - Criminal (LS) 2
Business Structures (LS) 2
Bankruptcy (LS) 2
Family Law (LS) 2
Probate Procedures (LS) 2
Supervised Field Experience (LS) 2
Total Units63

May also count toward degree requirements. Please consult with Academic Advisement.


"LS" denotes legal specialty courses. A student must maintain a 3.0 GPA average through all legal specialty coursework to graduate with an AAS degree in Paralegal. 

Program Outcomes

Students completing the degree will:

PSLO1: Exhibit knowledge of the following areas of the law: torts, civil procedure, ethics, and real property.

PSLO2: Demonstrate the ability to do basic legal research and basic legal writing.

PSLO3: Acquire the knowledge and skills to obtain entry-level employment as a paralegal.