MUS - Music

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

MUS 101 - Music Fundamentals Units: 3

Notation, terminology, intervals, scales and chords. Designed to furnish a foundation for musicianship and music theory.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

MUS 105 - Vocal Techniques Units: 2

Fundamentals of tone production, breath control, and practical techniques involved in reading and interpreting songs. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

MUS 107 - Guitar Class I Units: 2-3

This course is geared toward the beginning level guitarist. Topics will include chording, music reading, melody playing, right hand technique and style.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Student must supply own acoustic guitar.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

MUS 108 - Guitar Class II Units: 2-3

This course is geared toward the intermediate level guitarist. Emphasis is placed on improving individual performance on the guitar and will include playing chords and melodies, reading music and guitar technique.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Successful completion of Guitar I (MUS 107) or instructor approval. Student must supply own guitar.

Term Offered: Spring

MUS 111 - Piano Class I Units: 2-3

Beginning piano class. Music reading and keyboard techniques from beginning through early intermediate levels. No previous musical training required.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: No previous musical training required.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

MUS 112 - Piano Class II Units: 2-3

Continuation of beginning piano class. Music reading and keyboard techniques from early intermediate through intermediate levels.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: MUS 111 or instructor approval.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

MUS 121 - Music Appreciation Units: 3

Historical and cultural background of music. A general course in music appreciation open to all students. Representative works presented and analyzed. Satisfies the UNR Fine Arts core curriculum.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

MUS 122 - Survey of Jazz Units: 3

Survey of Jazz is an introduction to the historical evolution of jazz music from its roots in the blues and ragtime to contemporary eclecticism. There will be extensive listening and discussion in class as well as assigned listening and reading. This class satisfies UNR Fine Arts Core Curriculum.

Term Offered: AS NEEDED

MUS 125 - History of Rock Music Units: 3

Survey of Rock music from its origins in Blues through Contemporary Rock styles. Examples of various styles will be analyzed.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

MUS 203 - Music Theory I Units: 3

The study of the basic materials of music including rhythm, pitch, and harmony will be explored. This class will focus on understanding basic diatonic harmony including scales, key, triads and seventh chords, and counterpoint. Knowledge of music fundamentals is necessary for entrance into this class.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: MUS 101 or instructor approval. Co-requisite: student must also be concurrently enrolled in MUS 211: Sight-Singing and Dictation I

Term Offered: Fall

MUS 204 - Music Theory II Units: 3

The continued study of tonal harmony including the use of inverted triads and seventh chords in part writing, harmonic progression, basic small-scale musical form, and basic chromatic harmony.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Successful completion of MUS 203 Music Theory I and MUS 211 Sight-Singing and Dictation I. Co-requisite: student must also be concurrently enrolled in MUS 212: Sight-Singing and Dictation II

Term Offered: Spring

MUS 211 - Sight-Singing and Dictation I Units: 1

This course will teach the techniques of sight-singing, ear training and music dictation. This will include learning solfege, rhythmic-reading, melodic and harmonic dictation.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: MUS 101 or instructor approval. Co-requisite: student must also be concurrently enrolled in MUS 203, Music Theory I.

Term Offered: Fall

MUS 212 - Sight-Singing and Dictation II Units: 1

This course will continue the teaching of the techniques of sight-singing, ear training and music dictation at an intermediate level. The course will include the utilization of solfege, complex rhythm-reading, melodic and harmonic dictation at an intermediate level.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: MUS 211 and MUS 203. Co-requisite: Student must also be concurrently enrolled in MUS 204, Music Theory II.

Term Offered: Spring

MUS 231 - Recording Technology I Units: 3

Introduction to audio recording including theoretical concepts, terminology, microphones, consoles, and use of analog and digital equipment. This class includes hands-on training.

Enrollment Requirements: Co-requisite: MUS 239 Virtual Studio Technology I

MUS 232 - Recording Technology II Units: 3

Intermediate course in multi-track recording techniques including discussion on session procedures, production techniques, tracking and overdubbing methods, and general equipment operation.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: MUS 231 Recording Technology I. Co-requisite: MUS 240 Virtual Studio Technology II

MUS 239 - Virtual Studio Technology I Units: 3

Explores the theory and application of hard-disc recording systems, from setup to mastering. Students have hands-on experience while learning concepts and techniques for proper functioning of MIDI, digital audio, I/O plugins, etc. NOTE: This course uses Avid Pro Tools software.

Enrollment Requirements: Co-requisite: MUS 231 Recording Technology I

MUS 240 - Virtual Studio Technology II Units: 3

Class emphasizes advanced Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) usage. Hands-on experience with concepts and techniques including signal routing strategies, keyboard shortcuts, power commands, editing, automation, and other advanced DAW features. NOTE: This course uses Avid Pro Tools software.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: MUS 239, Co-requisite: MUS 232 Recording Technology II

MUS 299 - Special Topics in Music Units: 0.5-6

Various short courses and experimental classes covering a variety of subjects. The course will be a variable credit of one-half to six credits depending on the course content and number of hours required. The course may be repeated for up to six credits.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Term Offered: AS NEEDED