ART - Art

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

ART 100 - Visual Foundations Units: 3

Explores visual forms and contemporary concepts through a variety of media, presentations and discussions. Transfers to UNR/UNLV. Satisfies UNR Fine Arts core curriculum.

Term Offered: All Semesters

ART 101 - Drawing I Units: 3

An introductory studio course emphasizing a disciplined foundation in drawing concepts based on visual observations.

Term Offered: All Semesters

ART 102 - Drawing II Units: 3

Continued exploration of drawing techniques and concepts.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 100 and ART 101

Term Offered: Spring

ART 103A - Visual Foundations - Surface Units: 3

Introductory course with a focus on contemporary two-dimensional art practices, visual culture and literacy, observational skills, conceptual development, and analog and digital artmaking. Students will make artworks manually, digitally, and through hybrid processes.

Term Offered: All Semesters

ART 103B - Visual Foundations - Space Units: 3

Introductory course with a focus on technology in analog and digital art spaces, visual, culture, and digital literacy, critical thinking & analysis, and writing and speaking skills. Students will learn the fundamentals of physical design and creation, digital image capture and manipulation, and object-building.

Term Offered: Spring

ART 124 - Introduction to Printmaking Units: 3

Introduction to printing processes emphasizing relief, intaglio, and screen techniques.

Term Offered: Fall

ART 135 - Darkroom Photography I Units: 3

Introduction to photographic techniques and practices through the use of 35mm cameras, black & white film, and darkroom processes including development and printing.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

ART 141 - Introduction to Digital Photography Units: 3

Introduction to photographic techniques. Topics include exposure, camera controls, digital printing, file management. Exploration of creative possibilities and thematic modes of photography; working in series.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

ART 142 - Introduction to Digital Photography II Units: 3

Continued exploration of photography utilizing digital based equipment with an emphasis on cameras (both traditional and digital) and scanning with an emphasis on the creation and manipulation of original images.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 141.

Term Offered: Spring

ART 160 - Art Appreciation Units: 3

This course provides an introduction to the formal elements and principles of design used by artists, the fine arts media, and the history of art.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

ART 198 - Special Topics in Art Units: 0.5-6

Various short courses and experimental classes covering a variety of subjects. The course will be a variable of one-half to six credits depending on the course content and number of hours required. The course may be repeated for up to six credits.

Term Offered: AS NEEDED

ART 201 - Life Drawing I Units: 3

Exploration of the human figure in pictorial space with emphasis on drawing from a live model and working with gesture, memory and imagination.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 100, and ART 101

Term Offered: Fall

ART 209 - Introduction to Gallery Practices Units: 1

A course in the practices and ethics of operating an art gallery.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 100 and instructor approval.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

ART 211 - Ceramics I Units: 3

Introduction to basic ceramic processes and techniques including design, hand building, wheel throwing, glazing, and ceramic history as it applies to assigned problems.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

ART 212 - Ceramics II Units: 3

This studio course builds on knowledge acquired in Ceramics 211. Emphasis is on the Sculptural Form and Surface experimentation, as well as development of personal expression through exploring personal identity. Traditional and nontraditional uses of clay will be explored through the use of mold making and assemblage.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 211.

Term Offered: Fall

ART 213 - Intermediate Wheel Throwing Units: 3

This course is for students who are already familiar with wheel throwing and are confident when it comes to wedging and centering. Techniques such as altered throwing and piecing are introduced. Vessel and structural concepts, surface treatment and glazing are emphasized.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 211

Term Offered: Spring

ART 216 - Sculpture I Units: 3

Introduction to the concepts of three-dimensional composition.

Term Offered: Spring

ART 224 - Beginning Printmaking: Relief Units: 3

Introduction to concepts and practices in printing woodcuts, linocuts and assembled relief surfaces.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 100 or ART 124.

ART 231 - Painting I Units: 3

Introduction to concepts of painting including color, form, and composition.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 101

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

ART 232 - Painting II Units: 3

Intermediate course in painting, emphasizing various materials and methods.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 100 and ART 231

Term Offered: Spring

ART 235 - Photography II - Lighting Units: 3

Introduction to artificial lighting techniques and theory; strobe equipment and electronic flashes. Students produce a portfolio of work demonstrating knowledge of these techniques.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 141.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

ART 236 - Darkroom Photography II Units: 3

Advanced darkroom photography course involving continued explorations of numerous photographic techniques, compositional styles, concepts and critical analysis of photography as a Fine Art.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 135.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

ART 245 - Digital Media I Units: 3

Introduction to concepts and practices of computer art and related media with an emphasis on contemporary experimental applications.

Term Offered: AS NEEDED

ART 260 - Survey of Art History I Units: 3

This course surveys the history of art and architecture from Prehistoric through Gothic. Satisfies UNR Fine Arts core curriculum.

Term Offered: Fall

ART 261 - Survey of Art History II Units: 3

This course surveys the history of art from the Renaissance until the 1950s in Europe, the Americas, and Asia.

Term Offered: Spring

ART 263 - Survey of African, Oceanic, & Native American Art Units: 3

This course is a survey of African, Oceanic, and Native American art. Satisfies TMCC Diversity requirement.

Term Offered: Spring

ART 265 - Introduction to Contemporary Art Units: 3

Survey of global art since the 1960s with an emphasis on art works' relations to cultural, social, and individual identity. This course will introduce both the (so-called) cannon of Contemporary art and critiques of the cannon through analyses of art works by minority artists traditionally excluded from it.

Term Offered: Fall

ART 268 - Latin American Art Units: 3

This course surveys Latin American art, starting around the time of the so-called "discovery" of the Americas and continuing until the present. It analyzes the most important Latin American art movements, artists, and artworks and it introduces Chicanx art.

Term Offered: Fall

ART 270 - Women in Art Units: 3

This class examines works of art by women artists and representations of women in art and visual culture from antiquity to the present.

Term Offered: All Semesters

ART 288 - Photography of Art and Artifacts Units: 1-3

A course where students will produce digital images of works of art that can be used for promotion and applications for exhibitions or entry to Bachelor of Fine Arts programs. Basic techniques covered include copy stand use, scanning, photographing large two dimensional works and three dimensional works.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ART 141

Term Offered: Fall

ART 295 - Special Topics in Art History Units: 1-3

The course is an independent study for which students research and write a long paper.

Term Offered: Fall

ART 296 - Independent Study Units: 2

A course for advanced students to pursue individual creative work in any of the studio disciplines. Students must submit a written proposal describing projects and meet with tutorial faculty member on a regular basis.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

ART 297 - Field Study Units: 1-3

This course provides an opportunity for students to study art within its cultural and art historical setting by traveling to see works where they are located.

Term Offered: Spring

ART 298 - Portfolio Emphasis Units: 2

Participants will develop a portfolio for use in the acquisition of exhibitions, fine art gallery representation, inclusion in the permanent collections of museum/corporations, and/or employment in their respective medium. Class will also cover professional and legal planning strategies and requirements requisite to success in the fine art marketplace.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: 12 credits in studio art or instructor approval.

Term Offered: Fall

ART 299 - Special Topics in Studio Art Units: 1-3

Various topics of special interest in Studio Fine Art will be introduced, studied and accomplished in depth than allowed through the basic beginning and intermediate courses Studio Art mediums. Possible topics include: alternative photographic processes, digital photography, engraving, raku firing, water bath etching, portraiture/lighting techniques in photography, weaving, performance art, view camera, color photography, etc.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall