Transfer Credit Policy on the Evaluation of Previous Training and Education

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Advanced Standing from Other Colleges and Universities

  1. Applicants must submit an official transcript from all colleges and universities previously attended.
  2. The accreditation of the institution by one of the eight regional accrediting organizations and the listing published in the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Transfer Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions governs the acceptance of transfer credit. The eight regional accrediting organizations includes: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NEASC-CIHE), New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Technical and Career Institutions (NEASC-CTCI), North Central Association of Colleges and Schools The Higher Learning Commission (NCA-HLC), Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Commission on Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (WASC-ACCJC), Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities (WASC-ACSCU).
    1. Credit may be granted for courses in which a grade of D- or better is earned at any of the institutions with general (AG), or provisional (AP) ratings in the Transfer Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions. Credit may always be granted as elective credit, but credit intending to satisfy a department equivalent or department elective must be approved by the specific instructional division offering the degree. Transfer credit may be disallowed and may not apply toward degree, emphasis, or certificate requirements if the course was taken so long ago that the student would not possess current knowledge and/or skills. Courses in this category may still be applied as elective credit. Students who believe they have current skills and knowledge in the subject area should contact the appropriate department chair for information on validation or verification. Acceptance of credit for qualification into the health sciences special selection programs requires a grade of C or better.
    2. Credit is not accepted from schools that are non-acceptable (N or NP rating). If the school is not listed, refer to the section of this catalog entitled nontraditional credit policy.
    3. A maximum of 45 semester units or 75 percent of the total units required for a degree, whichever is greater, of previous training, education or credit by examination toward an associate degree, with the following limitations:
      1. Not more than 75 percent of the units required for a degree may be applied from other colleges and universities.
      2. Not more than 30 semester units from credit by examination.
      3. Not more than 16 semester units from non-traditional sources.
      4. If credit is more than 10 years old, only elective credit will be granted unless the student provides copies of course descriptions for Transfer Credit Evaluation. Credit may also be granted if the student has been employed in the field since she/he successfully completed the course.
      5. Students who have already completed an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, baccalaureate, master’s or doctoral degree from a regionally accredited institution are not required to repeat the System or College requirements for general education unless specific general education courses are required for completion of the student’s declared field of study. The College will grant credit for this block as a grade of S, which is Satisfactory. However, evidence of completion of U.S. and Nevada Constitutions and Diversity units are required of all degrees.
  3. Advanced Standing for Credit by Examination
    1. The maximum number of units earned by examination that may apply toward a degree may not exceed 30 units.
    2. Grading for examinations will be on an S/U basis. Credit is granted on the basis of the policy below and is posted on the transcript with a grade of S (Satisfactory). Examinations which are graded U (Unsatisfactory) will not be posted to the transcript.
    3. Credit earned by examination may not apply toward satisfying the minimum 15 units in residence required for graduation purposes.
    4. Each student is responsible for arranging to complete the various examinations and for requesting the official score reports be sent directly to the Admissions and Records Office.
    5. TMCC reserves the right to deny any petition for credit.
    6. Credit by examination does not count as part of a student’s unit load for any given semester nor is it computed into the grade point average.
    7. Only currently admitted students may seek credit by examination.
    8. No examination may be taken or repeated for additional credit.
    9. Students can earn credit by taking an exam for a course that covers basic material from a more advanced course they are currently taking or have already completed. For example, if a student is enrolled in or has earned credit for COURSE 201, they may be able to earn credit for COURSE 101 by passing the credit by exam. Not all courses offer credit by exam. Academic departments will determine which courses allow for this opportunity.
    10. Credit will be granted as general elective credit only, unless specific examinations have been placed on the College’s Challenge List, and therefore have been determined to be equivalent to specific general education or departmental core requirements. If an additional satisfactory essay or demonstration is required in addition to an exam on the challenge list, credit will not be granted unless the additional requirement is fulfilled.
    11. Specific Examinations and Limitations
      1. ACT PEP (Proficiency Examination Program): In general, three units may be granted for each examination for scores of 50 or above, a letter grade of C or higher, or a Pass grade, and a satisfactory essay where required.
      2. CBAPE (College Board Advanced Placement Examination): Three or more units may be granted for scores of 3, 4 or 5 and a satisfactory essay where required. See complete CBAPE table.
      3. CLEP (College Level Examination Program): Three or more units may be granted for subject exams with a score of 50 or more which meets the ACE recommendations for credit. Some exams may require an essay in addition to the objective test. See complete CLEP table.
      4. DANTES (Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support) Examinations: Three or more units may be granted for completion of an exam with a score of 50 or higher, and a satisfactory essay, where required.
      5. Departmental Examinations
        1. Only examinations on approved course challenge list may be applied for.
        2. A student may not retake a departmental examination.
        3. From the time of application for a departmental examination, a student has one full semester in which to complete the examination.
      6. International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination
        The College grants credit and assigns a grade of “S” for IB higher level (HL) examinations passed with a minimum score of 4. Credit is not granted for the standard level (SL) examinations. A maximum of 24 units may be granted for examinations completed through the IB diploma program. Evaluation is on a course by course basis with a maximum of eight semester units in any one discipline. See complete IB table for the examinations have been determined to have TMCC course equivalence.

  4. Advanced Standing from Nontraditional Sources (Military training and schools; United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI); Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES); correspondence; extension; certificate; and proprietary schools.)
    1. Applicants must submit all official documents and specific information on the length, content, and other pertinent documentation before an evaluation will be completed.
    2. A maximum of 25 percent of the units required for the degree/emphasis/certificate may be accepted in this category (except as noted below).
    3. Effective 8/2017, upon evaluation, credit for military training granted in this category may be used for all degrees offered by TMCC. These units consist of those designated by ACE guide as lower division baccalaureate units. Upper division baccalaureate units, as defined by ACE, may be used in Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees.
    4. Credit is granted on the basis of the policy below and is posted on the transcript.
    5. Credit earned from nontraditional sources may not apply toward satisfying the minimum fifteen units in residence required for graduation purposes.
    6. Specific Policies
      1. Military Training and Schools
        1. Up to four elective units in physical education are granted if the applicant has completed basic training. This credit is applicable toward all associate degrees.
        2. The Community College of the Air Force is considered an accredited college. Refer to the section in this course catalog on Advanced Standing from Other Colleges and Universities.
        3. Military Schools
          1. Applicants must submit an in-service training record and DD 214, unless still on active military duty, for an evaluation of service school training;
          2. Applicants must show the exact title of the course, location of the course and length of the course in weeks. Credit may be granted based on the recommendations found in A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in Armed Services. If a course is not listed, no credit will be granted;
  5. USAFI/DANTES credit is granted for college level courses by self-study, group study, class instruction, examination or correspondence. TMCC accepts credit by American Council on Education recommendations only. Only elective credit in the Associate of Applied Science and Associate of General Studies degrees may be granted.
  6. Correspondence Only courses from extension divisions of accredited colleges and universities are acceptable. Only elective credit may be granted. Correspondence courses from the University of Nevada, Reno or the University of Nevada, Las Vegas may be applicable toward degree requirements based on the decision of the vice president of academic affairs.
  7. Extension Only courses from extension divisions of accredited colleges and universities are acceptable. Courses in which continuing education units (CEU) have been earned will be evaluated as certificates. Only elective credit may be granted. Extension courses may be applicable toward degree requirements based on the decision of the vice president of academic affairs.
  8. Certificates Only certificates in the applicant’s occupational area for an Associate of Applied Science degree are reviewed. Only elective credit, core/emphasis, may be granted. All certificates must indicate hours and a course outline is required before an evaluation is completed. Decision of acceptability will be made by the appropriate dean. A current, valid state-approved Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) training program of 110 hours may be evaluated for seven elective units. Refresher course programs will not be accepted for credit. This policy is restricted to students pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree or certificate of achievement in the following occupational areas: criminal justice, fire science technology and health sciences. The 200-hour certified firefighter certificate may be accepted for up to six units, three of which may be used in lieu of FT 101, upon approval of the vice president of academic affairs. Any certificate training completed after May 1, 1992 may be awarded a maximum of six units applied towards the fire science technology certificate of achievement or Associate of Applied Science fire science technology degree.
    Non-traditional education credit can only be applied toward an Associate of Applied Science, and Associate of General Studies or a certificate of achievement. The student must have at least 15 semester units completed at TMCC before non-traditional credit is considered.
  9. Proprietary Schools - A proprietary school must be accredited by a business, technical, or private accreditation association. Credit may be granted for general education courses with the approval of the vice president of academic affairs. Skill courses may be accepted for occupational credit requirements for the associate of applied science degree. Students must provide course descriptions, instructor name and qualifications, syllabi or catalogs along with an official transcript. Approval is dependent upon instructor qualifications and similar course equivalency. Applicability of credit toward the associate of applied science degree is a decision of the vice president of academic affairs. The college may require the student to take a test to validate skill in the area before credit is accepted. 
  10. Dual Credit through Washoe County Schools - Academic credit will be awarded for college courses identified in the program articulation agreements between the Washoe County School District and TMCC. The amount of credit varies from program to program. Information about the articulated programs may be obtained from Admissions and Records or the Washoe County School District.
  11. Other Recognized Sources
    1. Peace Officers Standard Training (POST) - Beginning Fall 2025, 15 elective units will be granted for those taking training. For training taken prior to 1973, four units may be granted for a basic certificate and/or four units may be granted for an intermediate certificate. Between 1988 and 1998, students who completed the High Sierra Regional Law Enforcement Academy could purchase 24 units within two years of completion, excluding POST credit.
    2. American Institute of Banking (AIB) - Credits are evaluated as regular college or university transfer courses. An official AIB transcript is required for evaluation and the AIB catalog is used to determine the equivalent unit value. The applicability of credit toward degree requirements is the decision of the vice president of academic affairs.
    3. Advanced American Red Cross - Adult Education - One elective unit of physical education may be granted.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) credit may be granted and a grade of “S” assigned upon receipt in the Admissions and Records Office of an official score report, showing completion of at least one general examination with a score of 50 or above, or subject examinations with a score of 50 or above. Such credit may need to be supported by a satisfactory essay, where specified. Optional essays are an additional charge and require additional proctoring fees. If you are interested in completing an optional essay, you must notify the testing center in writing at and pay for the additional fees at least 30 days prior to scheduled test date. Subject examinations may be taken at any time. Information pertaining to test dates, registration and test bulletins (some offering sample exams) are available on the Dandini Campus in Testing Services, located in RDMT 124  or email 
Category Subject TMCC Equivalent Credit Granted
General College Composition (including essay) Score 50-63 ENG 101 3
College Composition (including essay) Score 64 or above ENG 101 and ENG 102 6 1
Humanities Elective 6
College Mathematics MATH 120 3
Natural Sciences Elective 6
Social Sciences or History Elective 6
Biology General Biology BIOL 190A (no lab) 3
Business Financial Accounting ACC 201 3 2
Information Systems and Computer Applications IS 101 3
Introductory Business Law Elective 3
Principles of Management MGT 201 3
Principles of Marketing MKT 210 3
Chemistry General Chemistry Elective 3
Economics Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 103 3
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 102 3
Education Introduction to Educational Psychology Elective 3
English American Literature Elective 3
Analyzing and Interpretation Literature Elective 3
College Composition Modular (including essay) ENG 101 3 3
College Composition Modular (including essay) ENG 101 and ENG 102 6 3
College Composition Modular (essay not reported) Elective 3 6
English Literature Elective 3
History US History I: Early Colonization to 1877 HIST 101 3 4
US History II: 1865 to present Elective 3 5
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 HIST 105 3
Western Civilization II: 1648 to present HIST 106 3
Human Development and Family Studies Human Growth and Development HDFS 201 3
Mathematics Calculus MATH 181 4
College Mathemetics MATH 120 3
College Algebra MATH 124 3
Pre-Calculus I MATH 126 3
Political Science American Government PSC Elective (U.S. Constitution) 3 4
Psychology Introductory Psychology PSY 101 3
Sociology Introductory Sociology SOC 101 3

General English Examination: Scores earned prior to October 1978 or after April 1986 require a satisfactory essay and a score of 500 to 639 for three units, or 640 or higher for six units (which satisfies the English requirement at TMCC). Scores earned from October 1978 through April 1986 require a satisfactory essay and a score of 610 to 749 for three units, or 750 or higher for six units (which satisfies the ENG 101 & ENG 102 requirement at TMCC).


Principles of Accounting was replaced by Financial Accounting as of June 30, 2007. Principles of Accounting were equivalent to ACC 201 and ACC 202 (6 units).


English Subject Examinations: With an objective test score of 64 or higher and a satisfactory essay examination, six units are granted (satisfying the ENG 101 & ENG 102 requirement at TMCC).


Does not satisfy NV constitution.


Does not satisfy US or NV constitution.


 If essay was not included in the exam, only English elective credit will be granted. Students wishing to receive English equivalent course credit may petition the department to complete the essay portion. 


Advanced Placement (CBAPE)

The College Board Advanced Placement Examination (CBAPE) are for students in high school.  Upon receipt of an official score report from the College Board and a satisfactory essay when required, the Admissions & Records Office grants credit as specified and assigns a grade of "S" for scores of 3, 4, or 5.  The students will have satisfied requirements where appropriate.

  Examination Score Required TMCC Equivalent Credit Granted
Art History 3, 4, or 5 ART Elective 3
Studio Art 3, 4, or 5 ART Elective 3
Biology Biology 3 BIOL Elective 3
Biology 4 or 5 BIOL 190A and BIOL 191A 6
Chemistry Chemistry 3 CHEM Elective 3
Chemistry 4 or 5 CHEM 121 and CHEM 122 81
1 Student must provide evidence of having completed a college level lab.
Computer Science Computer Science A 3 CS 135 3
Computer Science A 4 or 5 CS 135 and CS 202 6
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, or 5 CS 105 3
Economics Macroeconomics 3, 4, or 5 ECON 103 3
Microeconomics 3, 4, or 5 ECON 102 3
English2 English Literature and Composition 3, 4, or 5 ENG 101 3
English Language and Composition 3 ENG 101 3
English Language and Composition 4 or 5 ENG 101 and ENG 102 6
2 A maximum of 6 units may be awarded for the AP exams in English.
Environmental Science Environmental Science 3 ENV Elective 3
Environmental Science 4 or 5 ENV 101 3
Foreign Language French Language and Culture 3 FREN 111 and FREN 112 8
French Language and Culture 4 FREN 112 and FREN 211 7
French Language and Culture 5 FREN 211 and FREN 212 6
Spanish Language and Culture 3 SPAN 111 and SPAN 112 8
Spanish Language and Culture 4 SPAN 112 and SPAN 211 7
Spanish Language and Culture 5 SPAN 211 and SPAN 212 6
French Literature and Culture 3 FREN 211 and FREN 212 6
French Literature and Culture 4 or 5 FREN 212 and FREN Elective 6
Spanish Literature and Culture 3 SPAN 211 and SPAN 212 6
Spanish Literature and Culture 4 or 5 SPAN 212 and SPAN Elective 6
History U.S. History 3 HIST 101 3
U.S. History 4 or 5 HIST 101 and HIST Elective 6
European History 3 HIST 105 3
European History 4 or 5 HIST 105 and HIST 106 6
Geography Human Geography 3 GEOG Elective 3
Human Geography 4 or 5 GEOG 106 3
Mathematics Calculus AB 3, 4, or 5 MATH 181 4
Calculus AB Subscore 3, 4, or 5 MATH 181 4
Calculus BC 3, 4, or 5 MATH 181 and MATH 182 8
Statistics 3, 4, or 5 STAT 152 3
Music Music Theory 3, 4, or 5 MUS 203 3
Physics Physics 1 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 151 43
Physics 2 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 152 43
Physics C: Mechanics 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 180 and PHYS 180L 43
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 181 and PHYS 181L 43
3 Student will need to demonstrate completion of the accompanying lab component.
Political Science U.S. Government and Politics 3, 4, or 5 PSC Elective (U.S. Constitution only) 3
Comparative Government and Politics 3, 4, or 5 PSC 211 3
Psychology Psychology 3, 4, or 5 PSY 101 3

International Baccalaureate (IB) Examinaiton Table

IB Examination Minimum Score Required University Course Equivalent
American History 4 HIST Lower Elective (U.S. Constitution 3 units)
Anthropology 4 ANTH 101 (3 units)
Biology 4 BIOL 100 (3 units)
Biology 5 BIOL 190A, BIOL 190L (4 units)
Chemistry 4 CHEM 100 (3 units)
Chemistry 5 CHEM 121 (4 units)
Computer Science 4 CS Lower Elective (3 units)
Economics 4 ECON Lower Elective (Social Science 3 units)
English (Lang A1) 4 ENG 101, ENG 297 (6 units)
English Literature 4 ENG Lower Elective (Humanities 3 units)
Geography 4 GEOG Lower Elective (3 units)
History 4 HIST Lower Elective (3 units)
Language B 4
4 Foreign Language Lower Elective (6 units)
4 Foreign Language Lower Elective (6 units)
4 FREN 211, FREN 212 (6 units)
4 Foreign Language Lower Elective (6 units)
4 Foreign Language Lower Elective (6 units)
4 Foreign Language Lower Elective (6 units)
4 Foreign Language Lower Elective (6 units)
4 SPAN 211, SPAN 212 (6 units)
Mathematics with Option 8: Statistics and Probability 4 MATH 181 and STAT 152 (7 units)
Mathematics with Option 9 or 11 4 MATH 181 (4 units)
Mathematics with Option 10: Series and Differential Equations 4 MATH 181 and MATH 182 (8 units)
Music 4 MUS 121 (3 units)
Philosophy 4 PHIL 101 (3 units)
Physics 4 PHYS 100 (3 units)
Physics 5 PHYS 151 (4 units)
Psychology 4 PSY 101 (3 units)
Theater Arts 4 THTR 100 (3 units)
Visual Arts 4 ART Lower Elective (3 units)