Regulations Concerning Student Sponsored Events

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

The scope of these regulations extends to all student organization sponsored events. For the purposes of these regulations, such events include the presentation of speakers, programs, concerts, dances, solicitation of funds, distribution and posting of materials, circulation of petitions and surveys and the sale of materials.

The regulations are designed to enhance the students’ opportunities to enrich their educational experiences, to protect constitutional rights of free expression and to ensure that there will be no interference with college instructional programs.

The general purpose of all student organizations as organized, recognized and approved under the supervision of the College administration shall be in conformity with the Board of Regents policy of the Nevada System of Higher Education and TMCC.

All student organizations are subject to the regulations of and derive their authority from the Board of Regents, Nevada System of Higher Education and the rules and regulations of TMCC.

  1. Definition: A recognized student organization is defined as a group which adheres to the following policies:
    1. Operates under the advisorship of a member of the College full-time or part-time faculty or staff member.
    2. Maintains in the Student Life and Development office, a club packet; a current list of officers; and signature of the faculty or staff advisor.
    3. Schedules and holds a minimum of one meeting per month during the academic year, and one event per semester.
    4. Agrees to utilize student fee monies received from the SGA within the current fiscal year for the direct benefit of the students from whom they are collected.
    5. Submits an expenditure report as requested including how student fee monies received from the SGA were spent.
    6. Other reports as requested by the SGA.
  2. Privileges: The privileges of recognized student organizations include:
    1. Use of the name of the Student Government Association of TMCC;
    2. Ability to request funds from the SGA;
    3. Use of the campus building, equipment and services of the College when available and officially scheduled; and
    4. Publicity for events and use of bulletin boards on campus.
  3. Procedures for presentation of programs or activities
    1. Meetings intended solely for members of the recognized student organization require no approval.
    2. The presentation of programs or activities open to the entire student body or the public requires that the sponsor adhere to the following procedures:
      1. The sponsor must submit an event request to the Student Life and Development office outlining appropriate details including the nature of the program, date and time, anticipated attendance, services needed (e.g., custodial, security, etc.), equipment required, proposed facility to be utilized, and all details regarding admission charges or other funds to be collected in conjunction with the program. Upon review of this data, the Student Event Management Committee will meet with the sponsor to discuss approval/disapproval.
      2. An event that meets any of the following criteria requires approval by the Leadership representative for that Division before beginning any activities, and the President’s Cabinet and Leadership shall be notified in a timely manner:
        1. Any event for which the audience is expected to be 150 persons or more; or
        2. Any TMCC-sponsored event that is scheduled off campus; or
        3. Any event for which sales are involved; or
        4. Any event that brings a dignitary, high-profile person or major speaker/organization on campus.

Standard college meetings for faculty and staff are exempt from this approval process.

  1. Sponsors of events which involve professional performers, speakers or artists, may pay at a rate agreed upon by the performer, the sponsor and the Coordinator of Student Life and Development.
  2. Reservation of facilities for meetings or other purposes
    1. The sponsor of an approved program must reserve the desired facility in accordance with campus policy and based on facility space. Determination of the availability of the facility shall be made by the scheduling office.
    2. Facilities are normally available during the regular operational hours of the College. However, facility use on days and hours when the College is not offering instructional programs is possible. The Scheduling Office will forward these requests to the President’s office for approval. The College can require the organization to pay an additional fee for special supervision and security in these instances.
    3. Programs must be implemented in such a manner so as not to constitute interference with the instructional programs or general college operations.
    4. Financial Institutions requesting to come on campus to deliver workshops or table space must submit an online request to the NSHE Specialist II for Default Prevention and Financial Literacy at least 10 business days prior to the date of their event.
  3. Distribution of materials: The College regulations governing the distribution of printed and manufactured materials are designed to permit maximum freedom of expression and to prevent attempts to coerce or intimidate students into buying or receiving printed materials.
    1. Organizations desiring to distribute such material on campus must identify the organization and request approval from the Executive Director of Student Life or designee.
    2. Distribution of any material in classrooms is expressly prohibited.
    3. Commercial material may not be distributed at TMCC unless it includes the following disclaimer:

      Note: The contents of this document do not reflect the opinions or endorsement by TMCC; not printed or distributed at TMCC expense; delivery beyond drop-box level is optional.

    4. Materials may be distributed at designated areas.
    5. Tables may not be scheduled for periods longer than one week at a time.
    6. Tables must be staffed at all times with a placard identifying the organization displayed.
    7. The distribution of materials is to be coordinated with the scheduling office. An information copy of any material to be distributed must bear the name of the sponsor. Distribution of any material on campus is subject to the approval of the Executive Director of Student Life.
    8. Written material of any kind is not to be distributed in parking areas. Such distribution of materials on the windshields of cars or other locations that results in littering may be considered by the College as a violation of the littering law and the distributor and/or company or organization responsible may be subject to a fine.
    9. The collection of signatures for petitions or request for completion of surveys is subject to the same regulations as those which govern distribution of materials. Such matters should be submitted to the Executive Director of Student Life.
  4. Fundraising on campus
    1. The procedure for solicitation should follow that outlined in “procedures for presentations of programs or activities” (Section C).
    2. The solicitations of funds in classrooms is expressly prohibited.
    3. All funds collected for an activity on campus (including membership dues) must be deposited to the credit of the organization involved with the College cashier within 24 hours of collection. Funds may be withdrawn through the normal fund expenditure procedures outlined by the College Cashier’s Office.
    4. Tables for fundraising purposes may be placed only in designated areas.
  5. Posting of materials
    1. All materials to be posted by student organizations must be approved by the Marketing Office, RDMT 201 and stamped at the Academic Support Center, Dandini Campus, LIB 200.
    2. All materials must clearly designate the sponsoring organization, contact name, and contact phone number or email address.
    3. Material may be authorized for posting only on bulletin boards located outside classrooms unless designated for department use only. Any material posted in unauthorized locations, or without being stamped, is subject to removal.
    4. Material may not be posted on doors, painted surfaces, classrooms, or outside of buildings. Bulletin boards outside classrooms are available for the posting of material on a space available basis. Sponsors are responsible for the removal of their material after the expiration date or once the material becomes obsolete. Any obsolete material may be removed by any member of the College staff.
    5. The number and size of posters any one organization may post are subject to limitation.
  6. Alcoholic beverages: If a group or organization desires to serve alcohol for a special event on or off campus they must submit a written request to the president of the College. The College president has the authority to designate the time and place for special events where alcoholic beverages may be served. If the serving of alcohol is approved, the sponsor must provide approved security to check identification of any student attending the function to ensure compliance with Nevada State Law and the legal and appropriate use of alcohol.