Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students at Truckee Meadows Community College must maintain satisfactory academic progress towards a degree or certificate to remain in good standing. Students who meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements are considered to be in "good standing" status. The college has established and will apply the following standard of academic progress to all degree-seeking (program) students.

This policy applies to the general student population. Additional progress standards for millennium scholarship and financial aid recipients are applied when appropriate.


Grade Point Average (GPA): All TMCC program students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA.


  • Students will be notified by the college when their cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0.
  • Mandatory services will be implemented by the Counseling Center: .
  • Students will be placed on academic probation only after having attempted 12 credits.

Academic Probation

Students whose GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. The academic probation process may include the following series of actions as determined by Counseling Center faculty/staff:

  • Reduced course load
  • Referral to the Tutoring and Learning Center
  • Assigned to academic mentor/advisor
  • Financial assistance referral
  • Follow-up counseling appointments
  • Third probationary semester: Students who do not return to good academic standing after two consecutive semesters on academic probation; but who have increased their cumulative GPA, will be allowed to continue their education but will remain on academic probation.

Academic Disqualification

Students on academic probation who have not achieved academic improvement (identified as an increase in cumulative GPA) after three consecutive semesters on academic probation will be dismissed from TMCC for one semester, commencing immediately. Students may appeal their dismissal to the college, per the review of the Academic Intervention Committee.


A student who fails to make satisfactory academic progress and is dismissed from TMCC has the right to appeal the dismissal. All appeals will be reviewed by the Academic Intervention Committee.  The Academic Intervention Committee, chaired by the Executive Director for Student Life, may be composed of Counselors, Advisors, the Retention Coordinator, the Tutor/Accommodation Specialist, and/or Faculty Academic Mentors.

To be reinstated after the dismissal term, the student must agree to adhere to the conditions established for probationary students re-admitted to TMCC (see Reinstatement). A student returning from dismissal will remain on academic probation until meeting the cumulative standards defined above (2.0 GPA).

For a second or subsequent dismissal, the student may not enroll for two full semesters.


A student who has been academically disqualified by TMCC may return to the College after the period of dismissal has passed. The student remains on academic probation, and must agree to adhere to the established conditions of this probation. The student remains on academic probation until meeting the cumulative standards defined by the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.