Progression Standards for Students Receiving Veterans Education Benefits

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Students using VA education benefits at Truckee Meadows Community College must maintain satisfactory academic progress toward a degree or certificate to remain in good standing. Students who meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements are considered to be in “good standing” status.

Veteran students who feel, because of extenuating circumstances, they have not been able to meet their progression standards, may submit an appeal to the Financial Aid Academic Progress Appeals Committee. Satisfactory progress is defined as follows.

  1. Grade Point Average — As the “W” grade has no impact in determining the grade point average, it is interpreted as no credit, as if the class were never taken. An adjusted enrollment certification will be submitted to the Veterans Administration for any veteran student who receives a “W” grade. This may result in the veteran student having to pay back a portion of their veterans education benefits received for that semester.
  2. Credit Completion — Veteran students must carefully review their courses and degree program to assure that
    1. no more than the number of credits required for the degree have been earned; and
    2. all such credits are directly applicable to the degree objective.

To ensure that all courses are applicable, students using VA education benefits must report all previous education and training to the College. It is the student’s responsibility to order transcripts from institutions previously attended. After two semesters of enrollment, the Department of Veterans Affairs will be notified if the student has failed to order transcripts. This may result in a delay or cessation of veterans education benefits. This includes any credits awarded before the student began using veterans education benefits. Veterans may be denied education benefits or asked to reimburse education benefits received for credit earned in excess of their degree requirements.

Students with questions regarding withdrawal from courses are encouraged to visit the Veterans Resource Center located in Red Mountain 241.

  1. Attendance — Students are expected to attend all classes for which they have registered.