Progression Standards for F-1 International Students on TMCC’s I-20

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

In order to maintain full-time student status, International students with F-l visas on TMCC’s I-20 must meet the following grade point average, attendance and credit completion requirements.


    The student must enroll in and maintain a minimum of 12 unit hours per academic semester. In certain circumstances enrollment in fewer than 12 units may be approved by the international student’s advisor. If a student fails to maintain the 12 units, he/she may need to be reinstated to F-1 status by U.S.C.I.S.

    The student must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 and make satisfactory academic progress to remain in good standing. 

    For purposes of meeting academic performance as outlined in this policy, letter grades are interpreted as the following definitions and categories:
    1. A course will be considered complete if a grade of “A,” "A-," " B+," " B,”  "B-," "C+," “C,” "C-," "D+," “D,” "D-" “F,” “S,” “U,” or “P” is awarded.
    2. A course will not be considered complete if a grade of “W,” “I,” “IP,” “AD,” “NR,” or “X” is awarded.
    Students are expected to attend all classes for which they have registered. Progress reports are required each semester to verify attendance and progress in each course.