Regulations Concerning Off-Campus Organizations

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Organizations that are not affiliated with TMCC must request approval to conduct activities or events on the campus.  The presentation of programs or activities that are open to the entire college population including the student body and the staff require that the sponsor adhere to the following procedures.

Procedures for presentation of programs or activities:

  • The sponsor must submit a request to the Scheduling and Events Office outlining appropriate details regarding the planned programs.  Once received, steps are taken to review the request:
  1. The Scheduling and Events Office works in conjunction with the Vice President of Academic Affairs. 
  2. The program must be presented for review by the College President if the nature of the program, event or activity is not covered by TMCC and Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) policy and/or if the Vice President of Academic Affairs feels it is an important issue for the president and the Leadership Team to be aware of the proposed activity.
  3. TMCC charges rental and/or activity fees to off-campus organizations. These rates are applied according to campus rental and activity fee schedules. Under certain circumstances, requests for waivers will be considered by the Leadership Team.

Reservation of facilities for meetings or other purposes:

  • The sponsor of an approved program must reserve the desired facility in accordance with campus policy and availability based on facility space. Determination of the availability of the facility and reservation confirmation shall be made by the Scheduling and Events Office.
  • Facilities are normally available during the regular operational hours of the College. However, facility use on days and hours when the College is not offering instructional programs is possible. The Scheduling and Events Office will forward these requests to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for approval. The College can require the organization to pay an additional fee for special supervision and security in these instances.
  • Programs must be implemented in a manner so as not to constitute interference with the instructional programs or general college operations. With prior approval and arrangement facilitated through the Scheduling and Events Office, TMCC-provided sound amplification equipment may be permitted in the Plaza, the Student Center and Sierra 108. Bullhorns are not permitted except by designated personnel in case of an emergency.

Regulations governing the distribution of printed and manufactured materials: 

  • The College regulations governing the distribution of printed and manufactured materials is designed to permit maximum freedom of expression and to prevent attempts to coerce or intimidate students into buying or receiving printed materials: 

  1. Organizations desiring to distribute printed and manufactured material on campus must identify the organization and request approval from the Executive Director of Research, Marketing and Web Services.
  2. Distribution of any non-college related material in classrooms is expressly prohibited.
  3. Advertising material may not be distributed at TMCC without approval and inclusion of the following disclaimer:  The contents of this document do not reflect the opinions or endorsement by Truckee Meadows Community College; not printed or distributed at TMCC expense; delivery beyond drop-box level is optional.
  4. Materials may be distributed only in the designated areas. 
  5. Tables may be set up in authorized areas. Requests must be submitted to the Scheduling and Events Office. Tables may not be scheduled for periods longer than one week at a time. These tables and the distribution of materials must not obstruct or delay traffic. Organizations distributing materials will be asked to keep noise at a level that does not interfere with or interrupt classroom instruction.
  6. Tables must be staffed at all times and a placard identifying the organization must be displayed. Vendors may not wander from the reserved space and/or actively solicit customers.
  7. Written material of any kind is not to be distributed in parking areas. Such distribution of materials on the windshields of cars or any locations that results in littering may be considered by the College as a violation of the littering law and the distributor and/or company or organization responsible for the distribution may be subject to a fine as determined by campus policy.
  8. The collection of signatures for petitions or requests for completion of surveys is subject to the same regulations as those which govern distribution of materials. Such matters should be submitted to the Executive Director of Research, Marketing and Web Services.
  9. Anyone wishing to distribute materials on campus must contact the Scheduling and Events Office to reserve space. All materials must be presented for approval at the time of reservations. Rates will be assessed according to the current fee structure.
  10. Prior to scheduling, the organization requesting the activity must submit proof of liability insurance for the minimum amount of $2,000,000 to the Scheduling and Events Office.
  11. Request for space and distribution of material(s)/form(s) must be made at least ten working days prior to the planned event.

Fundraising on campus:

  • College facilities may not be used for the purpose of raising monies to aid projects not related to some authorized activity of the College or College group(s) without the permission of the President. No efforts at conversion and solicitation by uninvited non-campus groups or individuals will be permitted on campus.

Posting of materials by off-campus organizations:

  • Permission may be granted to post materials on a space-available basis to educational institutions or public service agencies to announce activities and events. Before creating materials to be posted, or seeking permission to distribute information please review Posting Materials at TMCC website.