Policy for Implementation and Awarding of the Continuing Education Unit

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

  1. Authorization
    As part of the Business and Social Sciences Division, TMCC’s  Educational Programs Inspiring the Community (EPIC) is authorized to develop and implement policies and procedures for non-credit activities utilizing the Continuing Education Unit as the standard unit of measurement of individual participation.
  2. Definition of Continuing Education Unit
    1. The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a unit that certifies participation in non-credit continuing education courses and programs. The primary purpose of the CEU is to provide a permanent record of educational accomplishments of an individual who has completed one or more significant educational experiences.
    2. TMCC follows the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) guidelines for the recording of Continuing Education Units (CEUs). One CEU is 10 contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.
  3. Course and Program Qualifications
    Non-credit courses and programs for which individuals may be awarded Continuing Education Units shall satisfy the following criteria:
    1. The course or program shall be planned to meet the educational needs of a specific target population of individuals.
    2. The following elements shall be determined during the planning stages and prior to the time the program is approved for implementation:
      1. purposes and objectives;
      2. student performance requirements;
      3. evaluation procedures suitable for measuring the effectiveness of design and operation;
      4. the number of contact hours to be recommended for satisfactory completion of performance requirements.
    3. The course or program shall be of an instructional nature approved by Educational Programs Inspiring the Community which will determine the quality of course or program content and resource personnel.
    4. EPIC shall provide for student registration which will include the gathering of sufficient information from the student to ensure a permanent record of individual participation.
  4. Course and Program Review and Approval Procedure
    1. Course and program review and approval shall be the responsibility of EPIC
    2. Upon receiving the request for course or program approval form including appropriate supporting documents, the dean of the Business and Social Sciences Division, or his/her designate, will review the proposed course or program to determine compliance with CEU policy.
    3. Courses and programs must be submitted for review and approval no later than two weeks prior to the start date. A decision to award the CEUs cannot be made after the program has been offered.
  5. Administration
    1. Only one TMCC unit/department will be responsible for the administration of the continuing education unit process. The administrative responsibility for awarding CEUs shall rest with EPIC.
    2. EPIC shall maintain records of all CEUs awarded for no less than seven years, along with a complete listing of all approved CEU courses and programs. The form and content of these records should be consistent with nationally recognized standards for the maintenance of Continuing Education Unit records for students and programs. Procedures for recording CEUs shall be established by EPIC. Transcripts will be made available upon request to individuals who have been awarded CEUs by TMCC.
  6. Calculating CEUs
    1. In computing the number of Continuing Education Units to be awarded, only the number of completed instructional hours, or the equivalent, shall be considered. CEU credit may be awarded in a class by using the following criteria as a guideline: 75% attendance along with demonstrated competency by testing and/or demonstrated competency by practicum. If attendance by itself is sole criterion, then the student must attend 90% of the class. When appropriate, a decimal fractional part of a Continuing Education Unit may be awarded but not less than 0.1 CEU per program. Instructional hours do not include time involved in coffee or refreshment breaks, meals, or social activities.
      1. Activities for which CEUs may not be awarded are:
        1. Credit programs carrying academic credit, either secondary or collegiate.
        2. Orientation programs that deal with such internal topics.
        3. Committee meetings or other business activities.
        4. Policy assignments, conferences, delegate assemblies, or similar meetings for policy-making purposes.
        5. Attendance at entertainment or recreational lecture series, cultural performances, and social activities.
        6. Work experience, on-the-job training or apprenticeships do not qualify for the award of CEUs, unless structured as part of a planned educational experience that fulfills these program criteria.
        7. Study, assigned readings, reports, written assignments, and other related activities outside of the class or meeting schedule.
  7. Awarding of CEUs
    1. A completed Continuing Education Unit Approval Form must be submitted to EPIC two weeks before the course or program begins.
    2. Within ten days after the course or program completion, a typed alphabetical registration list giving activity title, location, date of activity, name of program director, and number of CEUs awarded as the heading must be submitted. The list should include every participant’s name. This list must be signed by the qualified person certifying that attendees met the minimum requirements for satisfactorily completing the program.
    3. Course or program evaluation forms must be submitted with registration list.
    4. All material must be submitted to EPIC before CEUs can be awarded. Materials must be submitted within 10 business days of the non-credit course/program’s conclusion.
  8. CEU Fees
    1. All fees for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) shall be determined by EPIC.
    2. Fees for CEUs shall include all administrative costs.

Summary of Required Documents and Payment for Awarding CEUs

Before the program:

At least two weeks before the course or program begins, these documents should be submitted to EPIC:

  • Completed request for course or program approval form
  • Program outline or agenda, with schedule
  • A copy of program brochure or flyer
  • Instructor’s vita or description
  • Sample evaluation form to be used in the program

During the program, these items need to be completed:

  • Participant sign-in (sheet format available at EPIC)
  • Evaluation of the course (form developed by the entity offering course or program)
  • CEU Registration Form
  • CEU payments, to be made by the entity or participants requesting CEUs

After the program:

No later than 10 business days after the course or program’s conclusion, the following should be submitted to EPIC:

  • Alphabetical list of participants receiving CEUs. The course or program title, location, date of activity, name of instructor or responsible person, and number of CEUs awarded should be on the heading of the sheet. This list must be signed by the qualified person certifying that attendees met the minimum requirements for satisfactorily completing the program.
  • Program evaluations.
  • CEU payments, if not paid during the program.