Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention Policy

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

As a part of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, campuses are asked to provide students and employees with information on campus rules and regulations pertaining to alcohol and other drugs, the health and social effects, legal sanctions and counseling and treatment programs available.

Electronic Smoking Devices — The use of e-cigarettes and other electronic, alternative smoking devices is not permitted inside TMCC buildings.

Standards of Conduct — The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol and illegal drugs is prohibited; a violation of any such prohibition will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or expulsion of students.

The TMCC president has the authority to designate the time and place for special events where alcoholic beverages may be served on the TMCC campus to persons 21-years-old or over. Except as provided above, the storage, possession or use of alcoholic beverages is not permitted on TMCC-owned or supervised property.

Any student or employee who exhibits offensive behavior on TMCC-owned or supervised property while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs shall be subject to disciplinary action (NSHE Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 20).

Legal Sanctions — Any act prohibited by local, state or federal law which occurs on TMCC premises or at a TMCC-sponsored function on or off such premises shall constitute cause for discipline which, for students, can include a warning, reprimand, restitution, probation, suspension or expulsion. Sanctions against employees can include any of the above in addition to termination of employment.

It is the policy of the State of Nevada, with respect to employees of state agencies, that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance in the workplace is prohibited. Any employee who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action which may include termination of employment. The specifics of the policy are addressed in Chapter 453 of the Revised Statutes of Nevada, Nevada Administrative Code 284.650.

Federal penalties for trafficking in methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, PCP, LSD, fentanyl, marijuana and hashish include imprisonment for five years to life and fines of up to $8 million. Federal penalties for illegal possession of a controlled substance include imprisonment for one year to 20 years and fines of up to $250,000.

Notice to Students and Employees Regarding Illicit Drugs and Alcohol

Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) believes that the unlawful possession or abuse of drugs and alcohol by students and employees presents multilevel risks to the individual, the learning environment and the College community as a whole. Substance abuse impedes the process of learning, teaching, personal development and the overall exercise of a person’s true talents and abilities. There are also serious criminal and disciplinary sanctions that can be imposed on students and employees which will disrupt their studies or careers.

TMCC provides this notice in compliance with federal law as part of TMCC’s program to prevent the possession, use, and distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. The information provided here includes campus rules and regulations pertaining to drugs and alcohol, possible health and social effects, the legal sanctions, and contact information for services and programs that can provide further information and assistance. Additionally, this notice informs students of the implications for eligibility of financial aid when students are convicted of possession or sale of illegal drugs.

Illegal Drugs

TMCC is a drug free institution. Nevada state law and the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) regulations prohibit the manufacture, distribution, possession or use of illegal or unauthorized drugs or drug paraphernalia on TMCC property or at a TMCC-sponsored activity.

The possession or use of prescription drugs without a proper prescription is a crime in the State of Nevada. A student’s possession of a “medical marijuana card” or similar documentation supporting the use of illegal drugs will not excuse or permit the manufacture, distribution, or use of illegal or unauthorized drugs or drug paraphernalia on TMCC property or at a TMCC-sponsored activity.

Violations of the law or NSHE regulations will result in disciplinary action for students and employees up to and including expulsion of students and/or termination of employment pursuant to Nevada state law, the TMCC Student Conduct Code and the NSHE Code, and referral for criminal prosecution. Nevada law requires TMCC to immediately terminate the employment of any employee who is convicted of violating a federal or state law prohibiting the sale of a controlled substance regardless of where the incident occurred. The term "controlled substance" means any drug defined as such under the regulations adopted pursuant to NRS 453.146. Many of these drugs have a high potential for abuse. Such drugs include, but are not limited to, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, and crack. They also include legal drugs which are not prescribed by a licensed physician.

These violations are serious matters and can significantly impact education and employment.


TMCC does not permit possession of alcohol on its property except for limited situations. The legal age for drinking alcohol in the State of Nevada is 21 years of age. Moreover, alcohol abuse or excessive drinking by those of lawful age has become more prevalent with tragic cases reported of death or serious impairment. This includes the forced consumption of alcohol in conjunction with initiations or affiliation with any organization; TMCC prohibits any type of initiations requiring the consumption of alcohol.

NSHE regulations allow the use or consumption of alcohol on TMCC property only in the following limited situations:

  1. Upon receipt of a timely advance application, the TMCC President may grant permission in writing for the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages at a TMCC sponsored event (including student organizations) and guest organizations approved to use TMCC facilities. Such consideration will be based upon, but not limited to, such factors as number and ages of people in attendance, purpose of the event, supervision, security provisions, location, date and time of the function. The President’s decision to allow alcohol is discretionary, and the decision is final. No other TMCC officer, manager, or employee may approve the use of alcohol on campus or at a TMCC-related event/function.
  2. Alcohol procured and used in association with approved TMCC academic classes (e.g. culinary classes).

Impairment in the Workplace and Classroom

It is the policy of the State of Nevada to ensure that its employees do not report for work in an impaired condition resulting from the use of alcohol or illegal drugs, or consume alcohol or use illegal drugs while on duty (including driving a personal vehicle while on College business or driving a state vehicle). Alcohol and drug-abuse and the use of alcohol and drugs in the workplace are issues of concern to the State of Nevada. Any employee who appears to be in an impaired condition at work is subject to a screening test for alcohol or drugs, and disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Referral to an employee assistance program is also possible.

Any State employee convicted of driving under the influence in violation of NRS 484.379 or any other offense for which driving under the influence is an element of the offense, and the offense occurred while driving a State vehicle or a private vehicle while on TMCC business, is subject to discipline up to and including termination.

Any TMCC student who comes to campus in an impaired condition resulting from the use or consumption of alcohol, nonprescribed drugs or illegal drugs may be referred for discipline under the TMCC Student Conduct Code, especially if their impaired condition causes the student to act out in a particular manner.

For more information related to drug/alcohol abuse, please refer to the following: National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.