Academic Forgiveness

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Location: Admissions and Records Office, Red Mountain Building 319
Phone: 775-673-7042
Fax: 775-673-7028

Students may petition, one time only, to have up to two consecutive semesters worth of units adjusted on their academic record. The names of the courses will remain on the transcript, grades will be converted to “W” and a notation will be placed on the record indicating that a petition was filed and academic forgiveness granted for the semester(s) indicated. All grades for the semester(s) will be converted and the forgiven coursework will not calculate into the TMCC GPA.


To receive academic forgiveness one year needs to have passed following the semester(s) forgiven. A minimum of 15 units need to be completed with a cumulative minimum GPA of 2.2 in the interim. Transfer work can be considered and official transcripts must be submitted.

Students must complete the Academic Forgiveness form found online on the Admissions and Records Documents and Forms page.