Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Registration Option
Any student may choose to take any course on a S/U basis, but no course taken for a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade (except those offered S/U ONLY) may be used to satisfy any TMCC general education or core requirements.
A maximum of six elective units graded S/U may be used to satisfy credit requirements for any degree or certificate earned at TMCC.
The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory change form is available at Admissions and Records Documents and Forms.
Courses only offered on a S/U basis will be approved by the College and published as such in the class schedule. Examples of these courses include those in which experience, not mastery is evaluated (field trips, physical education) or in which prerequisites disallow novices from enrolling (advanced field study or practicum).
Before changing your grade type:
- Please speak to an academic advisor about grading options and how it may affect special admission programs, allied health programs or transferring to another college.
- If you are using VA education benefits, please contact the Veterans and Families Center as changing the grade type may impact these benefits.
- If you are a financial aid recipient, please reach out to the Financial Aid as financial aid eligibility could be impacted.
- Student-athletes should connect with an athletics advisor before requesting a change as S/U grades may impact NJCAA eligibility.