Course Registration and Enrollment

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Smiling girl working at computer in computer lab

Course Registration

Adding a Class

Any person wishing to enroll for courses taught by the College must register during the scheduled registration periods using Each semester, the College publishes a class schedule with detailed information on course offerings, registration procedures, dates, and add/drop periods. Registration periods are assigned to students based on the number of completed credits.

Students may add classes through during the published registration periods. After the registration period, students may continue to add classes until the 100% refund period, but instructor permission may be required. After the 100% refund period and until the 50% refund period, a student must have the instructor and department chair or coordinator's permission to enroll. Registration after the 50% refund period requires the approval of the department chair or coordinator and the academic dean.

Students who add classes or register late become immediately responsible for these class fees. Students have 48 hours to pay the class fees. Refunds are based on the times the class has met and not student attendance. See the Refund Policy for more information. It is important for students to verify the accuracy of their enrollment schedules and fees any time a change is made.

In the event of public health restrictions or other emergencies, classes may need to be changed to Web-Live, Web, or Hybrid instruction modes. Students will be notified by instructors and/or academic departments of any required changes.

Auditing a Class

A student who wishes to enroll for no credit may register as an auditor. An auditor pays regular fees and thereby has access to the classroom and course materials. A student who audits a course will not receive a grade or credit for that course. Students may change from credit to audit or audit to credit by completing the Audit Grade Change Form online and must do so by the deadline on the last day to withdraw from a class. 

Withdrawing from Class

Refunds for withdrawing from classes are based on the times the class has met and not on attendance. If a student drops during the 100% refund period, no grade will appear on the student’s record. Also, during the 100% refund period, an instructor may drop a student for non-attendance and/or not meeting prerequisites. In this case, no grade will appear on the student’s record.

After the 100% and 50% (if applicable) refund periods, a student may choose to withdraw up to the midpoint (60%) of a course. During that period, a "W" is assigned to the course, and no refund is permitted. After the midpoint of the class has passed, students may not drop a class. There may be conditions under which a student will be administratively withdrawn from a course. The date of last attendance will be recorded in MyTMCC. See the Refund Policy for additional information.

Cancellation of Classes

The College reserves the right to cancel any class. Students will automatically receive a full refund for a canceled class.



Because instructors consider class attendance an integral part of the learning experience, students are required to attend the first class of each course in which they register and adhere to the attendance policy established by the course instructor and stated in the course syllabus. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from classes they are unable to attend. During the 100% refund period, an instructor may, but is not required to, drop a student for non-attendance and/or not meeting the prerequisites for a class. For policy governing non-attendance for religious obligations, please refer to Religious Holiday Observations.

Concurrent Enrollment

Veterans, international students, and financial aid students who are concurrently enrolled at TMCC and any other post-secondary institution must notify the appropriate office of which school is the parent institution and provide verification of fees paid and credits earned at the other institution.

Continuous Enrollment in Math and English Courses

Please consult the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 16, Section 1 for the most current information. Contact Academic Advisement for degree- or certificate-specific allowable Math and English classes.

Credit/Unit Load

All classes taken for credit constitute the total credit load for each student. The maximum number of units a student may carry without the approval of an academic advisor is 18 units during the Fall or Spring terms and 14 units during the Summer term (seven units per Summer session). A student wishing to carry more than 18 units in the Fall or Spring and 14 units during the Summer term must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, have completed one semester at or above full-time enrollment (12 or more units), and get approval from an Academic Advisor.

Date of Matriculation

A student’s date of matriculation is the date of the first day of instruction in the semester or term in which enrollment first occurs. Registration in continuing education courses, which are not state-funded, will not cause out-of-state tuition to be assessed, nor will enrollment in these courses be included in the date of matriculation for evaluation of residence.

Semester System

Units earned at TMCC are awarded on the basis of semester units. A regular Fall or Spring semester consists of 15 weeks.  Summer and Winter sessions are offered in condensed timeframes but maintain a regular semester's number of instructional hours and workload.