Wildlife Technician, SC

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Program Description

The Skills Certificate, Wildlife Technician prepares students for entry-level employment at State or Federal agencies for wildlife management. Students receive unique hands-on training in the field, acquire desired basic field technician skills, and engage with wildlife professionals.  During completion of the required courses, students obtain the necessary background in the natural history of the Great Basin, management, species identification, sampling, and scientific communication. Students completing this certificate may gain an advantage in the competitive selection process of technician programs. 

This program is not eligible for financial aid. However, it may be eligible for scholarship funding if the student is awarded scholarships.

Wildlife Technician Career Map

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
ENG 101
Composition I
or Composition Enhanced
or Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
MATH 126
Pre-Calculus I (Recommended) 2
or Fundamentals of College Mathematics
or College Algebra
BIOL 102 Introduction to Wildlife Technician (Intro to Wildlife Technician) 1
BIOL 191A Introduction to Organismal Biology 3
BIOL 191L Intro to Organismal Biology Lab 1
Electives 3-4
 Semester Total14-15
2nd semester
BIOL 137 Introduction to Entomology 3
BIOL 202 General Botany 4
BIOL 234 Natural History of the Great Basin (Natural History of the Great Basin) 4
GEOG 210 Introduction to Geotechnology 3
 Semester Total14
 Total Units28-29

ENG 101 or ENG 113 is required in order to take BIOL 191A and BIOL 191L in the same semester.


MATH 124 or higher is required to take BIOL 191A and BIOL 191L in the same semester.

Program Requirements

Certificates of Achievement can be a stepping stone to an associate degree or allow students to enter the workforce.  Certificates of Achievement have a general education component.

To earn a Certificate of Achievement, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 semester credit hours within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the Certificate of Achievement.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
ENG 101Composition I3
or ENG 100 Composition Enhanced
or ENG 113 Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
MATH 126Pre-Calculus I3
or MATH 120 Fundamentals of College Mathematics
or MATH 124 College Algebra
BIOL 102Introduction to Wildlife Technician (Intro to Wildlife Technician)1
BIOL 137Introduction to Entomology3
Introduction to Organismal Biology
and Intro to Organismal Biology Lab
BIOL 202General Botany4
BIOL 234Natural History of the Great Basin (Natural History of the Great Basin)4
GEOG 210Introduction to Geotechnology3
Select 3-4 units from of the following courses:
Introduction to Animal Behavior
Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
and Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
Research Experience
Internship in Biology
Introduction to Environmental Science
Fire and Ecology
Prin of Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences
Natural Resource Ecology
Total Units28-29

Program Outcomes

Students completing the certificate will:

PSLO1: Perform basic field techniques necessary to work as a wildlife technician.

PSLO2: Describe the natural history of and identify common fungi, plant, and animal species in the Great Basin.

PSLO3: Utilize GPS and GIS systems to navigate and create and read maps of work areas.

PSLO4: Collect, manage, and analyze scientific data to answer questions in wildlife management and conservation.

PSLO5: Communicate in a style appropriate for technical or informative publications related to wildlife management and conservation.