Veterinary Nursing, AAS

Program Code: Veterinary Nursing-AAS

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Note: This degree/certificate leads to professional licensure in Nevada. Licensing requirements vary by state/territory and relocating could impact whether you will meet eligibility requirements for licensure. If you do not live in Nevada and/or do not intend to seek employment in Nevada, then your application for admittance will be under review to determine eligibility for licensure in your state prior to acceptance into the program. Please visit our Professional Licensure Programs page for full details on the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement. 

Program Description

The Associate of Applied Science, Veterinary Nursing program prepares the student to practice as a licensed veterinary technician (Vet Tech). Graduates may practice as technicians in general or specialty private practices, veterinary teaching hospitals, research facilities, pharmaceutical companies, or other agencies where veterinary technicians’ skills are needed. Veterinary technicians may choose to specialize in areas including but not limited to anesthesia & analgesia, emergency & critical care, behavior, dermatology, dentistry, equine practice, nutrition, ophthalmology, zoo medicine, and surgical nursing.

Veterinary Nursing Career Map

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
Human Relations 3 3
ENG 101
Composition I
or Composition Enhanced
or Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
MATH 120 Fundamentals of College Mathematics (or higher) 3
 Semester Total9
2nd semester
Science 4 3-4
ENG 102
Composition II
or Composition II For International and Multilingual Students
Diversity/Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Science 4 3
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions 4 3
 Semester Total12-13
3rd semester
VETN 101 Introduction to Veterinary Nursing 4
VETN 105 Veterinary Medical Terminology 1
VETN 110 Clinical Anatomy and Physiology I 4
VETN 125 Veterinary Office and Clinical Procedures 1
VETN 211 Animal Nutrition 2
 Semester Total12
4th semester
VETN 112 Clinical Anatomy and Physiology II 4
VETN 128 Animal Nursing 4
VETN 203 Veterinary Clinical and General Pathology 4
VETN 205 Diagnostic Imaging 2
 Semester Total14
5th semester
VETN 209 Parasitology 2
VETN 225 Pharmacology and Toxicology 2
VETN 235 Surgical Anesthesia, Nursing & Dental Procedures 4
VETN 240 Large Animal Procedures 4
VETN 266 Directed Veterinary Nursing Practical 2
 Semester Total14
6th semester
VETN 208 Lab Animal Science and Exotics 2
VETN 227 Advanced Animal Nursing 4
VETN 250 Critical Care 3
VETN 267 Advanced Clinical Practices 2
 Semester Total11
 Total Units72-73

See approved General Education list for the AAS Degree.


See program recommendations or requirements.

Special Admission Requirements

 Please visit the Veterinary Technician Program website for the most current information program admissions procedures. 

The following requirements MUST be fulfilled by June 1 of the year in which you are applying for consideration for selection to the veterinary technician program.

  • Must be an admitted student at TMCC.
  • Must have completed the following or equivalent courses:
    BIOL 190A
    BIOL 190L
    Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
    and Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
    ENG 101Composition I3
    or ENG 100 Composition Enhanced
    or ENG 113 Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
    MATH 120Fundamentals of College Mathematics (or higher)3

    Students must complete each class with a grade of “C” or better. The records office must receive an official copy of your transcript containing the course and grade.
  • Submit veterinary technician program application and all required paperwork as described on the application (which is available online in the spring).
  • Submit official transcripts of all college education.
  • If spring semester coursework has not been posted to your transcript, a letter from the College’s registrar documenting coursework completed and final grade(s) must be provided to the records office.

Admission to the veterinary technician program will be based on completion of the special admissions procedures and the number of points an applicant receives. Eligible students will be numerically ranked, according to total points. In the event of applicants having an equal number of points, the students’ GPAs (in all coursework applying toward an Associate of Applied Science veterinary technology degree) will be used to rank the tied group. In the event of a further tie, individual essays will be assessed to rank the tied group. Please see the veterinary technician program application for more information. From this ranked list, the fall class will be selected. Selection to the veterinary technician program occurs on a yearly basis for the fall semester. Applicants not selected will not be carried forward to the next year and must reapply for consideration.

An accepted student must submit to the veterinary technician program the following information on or before the first day of class.

  • Evidence of current medical insurance.
  • Evidence of required immunization status for Diphtheria and Tetanus, and Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.

Students’ progression in the veterinary technician program is contingent upon attaining and maintaining a grade of “C” or better in each class of the veterinary technician program (VETT classes). Veterinary technician courses are to be taken in the sequence outlined in the College catalog. General education support courses other than prerequisites may be taken at any time though it is strongly suggested classes be taken prior to acceptance into the program.

Veterinary technician students who are unable to progress from one course to another may apply for re-entry within one year of exiting the program. All re-entry admissions are on a space-available basis. Re-entry is not guaranteed. Upon the student’s re-admission, the program coordinator will outline the necessary coursework. Re-admission to the veterinary technician program is limited to one time only.

Veterinary technician graduates are eligible to take the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE) and to apply for licensure in the state of their choice. Each state has specific criteria for licensure eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the state to ascertain eligibility requirements. Graduation from an AVMA accredited program is only one of the requirements and does not mean automatic licensure as a veterinary technician.


Program Requirements

AAS degrees are generally non-transfer degrees designed for students to enter the workforce.

To earn an AAS degree, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 units within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the AAS.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
General Education Requirements
Composition I
Composition Enhanced
Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
Composition II
Composition II For International and Multilingual Students
Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Science 13
Recommended: Select a course which also fulfills Diversity
Fundamentals of College Mathematics (or higher)
Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
and Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
Introduction to Organismal Biology
and Intro to Organismal Biology Lab
General Biology for Non-Majors
Introduction to Animal Behavior
Life in the Ocean
Introduction to Entomology
Additional College Requirements
Diversity 1[3]
Human Relations3
Workplace Readiness
Educational, Career, and Personal Development
Supervision and Human Relations
Principles of Management
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions3
Introduction to American Politics
Degree Requirements 2
VETN 101Introduction to Veterinary Nursing4
VETN 105Veterinary Medical Terminology1
VETN 110Clinical Anatomy and Physiology I4
VETN 112Clinical Anatomy and Physiology II4
VETN 125Veterinary Office and Clinical Procedures1
VETN 128Animal Nursing4
VETN 203Veterinary Clinical and General Pathology4
VETN 205Diagnostic Imaging2
VETN 208Lab Animal Science and Exotics2
VETN 209Parasitology2
VETN 211Animal Nutrition2
VETN 225Pharmacology and Toxicology2
VETN 227Advanced Animal Nursing4
VETN 235Surgical Anesthesia, Nursing & Dental Procedures4
VETN 240Large Animal Procedures4
VETN 250Critical Care3
VETN 266Directed Veterinary Nursing Practical2
VETN 267Advanced Clinical Practices2
Total Units72-73

Course may also count toward degree requirements. Please consult with Academic Advisement.


Students must earn a minimum grade of "C" or better in each degree requirement. 

Program Outcomes

Students completing the degree will:

PSLO1: Demonstrate a solid understanding of the knowledge needed within the field, including anatomy and physiology, laboratory procedures, medical and surgical nursing skills, and an understanding of a variety of species, including companion animals.

PSLO2: Demonstrate competency in all essential job skills as outlined by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA), including pharmacology, surgical nursing, dentistry, clinical laboratory, animal nursing, diagnostic imaging, and anesthesiology.