Paramedic, CoA

Program Code: Paramedic-CoA

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Note: This degree/certificate leads to professional licensure in Nevada. Licensing requirements vary by state/territory and relocating could impact whether you will meet eligibility requirements for licensure. If you do not live in Nevada and/or do not intend to seek employment in Nevada, then your application for admittance will be under review to determine eligibility for licensure in your state prior to acceptance into the program. Please visit our Professional Licensure Programs page for full details on the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement. 

Prehospital Emergency Medicine Career Map

Program Description 

The paramedic program is designed for the student who desires education and training with a career goal to become a Paramedic. The certificate of achievement from TMCC will be awarded after the student has completed all program and certificate requirements. This is a 12-15 month continuous program. 

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
Communications 1 3
EMS 204 Principles of Anatomy & Physiology for Paramedicine 4
 Semester Total7
2nd semester
EMS 200 Fundamentals of Paramedic Medicine 3
EMS 205 Principles of Pathophysiology 3
EMS 206 Prin Pharmacology/Medication Admin/Venous Access 3
EMS 207 Airway Management and Ventilation for Paramedics 3
EMS 209 Patient Assessment for Paramedics 3
EMS 210 Principles of Cardiology for the Paramedic 3
 Semester Total18
3rd semester
EMS 202 Advanced Cardiology for Paramedics 3
EMS 203 Paramedic Skills 3
EMS 211 Paramedic Care for Medical Emergencies 4
EMS 212 Paramedic Trauma Emergencies 3
EMS 214 Special Populations in Paramedicine 3
EMS 215 EMS Incident Management and Operations 3
EMS 216 Hospital Clinical Experience for the Paramedic 5
 Semester Total24
4th semester
EMS 217 Field Internship for the Paramedic 5
 Semester Total5
 Total Units54


Choose one of the courses listed as recommended or from the list noted in the AAS general education requirements. 

Pre-Registration Requirements

Class requirements include State of Nevada EMT certified, 18 years of age or older, current AHA health care provider CPR card, medical insurance, proof of two-step negative TB Skin test or negative chest X-ray, current Tetanus/Diptheria (TD), Hepatitis B (2nd in the series of 3), proof of 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), proof of Varicella (Chicken Pox), Background check receipt from, 5 panel drug testing from ARC and current drivers license or state identification.

Program Requirements

Certificates of Achievement can be a stepping stone to an associate degree or allow students to enter the workforce.  Certificates of Achievement have a general education component.

To earn a Certificate of Achievement, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 semester credit hours within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the Certificate of Achievement.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
General Education Requirements
Composition I
Composition Enhanced
Human Relations 3(3)
Requirement is satisfied through embedded curriculum in the following courses: EMS 216 and EMS 217
Mathematics 2, 3(3)
Requirement is satisfied through embedded curriculum in the following courses: EMS 206, EMS 209, EMS 211
Certificate Requirements 1
EMS 200Fundamentals of Paramedic Medicine3
EMS 202Advanced Cardiology for Paramedics3
EMS 203Paramedic Skills3
EMS 204Principles of Anatomy & Physiology for Paramedicine4
EMS 205Principles of Pathophysiology3
EMS 206Prin Pharmacology/Medication Admin/Venous Access3
EMS 207Airway Management and Ventilation for Paramedics3
EMS 209Patient Assessment for Paramedics3
EMS 210Principles of Cardiology for the Paramedic3
EMS 211Paramedic Care for Medical Emergencies4
EMS 212Paramedic Trauma Emergencies3
EMS 214Special Populations in Paramedicine3
EMS 215EMS Incident Management and Operations3
EMS 216Hospital Clinical Experience for the Paramedic5
EMS 217Field Internship for the Paramedic5
Total Units54

All paramedic courses are taken in the sequence indicated in the course sequence section and a student must receive a grade of 80% or better in order to have completed the courses successfully. Certificate Requirement courses are required for the certificate of achievement.


In order to graduate with a Bachelor's degree, you will need MATH 120 or higher. Please see Bachelor's General Education Degree Requirements here:


Embedded courses satisfy both the general education and degree requirements. 

Program Outcomes

Students completing the certificate will:

PSLO1: Explain and demonstrate the role and responsibilities of an EMS provider within an EMS system, effectively communicate with patients, peers, and other healthcare professionals, and manage a scene of an emergency, safely, with the understanding of the emergency medical system.

PSLO2: Assess and demonstrate how to manage the airway of a diverse population including how to maintain proper ventilation and oxygenation of each of those patients in both a medical and trauma condition.

PSLO3: Determine and manage a diverse patient population based on their presenting clinical signs and symptoms using appropriate patient assessment techniques, by formulating impressions and implementing a treatment plan in both a medical and trauma situation.

PSLO4: Analyze patient medical and trauma conditions and manage those patients using pathophysiological principles and pharmacological interventions. 

PSLO5: Identify and demonstrate how to safely drive an emergency vehicle, identify and apply an incident command system in a disaster, and recognize the concepts of rescuing a patient, hazardous materials, and crime scene management.