Logistics Management, AAS

Program Code: Logistics Management-AAS

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

This program can be completed 100% online. 

Program Description

The Associate of Applied Science, Logistics Management will provide the student with a degree in the field of logistics management. The program is well suited to the student seeking to obtain a career at the entry level of logistics management. Students will graduate with a core set of knowledge and skills that will allow them to advance in the logistics industry. Successful completion of this degree constitutes completion of the first 60 credits towards the Bachelor of Applied Science, Logistics Management degree.

Logistics Career Map

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
ENG 101
Composition I
or Composition Enhanced
or Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
LGM 201 Essentials of Logistics Management 3
LGM 202 International Logistics Management 3
LGM 212 Transportation Management 3
MGT 171 Supervision and Human Relations 3
 Semester Total15
2nd semester
ACC 135 Bookkeeping I 3
ENG 102
Composition II
or Composition II For International and Multilingual Students
LGM 210 Studies in Procurement and Logistics 3
MATH 120 Fundamentals of College Mathematics 3
Science 1 3
 Semester Total15
3rd semester
BUS 108 Business Letters and Reports 3
BUS 225 Business Operations Applied Statistics 3
ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics 3
LGM 208 Logistics and Quality Management Tools I 3
Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Science/U.S. and Nevada Constitutions 3
 Semester Total15
4th semester
ECON 103 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
IS 101 Introduction to Information Systems 3
LGM 209 Logistics and Quality Management Tools II 3
MGT 212 Leadership and Human Relations 3
MKT 210 Marketing Principles 3
 Semester Total15
 Total Units60

Program Requirements

AAS degrees are generally non-transfer degrees designed for students to enter the workforce.

To earn an AAS degree, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 units within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the AAS.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
General Education Requirements
Composition I
Composition Enhanced
Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
Composition II
Composition II For International and Multilingual Students
Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Science3
American Experiences and Constitutional Change
Human Relations3
Supervision and Human Relations
Fundamentals of College Mathematics (or higher)
Additional College Requirements
LGM 202 Meets Diversity Requirement
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions(3)
American Experiences and Constitutional Change
Degree Requirements
ACC 135Bookkeeping I3
or ACC 201 Financial Accounting
BUS 108Business Letters and Reports3
BUS 225Business Operations Applied Statistics3
ECON 102Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 103Principles of Macroeconomics3
IS 101Introduction to Information Systems3
LGM 201Essentials of Logistics Management3
LGM 202International Logistics Management3
LGM 208Logistics and Quality Management Tools I3
LGM 209Logistics and Quality Management Tools II3
LGM 210Studies in Procurement and Logistics3
LGM 212Transportation Management3
MGT 212Leadership and Human Relations3
MKT 210Marketing Principles3
Total Units60

Program Outcomes

Students completing this degree will:

PSLO1: Identify the underlying theories and principles of the role of logistics management within the business that is associated with the applied utilization of logistics knowledge.

PSLO2: Identify, explain, and practice the tools that are used in entry to mid-level logistics positions, including Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, Lean, and others.

PSLO3: Identify the characteristics, uses, and purposes of the software used in the logistics industry.