IT Specialty - Full Stack Developer, SC

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Program Description

IT Specialty - Full Stack Developer allows students to develop an understanding of computer functions; master basic programming skills; develop and design web pages; and develop advanced programming and database development skills. This program provides the foundation for careers and/or further study in computer programming, software development, cybersecurity, web development, and other related technology fields.

This program is not eligible for financial aid. However, it may be eligible for scholarship funding if the student is awarded scholarships.

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
CIT 114 IT Essentials 4
CIT 134 Beginning C# Programming 3
CIT 151 Beginning Web Development 3
CIT 180
Database Concepts and SQL
or Introduction to SQL for Data Science
 Semester Total13
2nd semester
CIT 234 Advanced C# Programming 3
CIT 152 Web Script Language Programming 3
CIT 251 Advanced Web Development 3
CIT 198 Special Topics in CIT 1
 Semester Total10
 Total Units23

Program Requirements

Skills Certificates can consist of a single course or a short set of courses that provide training for entry-level positions or career advancement. These short-term certificates may also prepare students to take state, national and/or industry-recognized certifications or licensing exams.

Skills certificates are awarded upon completion of coursework and marked on a student's transcripts at the end of the semester. Students cannot declare a skills certificate as one's major. Skills Certificates are not eligible for Financial Aid. 

To earn a skills certificate, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
  2. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
Certificate Requirement
CIT 114IT Essentials4
CIT 134Beginning C# Programming3
CIT 151Beginning Web Development3
CIT 152Web Script Language Programming3
CIT 180Database Concepts and SQL3
or DATA 210 Introduction to SQL for Data Science
CIT 198Special Topics in CIT1
CIT 234Advanced C# Programming3
CIT 251Advanced Web Development3
Total Units23

Program Outcomes

Students completing the certificate will:

PSLO1: Students will be able to identify computer components, install and troubleshoot hardware components, and demonstrate knowledge of correct installation procedures for an operating system. 

PLSO2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of software coding, including design and analysis of software. 

PSLO3: Students will demonstrate an understanding of essential database design skills to include queries and table creation using SQL. 

PSLO4: Students will design and implement program problem solutions involving generic methods, sequential access file processing and using dynamic data structures.

PSLO5: Students will create a well-design, accessible web site that conforms to web standards, uses interactive features, processes and stores form information, and uses programming constructs.