Health Sciences, CoA

Program Code: Health Sciences-CoA

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Program Description

The Health Sciences, Certificate of Achievement prepares students for entry-level employment in allied health and fulfills many prerequisite requirements for accredited health sciences training programs. Students completing this certificate may gain an advantage in the competitive selection process of health sciences programs.  

Health Sciences Career Map

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
ENG 101
Composition I
or Composition Enhanced
or Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
Elective 6 3
Human Relations 5 3
Mathematics 6 3
 Semester Total12
2nd semester
Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
or Fundamentals of Life Science
BIOL 190L Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 1
Elective 6 6
 Semester Total10
3rd semester
BIOL 223 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Fast track) 4
BIOL 224 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Fast Track) 4
 Semester Total8
 Total Units30

See approved General Education list for the AAS Degree. 


See program recommendation or requirements

Program Requirements

Certificates of Achievement can be a stepping stone to an associate degree or allow students to enter the workforce.  Certificates of Achievement have a general education component.

To earn a Certificate of Achievement, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 semester credit hours within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the Certificate of Achievement.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
ENG 101Composition I3
or ENG 100 Composition Enhanced
or ENG 113 Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
Human Relations3
Fundamentals of College Mathematics (or higher)
Pre-Calculus I
BIOL 190AIntroduction to Cell and Molecular Biology3
or BIOL 189A Fundamentals of Life Science
BIOL 190LIntroduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory1
BIOL 223Human Anatomy and Physiology I4
BIOL 224Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
Select 9 of the following:9
General Microbiology 1
Introduction to Public Health Biology
General Chemistry I 1
Phlebotomy 2
Applied Phlebotomy 2
Phlebotomy Clinical Practicum 2
Health Information Management 1
Nursing Assistant 3
Medical Terminology 4
Introductory Physics 1
Exploration of Radiology (RAD 101 from .5 to 1 credit) 3
Introduction to Surgical Technology 4
Or any of the following subjects: BIOL, PBH, CHEM, PHYS, NUTR, SRGT, DA, DH, EMS, and NURS.
Total Units30


Will count towards the Admission Criteria Point System for the Radiologic Technology, AAS.  Please consult with Academic Advising.


Will count towards the Phlebotomy Skills Certificate.


Required for application and admission into the Radiologic Technology, AAS. Please consult with Academic Advising.


Required for College of Southern Nevada’s Surgical Technology, AAS. Please consult with Academic Advising.

Program Outcomes

Students completing the certificate will:

PSLO1: Apply the scientific method, describe cell and tissue structure, and describe skeletal, muscular, digestive and lymphatic systems and their interrelationships.

PSLO2: Identify the components of the circulatory, nervous, integumentary, respiratory, endocrine, urinary, reproductive and immune systems and describe their interrelationships