Motion Graphics, Graphic Arts and Media Technology, AA

Program Code: GAM Motion Graphics Emphasi-AA

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Program Description

The Associate of Arts, Graphic Arts & Media Technology, offers classes that lead to transfer to a four-year institution, or entry into TMCC’s Advanced Certificate program. The Motion Graphics Emphasis develops skills and knowledge in areas of design and time-based media, including storyboarding, video production, sound, 2D animation techniques, and 3D animation. Instruction includes the use of industry standard graphics software, and program computer labs are equipped with the latest Apple computers with support scanners, printers, a sound recording facility, and a stop-motion animation lab.

Graphic Arts and Media Technology Career Map

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
ART 101 Drawing I 3
GRC 100 Introduction To Graphic Arts and Media Technologies 3
GRC 116 Introduction to Digital Art & Design 3
English 5 3
Mathematics 5 3
 Semester Total15
2nd semester
GRC 117 Introduction to Motion Graphics 3
VIS 120 Introduction to Animation 3
GRC 135 Storyboarding 3
English 5 3
Fine Art 5 3
 Semester Total15
3rd semester
GRC 182 Digital Video Production 3
GRC 200 Design Thinking & Methodologies 3
Emphasis Course 3
Social Science/U.S. Nevada Constitutions 5 3
Science 5 3
 Semester Total15
4th semester
GRC 282 Motion Graphics for Video 3
GRC 284 3D Modeling and Texturing 3
Emphasis Course 3
Humanities/Diversity 5 3
Science 5 3
 Semester Total15
 Total Units60

See general education requirements for AA/AS/ 


 See program recommendations and requirements.

Program Requirements

Associate of Arts degrees are designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university.  

To earn an AA degree, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 units within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the AA.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
General Education Requirements
Must include ENG 102 or ENG 114 1
Fine Arts3
Introduction to Digital Photography
History of the Built Environment
Fundamentals of College Mathematics (or higher)
Social Science3
Introduction to American Politics
Additional College Requirements
History of the Built Environment
Foreign Language 20
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions 3[3]
Introduction to American Politics
Degree Requirements
ART 101Drawing I3
GRC 100Introduction To Graphic Arts and Media Technologies3
GRC 116Introduction to Digital Art & Design3
GRC 117Introduction to Motion Graphics3
GRC 200Design Thinking & Methodologies3
Emphasis Requirements 4
IMPORTANT: Please see Graphic Communications Faculty Adviser for sequencing of emphasis requirements.
VIS 120Introduction to Animation3
GRC 135Storyboarding3
GRC 182Digital Video Production3
GRC 282Motion Graphics for Video3
GRC 2843D Modeling and Texturing3
Elective Requirements6
Choose two courses from the following.
Drawing for Animation
Commercial Printing Processes
Web Design I
Typography I
Graphic Design I
3D Character Animation I
3D Character Animation II
Web Design II
Portfolio Workshop
Independent Study
Life Drawing I
Recording Technology I
Virtual Studio Technology I
General Internship Program
Total Units60

If you place into ENG 102 or ENG 114, the additional 3 required units will become elective credit.


Associate of Arts - Graphic Arts & Media Technology, Motion Graphics Track, is designed to transfer to the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Visual Media at NSU, which have no Foreign Language Requirements. If transferring to UNR Bachelor of Arts (BA) there is a 0-14 credit Foreign Language requirement. Check with Academic Advisement for the latest information.


Course may also count toward degree requirements. Please consult with Academic Advisement.


See Graphic Arts & Media Technology Faculty Adviser for sequencing of GAMT requirements.

Program Outcomes

Students completing the degree will:

PSLO1: Identify and apply historical and current design theories and concepts in the production of visually engaging media that meets the requirements of the graphic communications industry.

PSLO2: Acquire a broad skill set in current graphics related technologies, including computer software applications, processes and other production techniques used in the graphic communications industry.

PSLO3: Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to transfer to a four-year institution.

Transfer Agreements

AA/AS degrees are designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university. General information about general transfer agreements can be found on the Academic Advisement website. Students who intend to transfer to another college or university should speak with a TMCC Academic Advisor and consult with that institution. The transfer institution determines how TMCC courses will transfer. TMCC has agreements with the following institutions towards a bachelor's degree in the same or similar discipline.