Bachelor of Science (BS) and Bachelor of Architecture (BARCH) General Education Degree Requirements

and Additional College Requirements

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

General Education

Please Note: Courses used for AA and AS general education requirements are eligible to meet general education requirements for the BS and Bachelor of Architecture degrees offered at TMCC. Nontransferable courses listed on the BAS, AAS, and the AGS general education requirements list may not be used to satisfy general education requirements for BS and Bachelor of Architecture degrees.

English, 3 to 6 Units Required

Must include ENG 102 or ENG 114
ENG 101Composition I3
or ENG 100 Composition Enhanced
or ENG 113 Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
ENG 102Composition II3
or ENG 114 Composition II For International and Multilingual Students

Fine Arts, 3  Units Required

ART 100Visual Foundations3
ART 101Drawing I3
ART 103AVisual Foundations - Surface3
ART 103BVisual Foundations - Space3
ART 124Introduction to Printmaking3
ART 141Introduction to Digital Photography3
ART 160Art Appreciation3
ART 211Ceramics I3
ART 212Ceramics II3
ART 260Survey of Art History I3
ART 261Survey of Art History II3
ART 263Survey of African, Oceanic, & Native American Art 13
ART 265Introduction to Contemporary Art 13
ART 268Latin American Art 13
ART 270Women in Art 13
DAN 101Dance Appreciation 13
ENG 202Film Analysis and Interpretation3
ENG 205Intro to Creative Writing: Fiction and Poetry3
ENG 220Writing Poetry3
ENG 221Writing Fiction3
ENG 222Intermediate Fiction: Novel Writing3
ENG 224Introduction to Screenwriting3
ENG 246The Art of Literature3
ENG 275Contemporary Literature3
HUM 101Introduction to Humanities I3
HUM 102Introduction to Humanities II3
HUM 105The Art of Film3
or THTR 180 Cinema as Art and Communication
HUM 106Introduction to the American Motion Picture3
JOUR 162History of Documentary3
MUS 101Music Fundamentals3
MUS 121Music Appreciation3
MUS 122Survey of Jazz3
MUS 125History of Rock Music3
SOTA 101Introduction to the Arts3
THTR 100Introduction to Theatre3
THTR 105Introduction to Acting I3
THTR 180Cinema as Art and Communication3
or HUM 105 The Art of Film
THTR 210Theatre: a Cultural Context 13

This course also satisfies the Diversity Requirement.

 Humanities, 3 Units Required

AAD 201History of the Built Environment 13
ART 103AVisual Foundations - Surface3
ART 103BVisual Foundations - Space3
CH 201Ancient and Medieval Cultures3
CH 202The Modern World3
CH 203American Experiences and Constitutional Change 23
ECON 105History and Comparison of Economic Systems 13
ENG 205Intro to Creative Writing: Fiction and Poetry3
ENG 220Writing Poetry3
ENG 221Writing Fiction3
ENG 222Intermediate Fiction: Novel Writing3
ENG 224Introduction to Screenwriting3
ENG 231World Literature I 13
ENG 232World Literature II 13
ENG 246The Art of Literature3
ENG 267Introduction to Women and Literature 13
ENG 275Contemporary Literature3
ENG 298Writing About Literature3
HIST 105European Civilization to 16483
HIST 106European Civilization since 16483
HIST 208World History I 13
HIST 209World History II 13
HUM 101Introduction to Humanities I3
HUM 102Introduction to Humanities II3
HUM 105The Art of Film3
or THTR 180 Cinema as Art and Communication
HUM 106Introduction to the American Motion Picture3
HUM 211Survey of Chinese Culture 13
MUS 121Music Appreciation3
MUS 122Survey of Jazz3
PHIL 101Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 135Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 210World Religions 13
PHIL 211Introduction to Ancient Philosophy3
PHIL 213Introduction to Modern Philosophy3
PHIL 245Contemporary Moral Issues 13
THTR 100Introduction to Theatre3
THTR 180Cinema as Art and Communication3
or HUM 105 The Art of Film
THTR 210Theatre: a Cultural Context 13

This course also satisfies the Diversity Requirement.


This course also satisfies the U.S. and Nevada Constitutions Requirement.

Mathematics, 3 Units Required

APST 207Practical Statistics3
MATH 124College Algebra3
MATH 126Pre-Calculus I3
MATH 126Pre-Calculus I3
MATH 127Pre-Calculus II3
MATH 176Introductory Calculus for Business and Social Sciences3
MATH 181Calculus I4
STAT 152Introduction to Statistics3

 Science, 6 Units Required

Must include at least one laboratory course.
AGSC 100Elements of Livestock Production (lecture course only) 33
ANTH 102Introduction to Biological Anthropology (lecture course only) 33
ANTH 110LBiological Anthropology Laboratory1
AST 104Introductory Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies3
BIOL 100General Biology for Non-Majors3
BIOL 100AGeneral Biology for Nonmajors Lecture (lecture course only) 33
BIOL 106Introduction to Evolution and Adaptation3
BIOL 112Introduction to Animal Behavior3
BIOL 113Life in the Ocean3
BIOL 137Introduction to Entomology3
BIOL 170Calling Bullshit: Reasoning in a World of Data and Misinformation (lecture course only) 33
BIOL 189AFundamentals of Life Science (lecture course only) 33
BIOL 190AIntroduction to Cell and Molecular Biology (lecture course only) 33
BIOL 190LIntroduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory1
BIOL 191AIntroduction to Organismal Biology (lecture course only) 33
BIOL 191LIntro to Organismal Biology Lab1
BIOL 202General Botany4
BIOL 234Natural History of the Great Basin4
BIOL 251General Microbiology4
CHEM 100Molecules and Life in the Modern World3
CHEM 121General Chemistry I4
CHEM 122General Chemistry II4
CS 138Programming for Data Science in Python I (lecture course only) 33
DATA 101Introduction to Data Science (lecture course only) 33
ENV 101Introduction to Environmental Science (lecture course only) 33
GEOG 103Physical Geography of Earth's Environment3
GEOG 121Climate Change and its Environmental Impacts3
GEOL 100Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Natural Disasters3
GEOL 101Geology: Exploring Planet Earth4
GEOL 102Earth and Life Through Time4
MICR 100Microbes and Society3
NUTR 121Human Nutrition3
PHYS 100Introductory Physics3
PHYS 151General Physics I4
PHYS 152General Physics II4
PHYS 180Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (lecture course only) 33
PHYS 180LPhysics for Scientists/Engineers Lab I1
PHYS 181Physics for Scientists and Engineers II (lecture course only) 33
PHYS 181LPhysics for Scientists/Engineers Lab II1

This is a lecture course; you may need to take a specified laboratory course as a corequisite or an additional course to fulfill the laboratory requirement.

Social Science, 3 Units Required

ANTH 101Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 13
ANTH 105Introduction to World Archaeology3
ANTH 106Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics 13
ANTH 201Peoples and Cultures of the World 13
ANTH 202Archaeology3
ANTH/SOC 205Race and Ethnicity in Everyday Life 13
ANTH 208Fundamentals of Cultural Diversity 13
CH 201Ancient and Medieval Cultures3
CH 202The Modern World3
CH 203American Experiences and Constitutional Change 23
COM 113Fundamentals of Speech Communications3
ECON 102Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 103Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 105History and Comparison of Economic Systems 13
GEOG 106Introduction to Cultural Geography3
GEOG 200World Regional Geography 13
HIST 101US History to 1877 23
HIST 102U. S. History since 1877 23
HIST 105European Civilization to 16483
HIST 106European Civilization since 16483
HIST 111Survey of U.S. Constitutional History3
HIST 208World History I 13
HIST 209World History II 13
HIST 215History of Sexuality in the United States 13
HIST 217Nevada History 23
PSC 101Introduction to American Politics 23
PSC 211Introduction to Comparative Politics3
PSC 231Introduction to International Relations3
PSY 101General Psychology3
SOC 101Principles of Sociology3
SOC 205Race and Ethnicity in Everyday Life3
or ANTH 205 Race and Ethnicity in Everyday Life
WMST 101Introduction to Women's Studies3

This course also satisfies the Diversity Requirement.


This course also satisfies the U.S. and Nevada Constitutions Requirement.

Additional College  Requirements

Diversity, 3 Units Required

Three units of diversity coursework are required to satisfy all degrees granted. Depending on your specific program, a course that satisfies the diversity requirement may also apply to a General Education requirement or a degree requirement. See the complete diversity list and refer to your specific program worksheet for more details.

AAD 201History of the Built Environment3
ANTH 101Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 105Introduction to World Archaeology3
ANTH 106Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics3
ANTH 201Peoples and Cultures of the World3
ANTH/SOC 205Race and Ethnicity in Everyday Life3
ANTH 208Fundamentals of Cultural Diversity3
ART 261Survey of Art History II3
ART 263Survey of African, Oceanic, & Native American Art3
ART 265Introduction to Contemporary Art3
ART 268Latin American Art3
ART 270Women in Art3
COM 285Communication Disabilities and Film3
DAN 101Dance Appreciation3
ECON 105History and Comparison of Economic Systems3
EDU 203Introduction to Special Education3
ENG 231World Literature I3
ENG 232World Literature II3
ENG 267Introduction to Women and Literature3
GEOG 200World Regional Geography3
HDFS 232Diversity in Children3
HIST 208World History I3
HIST 209World History II3
HIST 215History of Sexuality in the United States3
HIST 227Introduction to Latin American History & Culture I3
HIST 228Intro to Latin American History and Culture II3
HUM 211Survey of Chinese Culture3
LGM 202International Logistics Management3
MGT 469Managing Cultural Diversity3
NURS 212Cultural Aspects of Nursing Care3
NUTR 253Cultural Considerations in Nutrition and Health Care3
PHIL 210World Religions3
PHIL 245Contemporary Moral Issues3
PSY/SOC 276Aging in Modern American Society3
SOC/ANTH 205Race and Ethnicity in Everyday Life3
SOC/PSY 276Aging in Modern American Society3
SPAN 221Iberia and Its Cultures3
SPAN 222Hispanic-America and Its Culture3
SPAN 225A Cultural Perspective: Spain...New Mexico3
THTR 210Theatre: a Cultural Context3
WMST 101Introduction to Women's Studies3
WMST 250Introduction to Feminist Theory3
WMST 255The American Women's Movement3

 U.S. and Nevada Constitutions, 3 to 6 Units Required

Depending on your specific program, a course or courses that satisfy the U.S. and Nevada Constitutions requirement may also apply to a General Education requirement or degree requirements. See the complete list in this section and refer to your specific program worksheet for details.

CH 203American Experiences and Constitutional Change3
HIST 111Survey of U.S. Constitutional History3
PSC 101Introduction to American Politics3
HIST 101
HIST 102
US History to 1877
and U. S. History since 1877
HIST 101
HIST 217
US History to 1877
and Nevada History
HIST 101
PSC 100
US History to 1877
and Nevada Constitution
HIST 101
PSC 208
US History to 1877
and Survey of State and Local Government