Culinary Arts Entrepreneurs, AAS

Program Code: Culinary Arts Entrepreneur-AAS

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Program Description

The Associate of Applied Science, Culinary Arts Entrepreneurs will provide graduates with the necessary business skills to open their own business and/or work in a management capacity at a food-related small business. Individuals will learn the skill sets necessary to work in and operate culinary facilities. They will learn aspects related to business, people, and culinary which will allow them to achieve success in a wide range of different food operations.

Culinary Career Map

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
CUL 100 Sanitation/HACCP 2
CUL 105 Basic Skills Development 3
CUL 195 Selected Topics in Culinary Arts 1
CUL 245 The Business Chef 3
ENG 101
Composition I
or Composition Enhanced
or Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
ENT 200 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship 3
 Semester Total15
2nd semester
CUL 106 Understanding Culinary Techniques I 6
ENT 240 Marketing for Small Business 3
ENT 280 Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Development 3
MGT 212
Leadership and Human Relations
or Principles of Management
 Semester Total15
3rd semester
ACC 135 Bookkeeping I 3
CUL 108 Understanding Culinary Techniques II 6
Communications 2 3
Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Science/Diversity 2 3
 Semester Total15
4th semester
ACC 136 Bookkeeping II 3
CUL 125 Principles of Baking 3
ENT 230 Financing Your Small Business Venture 3
Science 2 3
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions 2 3
 Semester Total15
 Total Units60

See approved General Education list for the AAS Degree.


 See program recommendations or requirements.

American Culinary Federation Logo

Program Requirements

AAS degrees are generally non-transfer degrees designed for students to enter the workforce.

To earn an AAS degree, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 units within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the AAS.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
General Education Requirements
Diversity 1[3]
Composition I
Composition Enhanced
Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Science3
Human Relations3
Leadership and Human Relations
Principles of Management
The Business Chef
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions3
Degree Requirements
CUL 100Sanitation/HACCP2
CUL 105Basic Skills Development3
CUL 106Understanding Culinary Techniques I6
CUL 108Understanding Culinary Techniques II6
CUL 125Principles of Baking3
CUL 195Selected Topics in Culinary Arts1
ACC 135Bookkeeping I3
ACC 136Bookkeeping II3
ENT 200Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship3
ENT 230Financing Your Small Business Venture3
ENT 240Marketing for Small Business3
ENT 280Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Development3
Total Units60

See the diversity section of the general education descriptions for a complete list of courses. Can also be used to satisfy another General Education, Degree/Emphasis, or Elective requirement.

Program Outcomes

Students completing the degree will:

PSLO1: Demonstrate basic and advanced culinary skills through a series of learned competencies including but not limited to knife care, cutting techniques, stock preparation, complete meal planning, and restaurant experience.

PSLO2: Demonstrate the knowledge to work in commercial hot food kitchens, commercial cold food kitchens, and commercial bakery kitchens.

PSLO3: Students will create a business plan, including the creation, development and presentation of innovative ideas.