Baking and Pastry, CoA

Program Code: Baking & Pastry-CoA

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Program Description

The Certificate of Achievement in Baking and Pastry prepares students to become baking and pastry professionals and teaches the fundamentals and techniques with emphasis on hands-on preparation of breads, cakes and pastries. Graduates are prepared for success in this high demand profession and challenging positions in retail and wholesale bakeries, pastry shops, upscale restaurants, hotels, and casinos, assisted living centers, educational institutions, supermarkets, hospitals, ski and lake resorts, corporate cafeterias and commissaries.

Culinary Career Map

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
CUL 100 Sanitation/HACCP 2
CUL 105 Basic Skills Development 3
ENG 101
Composition I
or Composition Enhanced
or Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
 Semester Total8
2nd semester
CUL 106 Understanding Culinary Techniques I 6
CUL 245 The Business Chef 3
MGT 212
Leadership and Human Relations
or Principles of Management
 Semester Total12
3rd semester
CUL 125 Principles of Baking 3
CUL 225 Advanced Baking 3
 Semester Total6
4th semester
CUL 170 Retail Deli and Bakery 3
CUL 230 Pastry Arts 3
CUL 295 Work Experience in Culinary Arts 3
 Semester Total9
 Total Units35

See program recommendations or requirements.

Program Requirements

Certificates of Achievement can be a stepping stone to an associate degree or allow students to enter the workforce.  Certificates of Achievement have a general education component.

To earn a Certificate of Achievement, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 semester credit hours within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the Certificate of Achievement.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
General Education Requirements
English/Communications 3
Composition I
Composition Enhanced
Composition I for International and Multilingual Students
Human Relations3
Leadership and Human Relations
Principles of Management
CUL 245The Business Chef3
Certificate Requirements
CUL 100Sanitation/HACCP2
CUL 105Basic Skills Development3
CUL 106Understanding Culinary Techniques I6
CUL 125Principles of Baking3
CUL 170Retail Deli and Bakery3
CUL 225Advanced Baking3
CUL 230Pastry Arts3
CUL 295Work Experience in Culinary Arts3
Total Units35

Program Outcomes

Students completing the certificate will:

PSLO1: Demonstrate basic and advanced culinary skills through a series of learned competencies including but not limited to knife care, cutting techniques, stock preparation, and functions of the bakery including terminology and bakery fundamentals.

PSLO2: Demonstrate the knowledge to work in commercial hot food kitchens, and commercial bakery kitchens.