Criminal Justice, AA

Program Code: Criminal Justice-AA

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

Program Description

TMCC’s Associate of Arts, Criminal Justice degree is designed for students wishing to explore or enter a highly rewarding career in the criminal justice system. It is designed as either a stand-alone associate degree in the field of criminal justice or as a university transfer option to UNR. The transfer option allows students to earn their university required lower division courses upon completion of their Associate of Arts.

Students are strongly encouraged to obtain academic advisement at TMCC for courses that are consistent with the UNR - TMCC transfer agreement to ensure a smooth transition in the university transfer process.

Criminal Justice Career Map

Recommended Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
English 5 3
Mathmatics 5 3
Social Science/U.S. and Nevada Constitutions 6 3
CRJ 104 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3
Foreign Language or transferable elective 7 4
 Semester Total16
2nd semester
ENG 102
Composition II 5
or Composition II For International and Multilingual Students
APST 207
Practical Statistics (Practical Statistics)
or Introduction to Statistics
CRJ 211 Police in America: An Introduction 3
Foreign Language or transferable elective 7 4
Science 6 3
 Semester Total16
3rd semester
Humanities 5 3
CRJ 106
Introduction to Corrections
or Introduction to the Courts and American Legal System
CRJ 222 Criminal Law and Procedure 3
Foreign Language or Transferable Elecitve 7 3
Science 6 3
 Semester Total15
4th semester
CRJ 234
Introduction to the Courts and American Legal System
or Introduction to Corrections
Transferable Elective 6 4
Fine Arts/Diversity 6 3
Foreign Language or Transferable Elective 7 3
 Semester Total13
 Total Units60

See approved General Education list for the AA/AS Degree.


See program recommendations or requirements.


 See approved Foreign Language list for the AA Degree.

Program Requirements

Associate of Arts degrees are designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university.  

To earn an AA degree, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 units within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the AA.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
General Education Requirements
Including ENG 102 or ENG 114 1
Fine Arts3
Select a course that satisfies both Fine Arts and Diversity requirement.
Humanities 23
Mathematics 23
General Biology for Non-Majors (Includes laboratory experience )
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Natural Disasters
Human Nutrition
Calling Bullshit: Reasoning in a World of Data and Misinformation
Introduction to Data Science
Introduction to Environmental Science
Social Science3
Select a course that satisfies both Social Science and U.S. and Nevada Constitutions requirement.
Additional Degree Requirements
Diversity 3[3]
Select a course that satisfies both Fine Arts and Diversity requirement.
Foreign Language 40-8
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions 3[3]
Select a course that satisfies both Social Science and U.S. and Nevada Constitutions requirement.
Degree Requirements
APST 207Practical Statistics (Practical Statistics)3
or STAT 152 Introduction to Statistics
CRJ 104Introduction to Administration of Justice3
CRJ 106Introduction to Corrections 23
CRJ 211Police in America: An Introduction 23
CRJ 222Criminal Law and Procedure3
CRJ 234Introduction to the Courts and American Legal System3
Elective Requirements
Select 10-18 units of transferable electives:10-18
Last 2 courses of Foreign Language courses
Substance Abuse-Fundamental Facts and Insights
Legal Careers and Law Schools
Legal Research and Methods
Legal Writing
Law and Justice
Any transferable electives in CRJ, ANTH, ART, COM, DAN, ENG, HIST, PHIL, PSC, SOC, or THTR
Total Units60

If you place into ENG 102 or ENG 114, the additional 3 required units will be become elective credits. 


See the approved General Education page for a complete list of courses.


May also be used to satisfy another General Education, Degree, or Elective requirement.


UNR BA degree requires four semesters of college foreign language (Four years of high school foreign language instruction does not automatically satisfy this requirement.)

Program Outcomes

Students completing the degree will:

PSLO1: Describe the main components of the justice system, including law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and corrections, and how those stakeholders function and interact.

PSLO2: Explain the processes of arrest, pretrial detention, criminal prosecution and procedure, and possible sanctions after conviction.

PSLO3: Describe the foundation of criminal law and procedure, and the rights and protections granted under the U.S. Constitution as they apply to criminal investigations, arrests, convictions, and detentions.

PSLO4: Explain the general theories underlying crime and justice policies, and how they have impacted the criminal justice system over time.

Note: In accordance with the TMCC/UNR transfer agreement, students who complete the TMCC Criminal Justice Degree Associate of Arts prior to entering the UNR Bachelor of Arts program fulfill all General Education requirements. Students who plan to transfer without a Degree should consult with an academic advisor at TMCC for important information about transferring general education courses.

Transfer Agreements

AA/AS degrees are designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university. General information about general transfer agreements can be found on the Academic Advisement website. Students who intend to transfer to another college or university should speak with a TMCC Academic Advisor and consult with that institution. The transfer institution determines how TMCC courses will transfer. TMCC has agreements with the following institutions towards a bachelor's degree in the same or similar discipline.