Associate of General Studies

Program Code: General Studies-AGS

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

This program can be completed 100% online. 

Program Description

The Associate of General Studies (AGS) degree at TMCC is designed as a non-transfer degree for students who desire a well-rounded education for personal interest or further academic and/or career goals.

Student learning outcomes for the Associate of General Studies degree are determined by the student’s chosen academic and/or career emphases.

Recommended Course Schedule

For a detailed program course schedule, please contact the academic advisement office at 775-673-7062

Plan of Study Grid
1st semesterUnits
English 1 3
Mathematics 1 3
Computer Science 1 3
Electives 2 6
 Semester Total15
2nd semester
Communications 1 3
Fine Arts 1 3
Science 1 3
Electives 2 6
 Semester Total15
3rd semester
Communications 1 3
Humanities/Diversity 1 3
Social Science 1 3
Electives 2 6
 Semester Total15
4th semester
U.S and Nevada Constitutions 1 3
Human Relations 1 3
Electives 2 9
 Semester Total15
 Total Units60

See approved General Education list for the AGS Degree.


Great latitude is allowed in the selection of the 27 elective units. Choice of units can focus on one area alone or from any combination of career, technical or general courses. Developmental courses (numbered less than 100) cannot be applied to any degree or certificate.

Program Requirements

The AGS degree is generally a non-transfer degree that is designed for students to enter the workforce.

To earn an AGS degree, students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (see requirements for graduation.)
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 units within the college.
  3. Satisfy General Education requirements for the AGS.
  4. Have no financial or library obligation to the college.
General Education Requirements 1
Fine Arts3
Human Relations3
Social Science3
Additional College Requirements
Diversity 1[3]
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions3
Degree Requirements
Computer Science 3
Choose 3 units from the following:
Introduction to Information Systems
Network +
IT Essentials
Computer Science I
Health Information Management
Choose 27 units from any courses you like. 227
Total Units60

See approved General Education list for the AGS Degree.


Great latitude is allowed in the selection of the 27 elective units. Choice of units can focus on one area alone or from any combination of career, technical or general courses. Developmental courses (numbered less than 100) cannot be applied to any degree or certificate.

Program Outcomes

Students completing the degree will:

PSLO1: Be prepared for academic and/or workforce goals.

PSLO2: Complete TMCC’s general education requirements.

PSLO3: Acquire the knowledge, skills, and values of their broad academic focus.