VETN - Veterinary Nursing

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

VETN 100 - Introduction to Veterinary Assisting Units: 4

This is an introductory course for veterinary assistants. Students will gain knowledge and hands on experience in a variety of topics including: completion of front office procedures for the veterinary hospital; breed identification; recognition of animal behavior and demonstration of common restraint methods; understand infection control and isolation procedures; perform basic tasks such as vaccine/medication administration and husbandry procedures; obtain patient history and perform physical examinations with data recording.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 101 - Introduction to Veterinary Nursing Units: 4

An introductory course in veterinary nursing/veterinary technology. Including but not limited to the various roles of veterinary technicians in the veterinary profession. The laws and ethics of veterinary medicine. The behavior of various animal species with regard to humane restraint and handling. Breed classifications of common domestic animals. Proper cleaning techniques of a veterinary facility. Proper medical record keeping techniques. Principles of general animal care including but not limited to physical exams and basic sampling techniques.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 105 - Veterinary Medical Terminology Units: 1

This course is an introduction to medical terms, laymen's terms, and abbreviations utilized by the veterinary profession.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 110 - Clinical Anatomy and Physiology I Units: 4

This course is designed to provide the student with the understanding of anatomy and physiology of domestic species that are most often encountered in food animal and companion animal practice. Topics include cell anatomy, cell metabolism and basic histology. Body systems include: integument, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and special senses. All information will be comparative with each species including canine, feline, equine, porcine, ruminants and avian.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 112 - Clinical Anatomy and Physiology II Units: 4

This course is designed to provide the student with the understanding of anatomy and physiology of domestic species that are most often encountered in food animal and companion animal practice. Body systems include: cardiac, lymphatic, digestive, reproductive, urinary, respiratory and endocrine. All information will be comparative with each species including canine, felines, equine, porcine, ruminants and avian.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program and successful completion of VETN 110

Term Offered: Spring

VETN 120 - Advanced Veterinary Assisting Units: 4

This is an advanced course for veterinary assistants designed to build on the material from VETN 100. Students will gain knowledge and hands on experience in a variety of topics including: understand common and zoonotic diseases of animals; read pet food labels and understanding nutritional concepts; perform proper prescription labeling and understand general pharmacy requirements; assist with surgical patient preparation; perform basic lab work; and assist with diagnostic imaging.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Completion of VETN 100 with a C or better. Co-requisite: VETN 130.

Term Offered: Spring

VETN 125 - Veterinary Office and Clinical Procedures Units: 1

This course is designed to introduce to the veterinary nursing student the roles and responsibilities of the receptionist, office manager, and hospital managers with regard to the veterinary facility. The course will introduce basic management procedures common in a veterinary clinic with respect to a veterinary technician/veterinary nurse. Topics covered include: basic communication techniques, record keeping, filing, computer software, resume construction and interviewing techniques.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 128 - Animal Nursing Units: 4

A course that highlights basic and advanced nursing procedures, including but not limited to restraint, behavior awareness, physical exams, reproduction, necropsy, specimen collection, euthanasia, companion animal diseases, emergency and critical care, laws and ethics, and practice management skills for veterinary technicians/veterinary nurses.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Spring

VETN 130 - Directed Veterinary Assisting Practical Units: 2

This course enables students to supplement coursework with practical work experience. Students will observe the daily functions of a variety of area veterinary hospitals and practice the skills of a veterinary assistant under direct supervision. Students have a set rotation schedule for attendance at a specific facility on a weekly basis. The schedule may include weekend rotations.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Completion of VETN 100 with a C or better. Co-requisite: VETN 120.

Term Offered: Spring

VETN 203 - Veterinary Clinical and General Pathology Units: 4

The course includes information in hematology, clinical chemistry, microbiology, urinalysis, immunology, cytology, and toxicology. The student will learn collection, handling, and transporting of biological samples. Students will learn laboratory procedures to assist in the diagnostic process for animal diseases and illnesses.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Spring

VETN 205 - Diagnostic Imaging Units: 2

This course teaches the principles of diagnostic imaging. Topics include: radiographic theory, equipment, positioning, safety regulations, safety equipment, film processing, radiographic technique evaluation, and an introduction to alternative imaging techniques.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Spring

VETN 208 - Lab Animal Science and Exotics Units: 2

This course includes the principles involved with breed recognition, restraint, husbandry, nutrition, breeding, health conditions, disease recognition, and zoonotic potential of laboratory animals, reptiles and birds. The course also includes the technician's (nurse's) role in a research facility, zoological facility and a general veterinary practice.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Spring

VETN 209 - Parasitology Units: 2

This course includes the study of internal and external parasites of domestic animals. The student will learn identification, life cycles, routes of transmission, prevention and treatment protocols for the various parasites. Laboratory techniques used for identification will be covered in detail. The student will also learn the importance of public health safety, including procedures and protocols.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 211 - Animal Nutrition Units: 2

A course in the normal and therapeutic nutritional needs of various species of animals. Topics include components of food, calculating energy requirements, digestion, and life stage needs.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 225 - Pharmacology and Toxicology Units: 2

This course is designed to instruct veterinary nursing students on the pharmacology and physiology of drugs, rules on filling prescriptions, and handling, storing, and documentation of controlled substances. Emphasis will be placed on classification of drugs, route and methods of administration of drugs, calculating dosages, and physiological action on the systems of the body.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 227 - Advanced Animal Nursing Units: 4

This course is designed to provide the veterinary nursing student with a further understanding of diseases in veterinary medicine.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Spring

VETN 235 - Surgical Anesthesia, Nursing & Dental Procedures Units: 4

This course consists of three sections: anesthesia, surgical nursing and dental procedures. The anesthesia section includes an overview of pharmacology, the use and application of anesthetic agents, the physiological effects of anesthetic agents, monitoring procedures, pain management, and basic anesthetic protocol. The surgical nursing section includes the understanding of sterile techniques including the methods by which sterilization is achieved, appropriate behavior in a surgical setting, care of equipment and instruments, and the roles of the operating room staff. The dental section includes a basic understanding of dental anatomy, instrument identification and function, dental exams and cleaning, personnel safety and client education.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: VETN 110 and VETN 112. Corequisite: VETN 225. Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 240 - Large Animal Procedures Units: 4

This course includes large animal husbandry, restraint techniques, diseases, nursing and herd health management. The student will acquire the knowledge and skills through lecture and laboratory. Special topics include anatomy, reproduction, and nutrition and will be discussed as they relate to each species.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 250 - Critical Care Units: 3

A course in procedures, nursing and diseases with respect to the critically ill patient.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Spring

VETN 266 - Directed Veterinary Nursing Practical Units: 2

An externship allowing students to observe companion, food and equine practices. Students will observe all aspects of a working clinic. Externships will allow valuable exposure to the reception area, treatment and surgical areas, radiology, laboratory, kennel and stables.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Fall

VETN 267 - Advanced Clinical Practices Units: 2

An externship allowing students to participate in every aspect of a companion animal, food animal and equine practices. Students will participate in all aspects of a working clinic, under direct supervision. Externships will allow valuable exposure to the reception area, treatment and surgical areas, radiology, laboratory, kennel and stables. Prerequisite: Completion of all required courses in the veterinary nursing program.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Veterinary Nursing Program.

Term Offered: Spring