SOC - Sociology

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

SOC 101 - Principles of Sociology Units: 3

Sociological principles underlying the development of culture, structure and function of society, human groups, institutions, deviance, stratification and social change. Satisfies UNR Social Science core curriculum.

Term Offered: All Semesters

SOC 110 - Conflict Resolution Units: 3

This course will explore a variety of theories and frameworks for analyzing conflict and the techniques, process models, and third-party roles used to constructively intervene in conflict. The course will be an excellent introduction should students decide to pursue further training or credentialing to be fully trained as mediators or facilitators.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

SOC 205 - Race and Ethnicity in Everyday Life Units: 3

An interdisciplinary survey of race and ethnicity, examining identity, cultural diversity, intergroup relations, and public policies from sociological and anthropological perspectives. Same as ANTH 205.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

SOC 210 - Introduction to Statistical Methods Units: 3

Same as PSY 210. Practice with statistical methods especially useful in the presentation and interpretation of psychological, sociological and educational data. Includes elementary computer application.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Completion of PSY 101, or SOC 101; NGQAS score of 263-275, or equivalent ACT/SAT score, or completion of MATH 120 or higher.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

SOC 261 - Introduction to Social Psychology Units: 3

Nature of the person and interpersonal relationships, their formation and maintenance and their institutional, ideological and societal contexts; empirical examination of beliefs, attitudes, influence. Same as PSY 261.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

SOC 275 - Introduction to Marriage and the Family Units: 3

Sex roles, dating patterns, mate selection, marital interaction; alternative forms of marriage and family life.

Term Offered: AS NEEDED

SOC 276 - Aging in Modern American Society Units: 3

The psychological and sociological development and the changes attendant to the process of aging in society; theory and research in the field, implications for social policy and perspectives on death and dying. Same as PSY 276.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall