PSY - Psychology

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

PSY 101 - General Psychology Units: 3

Survey of the basic foundations of psychology with emphasis on psychological theories, research methods and principles of behavior.

Term Offered: All Semesters

PSY 102 - Psychology of Personal and Social Adjustment Units: 3

Personality adjustment in healthy persons; adjustment techniques and reactions to frustration and conflict in the context of various social groups.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

PSY 105 - Introduction to Neuroscience Units: 3

This course will provide a framework for understanding the fundamental, biological processes that are involved in human behavior and cognition. Topics surveyed will introduce basic principles of neuroscience, including: the divisions of the human nervous system, the cells of the nervous system and neural function. In addition, students will engage in discussion of how brain function supports higher-order cognitive processes and how behavior and cognition are impacted by neurological diseases. Same as BIOL 105.

Term Offered: All Semesters

PSY 130 - Human Sexuality Units: 3

A survey of human sexuality emphasizing biological, psychological and socio-cultural influences. Topic areas will include sexual orientation, gender identity, communication, intimacy, sexual variation and dysfunction.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

PSY 205 - Elementary Analysis of Behavior Units: 3

This course will provide an introduction to the science of behavior analysis, with a focus towards the theoretical and applied factors that influence the behavior of humans. Course curriculum will introduce the theoretical, methodological and empirical foundations specific to the field. Throughout, basic learning principles will be reviewed and applied through analysis of real-world and empirical research examples.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: PSY 101

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

PSY 210 - Introduction to Statistical Methods Units: 3

Practice with statistical methods especially useful in the presentation and interpretation of psychological, sociological and educational data, includes elementary computer application. Same as SOC 210.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Completion of PSY 101, or SOC 101; NGQAS score of 263-275, or equivalent ACT/SAT score, or completion of MATH 120 or higher.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

PSY 233 - Child Psychology Units: 3

A study of the growth and development of the child with special consideration given to theories of learning and personality formation.

Term Offered: All Semesters

PSY 234 - Psychology of Adolescence Units: 3

A study of the growth and development of adolescence with a focus on biological, cognitive, social-emotional, and cultural factors that impact development from puberty to emerging adulthood.

PSY 240 - Introduction to Research Methods Units: 3

An overview of the methods and analytical techniques used in the research of social phenomena. Emphasis will be on the design and execution of research.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: PSY 101.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

PSY 241 - Introduction to Abnormal Psychology Units: 3

An overview of abnormal psychology with emphasis on symptom logy, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Term Offered: All Semesters

PSY 261 - Introduction to Social Psychology Units: 3

Nature of the person and interpersonal relationships, their formation and maintenance and their institutional, ideological and societal contexts; empirical examination of beliefs, attitudes, influence. Same as SOC 261.

Term Offered: All Semesters

PSY 275 - Undergraduate Research Units: 3

This course is designed to provide experience with conducting empirical research with human subjects. Students will define relevant psychological phenomenon, conduct a literature review, design an experiment, collect and analyze data, and synthesize previous knowledge with new knowledge related to the topic.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: PSY 210 and PSY 240

Term Offered: AS NEEDED

PSY 276 - Aging in Modern American Society Units: 3

The psychological and sociological development and the changes attendant to the process of aging in society; theory and research in the field, implications for social policy, and perspectives on death and dying. Same as SOC 276.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall