PSC - Political Science

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

PSC 100 - Nevada Constitution Units: 1

Introduction to the political history of Nevada through an examination of the Nevada Constitution. Satisfies the Nevada Constitution requirement. Not open to students who have obtained credit for PSC 101, PSC 208 or HIST 102, HIST 111, HIST 217.

Term Offered: All Semesters

PSC 101 - Introduction to American Politics Units: 3

A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.

Term Offered: All Semesters

PSC 208 - Survey of State and Local Government Units: 3

Organization, working principles and functional processes of state and local governments in the United States, including Nevada. (satisfies the Nevada Constitution requirement.)

Term Offered: Spring

PSC 210 - American Public Policy Units: 3

Analysis of the interplay of forces involved in policy-making at all levels of American government. Study of the impact of policy on individuals and institutions.

Term Offered: Spring

PSC 211 - Introduction to Comparative Politics Units: 3

An introduction to the comparative study of selected developed and developing societies. Emphasis will be given to the study of institutions and their functions, various administrative and decision-making processes and contemporary problems and issues.

Term Offered: Fall

PSC 231 - Introduction to International Relations Units: 3

A topical introduction to international relations stressing the principles of a systematic approach to world politics. Emphasis will be given to major issues/crises confronting contemporary global society.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

PSC 250 - The Politics of International Terrorism Units: 3

The course will examine the definition of international terrorism, its underlying social, political and economic classes, its use as a political tool, its manifestations in the world and the measures to be taken for its prevention.

Term Offered: Spring

PSC 295 - Special Topics in Political Science Units: 3

The course will focus on a contemporary issue or concern of topical interest within the field of Political Science. The issue may be domestic, comparative and/or international in scope. Examples include: Middle East and African government and politics, international organizations, the Nevada Legislature and the politics of nationalized healthcare. May be repeated one time for three credits (maximum six credits total). Repeated course title must be different.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: PSC 101 or approval of the instructor.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

PSC 299 - Government Internship Units: 3-6

Provides students the opportunity to be selected to serve in federal, state, or local government offices normally within the TMCC service area. If more students apply than there are positions available, students must submit resumes and will be selected by a review committee.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: PSC 101 plus one Political Science three-unit elective and consent of instructor.

Term Offered: AS NEEDED