NUTR - Nutrition

NUTR 100 - Introduction to Dietetic Technician Program Units: 0.5

This course is designed for those students who have an interest in becoming a Dietetic Technician Registered (DTR). It is an introductory directed study course designed to give the student a greater knowledge of what a DTR does and what career opportunities are open in the field. The goal of this course is to help the student in making an appropriate career choice.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

NUTR 121 - Human Nutrition Units: 3

This course is designed as an introductory course in nutrition and should acquaint the student with the concepts of nutrients, nutrient requirements and the effect of malnutrition and diet choices on human health.This class meets for four mandatory lab experiences.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

NUTR 220 - Food Service Systems Management Units: 3

Organization and operation of food service, management principles, food service personnel, labor laws, regulatory agencies, food cost control and record keeping.

Term Offered: Fall

NUTR 221 - Quantity Food Purchasing Units: 3

Food purchasing for food service systems, understanding cost factors, food laws, quality standards and basic manufacturing processes.

Term Offered: Spring

NUTR 222 - Principles of Food Science Units: 3

This course covers the basic fundamentals of food science and underlying technology associated with the food industry. An emphasis will be given to the functional and chemical aspects of the nutrients in foods. Four laboratory experiences will cover applications in food systems, such as food processing and preparation of foods.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: BIOL 190A and BIOL 190L

NUTR 223 - Principles of Nutrition Units: 3

A course designed for the student in the field of allied health and for students majoring in Dietetic Technology. Emphasis on the functions of the major nutrients and their role in maintaining good health, beginning at the cellular level and extending to include interactional properties of nutrients and diets.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: BIOL 190A and BIOL 190L or permission of instructor.

Term Offered: All Semesters

NUTR 226 - Food Processing Microbiology Units: 4

To introduce the students to the fundamentals of food microbiology and underlying technology associated with providing a safe, nutritious supply of fresh and processed foods to humans. Students will be introduced to how the food industry and regulatory agencies deal with potential health hazards associated with the ecology and physiology of disease-causing organisms that can be present in food, and how food preservation and processing can extend food availability in a safe manner.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: BIOL 190A and BIOL 190L

Term Offered: All Semesters

NUTR 233 - Community and Lifecycle Nutrition Units: 3

This course is designed for students majoring in the Dietetic Technician Program. Application of nutritional principles and practices in health care, public health and community nutrition services including community resources and governmental regulation. Lifecycle nutrition will be studied as it pertains to the general nutritional needs and problems associated with pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence and the aging population.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: NUTR 223.

Term Offered: AS NEEDED

NUTR 243 - Medical Nutrition Therapy for Dietetic Techs I Units: 3

A course designed for students in the Dietetic Technician Program or other allied health fields. Nutritional care of individuals, applications of nutrition in the clinical setting and specific disease states and nutrition related care for the patient will be studied. This is one part of a two-part course series.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: NUTR 223.

Term Offered: AS NEEDED

NUTR 244 - Medical Nutrition Therapy for Dietetic Techs II Units: 3

A course designed for students in the Dietetic Technician Program or other allied health field. Nutritional care of individuals, applications of nutrition in the clinical setting and specific disease states and nutrition related care for the patient/client will be studied. This is part of a two-part course series.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: NUTR 243

Term Offered: AS NEEDED

NUTR 253 - Cultural Considerations in Nutrition and Health Care Units: 3

Four major non-western cultures are examined regarding cultural norms in the following areas. Cultural attitudes, beliefs and behaviors associated with access to biomedical health care and to traditional health practices (Complementary and Alternative medicine) among different cultural groups. Cultural attitudes, beliefs and behaviors regarding food consumption as it varies across cultural groups. Theoretical and practical approaches to cross cultural communication methods and the meaning of various communication models among groups.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

NUTR 291 - Nutrition Internship-Food Service Units: 3

Supervised experience in a food service setting. Application of classroom theories to actual operations. Registration requires approval of the instructor. This course is designed for students majoring in the Dietetic Technician Program. The Practicum provides a total of 150 hours supervised experience in the area of Food Service Management. The student will interact and apply appropriate assistance and leadership based on the mission of the facility where placed.***Department Consent Required***

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Department Consent Required

Term Offered: ALLSEM&W

NUTR 292 - Nutrition Internship-Community Units: 3

Supervised experience in a Community Nutrition setting. Application of classroom theories to actual situations. Registration requires approval of the instructor. This course is designed for students majoring in the Dietetic Technician Program. The Practicum provides a total of 150 hours supervised experience in the area of Community Nutrition. The student will interact and apply appropriate nutrition assistance based on the age, health, cultural background and medical needs of the patients/clients. Experience sites may include: senior residence facilities, senior centers, WIC offices, or public feeding programs.***Department Consent Required***

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: NUTR 223, NUTR 233 and approval of the instructor.

Term Offered: ALLSEM&W

NUTR 293 - Nutrition Internship-Clinical Units: 3

Supervised experience in a variety of health care and nutrition settings. Application of classroom theories to actual operations. Registration requires approval of the instructor. This course is designed for students majoring in the Dietetic Technician Program. The Practicum provides a total of 150 hours supervised experience in the area of Clinical Nutrition. The student will interact and apply appropriate nutrition assistance based on the age, health, cultural background and medical needs of the patients/clients. Experience sites may include hospitals or the practice of a Consulting Registered Dietitian.***Department Consent Required***

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Department Consent Required

Term Offered: ALLSEM&W

NUTR 298 - Special Topics in Nutrition Units: 1-3

Covers selected topics of interest to students enrolled in the Dietetic Technician program or other Allied Health programs. May be repeated for up to six credits.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Term Offered: AS NEEDED