NURS - Nursing
NURS 102 - Professional Behaviors Units: 2
This introductory course provides the student with an understanding of the professional nurse's role within the health care system. Emphasis is placed on ethics, professional obligations, values, expectations of the profession and accountability for lifelong learning. Students will learn the methods of communicating professionally and effectively with individuals, significant support persons, and as members of the interdisciplinary heath care team. The impact of family will be included.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Open to students with declared Nursing major and accepted into the Nursing program.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
NURS 129 - Level 1 - Basic Nursing Skills Units: 2
The course serves as a foundational introduction to nursing and the healthcare field, exploring its essential component and the various roles within it. Students will examine the healthcare field and gain skills for delivering care in the healthcare settings. Key topics include infection prevention, patient safety, ethics, patient-centered care, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Students will also learn about the importance of communication and cultural competency in healthcare settings. Through lectures and skills practice, participants will develop a broad understanding of the healthcare setting, preparing them for further study or careers in the field. Online lecture/theory and four hours of skills lab per week for six weeks. Students will collaborate and practice skills on each other in a simulation setting. This is an alternate prerequisite (in lieu of the Certified Nursing Assistant class) for the TMCC nursing program. Note: This class does NOT prepare students to sit for the Nevada State Board of Nursing Certified Nursing Assistant Examination.
Enrollment Requirements: Must have a current CMA, DA, EMT, EMTA, or Paramedic certification; or Current Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR card and a minimum of a B in BIOL 189A or BIOL 190A.
Term Offered: AS NEEDED
NURS 130 - Nursing Assistant Units: 6
This course provides knowledge and skills necessary to assist the professional nurse in direct patient care, undertaking those tasks which are supportive to the care of the patient in various health-care settings. Students are introduced to the roles and responsibilities of a Certified Nursing Assistant. Emphasis is placed on acquiring proficiency in direct and indirect care to patients, as defined by the Nevada State Board of Nursing's Scope of Practice. The lab/clinical portion of this course includes selected skills that students have to perform. After satisfactory completion of this course, students are eligible to take the State exam and after passing that exam can become "Certified" Nursing Assistants.
Enrollment Requirements: MANDATORY STEPS OF ENROLLMENT: Background check, Drug Test, HCP CPR card, Major Medical Insurance and Immunizations.
Term Offered: All Semesters
NURS 138 - Nursing Care I Units: 7
This introductory course provides the students with the foundations of the arts and science of nursing. Students are exposed to the core competencies that define the roles and responsibilities of an associate degree nurse. Focus is placed on acquiring proficiency to carry out basic independent and interdependent nursing actions that assist clients across the lifespan in meeting their health-care needs. Each student identifies care planning activities and develops an individualized care plan and assessment focusing on unique client/patient needs. Emphasis is on assessment, teaching and learning, and communication in health and wellness.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Open to students with declared Nursing major and accepted into the Nursing program.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
NURS 140 - Medical Terminology Units: 3
The development of a basic medical vocabulary used to describe the body's anatomical systems with emphasis on the definition, use, spelling and pronunciation of terms. Attention will be focused on disease, normal body structure and function and pharmacology terminology.
Term Offered: All Semesters
NURS 142 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology Units: 2
This course provides an introduction to common pharmacotherapies encountered by nurses with emphasis on safe, quality, patient-centered, socio-culturally appropriate, evidence-based nursing care. Various groups of drugs will be studied in relation to their actions on selected body systems focusing on safe administration of medications to clients across the lifespan.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Open to students with declared Nursing major and accepted into the Nursing program.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
NURS 170 - Nursing Care 2 Units: 7
The focus of this course is on nursing care and management of the individual across the health wellness illness continuum using the nursing process. Student will integrate knowledge of the diverse and holistic needs of the individual. Students will apply and implement communication strategies through collaboration, and teaching and learning; topics include stress and coping and grief and loss. The childbearing and child rearing family are also included as a population.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Open to students with declared Nursing major and accepted into the Nursing program.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
NURS 202 - Nursing Care 3 Units: 7
The focus of this course is a continuation of the nursing care and management of patients/clients with an altered health status that affects both individuals and families across the lifespan. The child-bearing and child rearing family are also included as a population. The course applies the concepts of clinical pharmacology, psychopathology, pathophysiology, health maintenance, promotion and restoration to the care of patients/clients. The lab/clinical portion of this course include selected observation, clinical assignments and the use of computer simulation and skills laboratory.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Open to students with declared Nursing major and accepted into the Nursing program.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
NURS 209 - Principles of Pathophysiology Units: 3
This course is designed to offer students the opportunity to explore and apply the principles of pathophysiology to the nursing care of diverse patients across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on the relationships between physiological, psychological, and developmental variables in the care of patients.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Open to students with declared Nursing major and accepted into the Nursing program.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
NURS 212 - Cultural Aspects of Nursing Care Units: 3
Nurse-client encounters involve the interaction of three cultural subsystems: the culture of the nurse, the culture of the client and the culture of the setting. This course explores the influence of culturally diverse backgrounds within the health care system of the United States. The weaving of gender, age, race, ethnic and religious diversities of the nurse and client will be emphasized. This course fulfills the diversity requirement at TMCC. This course is offered online only and is open only to students admitted to the nursing program.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Open to students with declared Nursing major and accepted into the Nursing program.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
NURS 274 - Nursing Care 4 Units: 7
The focus of this course is the culmination of the care and management of the holistic, diverse, acutely-ill client across the lifespan. Emphasis is on the refinement of clinical decision making skills, achievement of clinical competence, and demonstration of professional nursing practice. The capstone experience of this course provides opportunities to incorporate informatics, to explore quality improvement opportunities using the National Patient Safety Goals.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Open to students with declared Nursing major and accepted into the Nursing program.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
NURS 285 - Selected Topics in Nursing Units: 0.5-6
This course is restricted to students who have approval from the Director of Nursing. The course will present an individually selected variety of topics intended to bring the student to current knowledge in the subject area assigned. Students who are returning to the nursing program after an absence, or who may need to repeat certain content for either theory or clinical nursing courses will be assigned the appropriate number of credits. Other students referred by the Nevada State Board of Nursing for refreshing in certain topics may also take this variable credit course. The course may be repeated for up to six credits.
Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree
Term Offered: AS NEEDED
NURS 330 - Biostatistics for Nursing Units: 3
This course provides an introduction to biostatistics for nursing and allied health professionals. The course covers descriptive statistics, basic probability concepts and distributions, classic estimation and hypothesis testing, regression and correlation, sampling and survey construction, analysis of frequency and count data, and measures of validity and reliability. This advanced statistical knowledge allows nurses to understand and use healthcare research.
Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: MATH 124 or higher; admission to the RN-BSN program.
NURS 354 - Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing Practice Units: 2
The course will prepare the RN student for transition to practice as a baccalaureate prepared leader/manager. Organizational structures and processes of health care organizations as context for professional nursing practice are discussed. The collaborative roles of the nurse as leader and manager within the framework of legislative, economic, and regulated health care environments are analyzed. The legal and ethical parameters which influence the role of the nurse as leader/manager are explored. Strategies and processes for successful RN transition to baccalaureate prepared nursing practice are discussed. This course is a prerequisite to enrolling in other RN-BSN program courses.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.
NURS 394 - Holistic Assessment in Professional Nursing Units: 3
This course prepares the learner to assess in depth the biopsychosocial health status of clients across the lifespan. Learners will learn to obtain a complete and accurate health history, perform a systematic physical examination, and learn techniques to complete a holistic health assessment across the lifespan, within a framework for clinical decision making. Acquired data will be used to formulate a comprehensive problem list for the client and to refine documentation skills. Content will be designed to provide correlation of assessment strategies with an understanding of the mechanisms of illness and health problems of the main body systems. Health and wellness in the context of disability will be addressed. This course assists in the socialization of the learner into the role of the clinical nurse leader or nurse educator in the current healthcare delivery system.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.
NURS 395 - Research & Evidence-Based Practice in Professional Nursing Units: 4
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the analysis, examination, and application of nursing research to professional nursing practice. Students will review, analyze, and critique current nursing research for scientific merit and determine methods to apply this evidence to the care of diverse patient populations across the lifespan. In addition, students will examine how to lead the integration of best-practice evidence on a systems level for the delivery of optimal health care and improved patient outcomes.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.
NURS 396 - Dimensions of Professional Nursing Units: 4
An introduction to the philosophical, conceptual, and theoretical basis for the development of professional roles and practices for baccalaureate nurses. Content includes historical, contemporary, legal, ethical, and technological influences on nursing as an applied science in healthcare. Topics include application of recognized standards of care, professional role development, accountability, responsibility, autonomy, and delegation. Inter-professional collaboration and communication in healthcare settings, and diverse nursing roles are explored. Application of evidence-based practice, clinical reasoning, clinical judgement, and leadership principles are integrated into the course.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.
NURS 478 - Quality and Safety Education for Professional Nursing Practice Units: 3
Examination of the principles, competencies, and practices of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) that support inter-professional collaboration, a culture of safety and improved patient outcomes. Topics include application of evidence-based research to nursing practice, use of technology and nursing informatics and identification of the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the professional nurse leader that are used to improve patient centered care and the work environment.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.
NURS 479 - Evolving Concepts in Nursing Leadership and Management Units: 4
The purpose of this course is the analysis and development of the leadership and management skills assumed by the professional nurse. Students will discuss the required leadership and management skills needed to work effectively within systems, organizations, patient care units, and patient assignments. The relationship of organizational and systems theory as it relates to professional nursing management and leadership will be explored. Management concepts addressed will include interdisciplinary collaboration and networking, delegation, budgeting and resource allocation, scheduling and staffing, and evaluation. Leadership concepts addressed will include networking, facilitation of groups, change, team building, and conflict resolution. This course has a capstone experience requiring the student to work in the community to meet the objectives of the course.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.
NURS 480 - Enhancing Clinical Judgment Units: 4
Enhances the student's ability to make sound clinical judgments required to be a self-directed thinker in clinical situations. Students will explore their responses to previously identified demanding situations requiring calm, immediate, thoughtful responses to provide safe, quality nursing care for patients and populations across the lifespan. Students will examine their thought processes and strategies against established clinical judgment competencies and apply these competencies in a deliberate, skillful and thoughtful manner.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.
NURS 482 - Population Care Theory Units: 3
This course includes the analysis of community/population health as applied to the delivery of client services to improve public health, reduce disparities, provide leadership in the delivery of care, and synthesize one's clinical role with population health. Students will examine environmental, social, cultural, and behavioral determinants of health and includes family, aggregates, and populations. Topics may include local and regional conditions that affect populations throughout the lifespan.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.
NURS 489 - Information Management and Healthcare Technology Units: 3
Examination of informatics in healthcare emphasizing clinical information systems and the use of information technology (IT) applications to support nursing practice.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.
NURS 492 - Population Care Capstone Units: 4
Capstone experience that focuses on caring for community/population health. Students will collaborate with community agencies/institutions and healthcare systems to provide an opportunity to integrate knowledge from nursing theory and population/public health in assessing the health care needs of families, aggregates and populations. This course has a capstone experience requiring the student to work in the community to meet the objectives of the course.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Admission to RN-BSN Program.