MT - Mechanical Technology

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

MT 100 - Fabricating Composites Units: 3

This course will allow students to create and repair basic composite products.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

MT 108 - Fluid Power (Pneumatics, Electro-pneumatics) Units: 3

This course is an introduction to fluid power systems involving pneumatics, hydraulics, and electrical control. This course satisfies 5 embedded hours toward specified programs and certificates for AAS Human Relations, 5 embedded hours toward specified programs and certificates for AAS Math, and 5 embedded hours toward specified programs and certificates for AAS Science General Education requirements.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Enrollment Requirements: Pre or Co-requisite: ELM 110 or instructor approval.

MT 109 - Small Engine Operation and Maintenance Units: 3

This course introduces students to the operation and maintenance of small engines used in a variety of technical settings. Students will operate, maintain, and repair two-cycle and four-cycle engines.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

MT 198 - Special Topics in Mechanical Technology Units: 0.5-4

This course is designed to give students a basic understanding and hands-on experience of current theories in mechanical technologies. As local manufacturers begin to utilize advanced technologies in their processes, this course will provide a hands on approach to learning the technology in these areas necessary for students to succeed in the new economy.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

MT 290 - Internship in Mechanical Technology Units: 1-8

This course provides the student with the opportunity to acquire real-world experience under the supervision of qualified industry personnel. This course is an extension supplemental to classroom/lab experiences. Student grades will be assigned as a cooperative effort between faculty and job supervisor.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree