LGM - Logistics Management

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

LGM 201 - Essentials of Logistics Management Units: 3

Introduction to supply chain management from both analytical and perspectives. Stressing a unified approach, the course allows students to develop a framework for making intelligent decisions within the supply chain. Key logistics functions are covered to include demand planning, procurement, inventory theory and control, transportation planning and execution, reverse logistics, and flexible contracting. Concepts covered include postponement, portfolio management, dual sourcing, and others. Emphasis is placed on ability to recognize and manage risk, analyze various tradeoffs, and model logistics systems.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

LGM 202 - International Logistics Management Units: 3

This course analyzes and defines the functions of the supply chain that are involved in international supply chain management. Themes include supply chain activities in international business with special emphasis on management of transportation, global sourcing, customs issues and facility location in a global environment.

Term Offered: Fall

LGM 208 - Logistics and Quality Management Tools I Units: 3

This course will introduce students to the concepts and tools that are utilized in improving and managing quality within logistics disciplines. The first part of the course will look at Theory of Constraints, Lean and Total Quality Management.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: LGM 201.

Term Offered: Fall

LGM 209 - Logistics and Quality Management Tools II Units: 3

This is the second course in the Logistics and Quality Management Tools sequence. This course will focus upon Six Sigma and synthesis of the tools for maximum impact in creating continuous improvements.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: LGM 208

Term Offered: Spring

LGM 210 - Studies in Procurement and Logistics Units: 3

This course analyzes both the theory and applications of strategic issues in procurement and supply chain management process. Themes include the procurement cycle, purchasing research, relationships with suppliers, negotiation and commodity planning. Emphasis is placed on cost, price and value analysis.

Enrollment Requirements: Corequisite: LGM 201.

Term Offered: Spring

LGM 212 - Transportation Management Units: 3

This course analyzes carrier economics, regulation and rate making practices as well as evaluating the public policy issues related to carrier transportation; includes course work in the planning and design of logistically oriented urban service systems. Themes include customer service, distribution operations, purchasing and negotiation.

Term Offered: Fall

LGM 320 - Logistics Security Units: 3

In this course students will be provided an in-depth view of modern border and transportation security, including the protection of seaports, airports, ships, aircraft, trains, trucks, pipelines, etc. Course includes discussions with officials from security organizations such as TSA, Coast Guard, US Customs, Border Protection and FBI. The course will cover specific facets of transportation security, including physical and procedural controls, and regulations of the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, the US Coast Guard and others. The course will also provide discussions on current threats, counter terrorism measures, new technologies, and the importance of both passenger and cargo security to the global economy.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 114 and LGM 201; or instructor approval.

Term Offered: Fall

LGM 330 - Warehousing Units: 3

This course provides an in-depth approach of the methods to organize and operate a warehouse including warehousing principles, site selection, facility design, facility size, JIT (Just in Time), automation, and advanced warehouse technology.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: MATH 120, ENG 102 or ENG 114, or qualifying test results, and LGM 201; or instructor approval.

Term Offered: Spring

LGM 340 - Production & Logistics Information Systems Units: 3

This course is a study of information systems and information management in business environments. It provides fundamental concepts of the needs of management, the use of information technology in various business subsystems including logistics, the use of information systems to gain a competitive advantage, and managing information as an organizational resource.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 114 and LGM 201; or instructor approval.

Term Offered: Fall

LGM 352 - Decision Modeling for Logistics Units: 3

This course provides an analysis of decision making in the current logistics environment and the quantitative tools and methods needed for finding solutions to problems relating to purchasing, inventory, transportation, and warehouse management.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Satisfied with one course BUS 225 or STAT 152 -OR- satisfied with two courses ECON 261 and ECON 262.

Term Offered: Spring

LGM 410 - Finance and Budgeting Units: 3

This rigorous introductory course provides an overview of finance and budgeting issues as they apply to non-accounting majors. It aims to demystify financial statements, cost analysis, budgeting, performance evaluation, and the use of financial data in the business decision-making process. This course will use case discussions, problem sets, online tutorials, and individual and group exercises.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: MATH 120, MATH 124, MATH 126 or equivalent/qualifying test scores, or instructor approval.

Term Offered: Fall

LGM 420 - Safety and Risk Management Units: 3

This course will illustrate facts about environmental risk as perceived from individual and societal perspectives. Students will learn the principles of risk assessment and modeling and how safety management works in practice. The course will examine approaches to solving environmental risk problems as well as review the appropriate role of these methods in effective public and private decision making.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: BUS 225 and LGM 201, or instructor approval.

Term Offered: Fall

LGM 440 - Logistics Project Management Units: 3

In this course students will learn to organize, plan, implement, and control project tasks to achieve a logistics organization's schedule, budget, and performance objectives. Students will learn to use and apply tools and concepts such as project charter, scope statement, work breakdown structure, project estimating, and scheduling methodologies.

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: LGM 340 and LGM 352.

Term Offered: Spring

LGM 450 - Sustainability: Environmental and Financial Impact Units: 3

This course focuses on the science, engineering and ethics of sustainability by examining ecological, social and environmental issues. The course will review the environmental policy issues and the impact human population has on the current environment. Explore new sources of energy, and examine water quality, waste treatment, reclamation, and conservation efforts. The course will demonstrate how managers can collaborate to meet these challenges and determine the financial impact on company by calculating the return on investment.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: BUS 225, LGM 352, and LGM 410

Term Offered: Spring

LGM 460 - Legal Concepts for Transportation and Logistics Management Units: 3

This course takes an in-depth look at transportation law and regulations. Topics include federal jurisdiction and pre-emption, U.S. and international contract law including the UCC and CISG, insurance, liability, environmental law; as well as specific regulations pertaining to the railroad, motor carrier, ocean, and airline industries.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: BUS 325, LGM 210, and LGM 212; or instructor approval.

Term Offered: Spring

LGM 470 - Import Export Management Units: 3

This course explains how companies strategically navigate the complexity of international trade. The course will examine how to identify potential risks, apply quality control procedures, and prepare documentation accurately. This course will also cover compliance and security regulations including: C-TPAT guidelines, Incoterms, in-house compliance programs, freight cost-reduction methods, TSA regulations, Improved technology options, and current export initiatives.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: LGM 201, LGM 202, and LGM 320

Term Offered: Spring

LGM 490 - Logistics Industry Research Capstone Units: 3

This capstone course provides an opportunity for you to work on a logistics operations management problem that is of particular interest to you as you near degree completion. You will research a contemporary logistics operations problem that logistics companies are facing, apply the theories and concepts learned in the program to develop a hypothesis and test your theory with actual companies.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: C- or better in BUS 225, BUS 330, LGM 340, and LGM 420. Declared BAS - Logistics Operations Management and 45 credits completed in the core requirements with a cumulative 2.5 GPA or higher.

Term Offered: Fall

LGM 491 - Logistics Operations Management Internship Units: 3

This capstone course provides on-the-job opportunities in a program designed by a company official and a faculty advisor for practical, professional learning experiences.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Declared BAS - Logistics Operations Management and 45 credits completed in the core requirements with a cumulative 2.5 GPA or higher.

Term Offered: Spring