GEOG - Geography
GEOG 103 - Physical Geography of Earth's Environment Units: 3
Study of the physical processes and dynamic systems that shape Earth. Topics include the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere, and the connections between these systems with human society. Emphasis is placed upon applying geospatial reasoning to understand the physical world. Four laboratory experiences required.
Term Offered: Spring
GEOG 106 - Introduction to Cultural Geography Units: 3
An introduction to the distribution, characteristics, and complexity of the human cultural landscape. Issues addressed include human-environment interaction, population growth, development, resource utilization, popular and folk culture, and the role of technology in society.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
GEOG 121 - Climate Change and its Environmental Impacts Units: 3
This course explores the science of climate change and how scientists use models, observations, and theory to make predictions about future climate. The possible consequences of climate change and its impact on the landscape, water resources, species distributions, and human populations are explored. Laboratory experiences investigate climate data and data models.
Term Offered: Spring
GEOG 198 - Special Topics in Geography Units: 0.5-6
Various short courses and experimental classes covering a variety of subjects. The course will be a variable credit of one-half to six credits depending on the course content and number of hours required. The course may be repeated for up to six credits.
Term Offered: AS NEEDED
GEOG 200 - World Regional Geography Units: 3
Survey of the world's major geographic regions, synthesizing their unique physical conditions, economic and political character, and distinctive cultures. Emphasis is placed upon the historical influences and contemporary trends that help explain current problems and conditions, and how these factor influence cultural diversity. Satisfies UNR social science core curriculum.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Completion of ENG 100, ENG 101, or ENG 113, or concurrent enrollment of ENG 100 or qualifying English placement score.
Term Offered: Fall
GEOG 210 - Introduction to Geotechnology Units: 3
Introduces the uses of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and remote sensing for data analysis and assimilation. Provides hands-on experience applying geospatial technology to solve spatial problems and display geographic data.
Term Offered: Fall
GEOG 220 - Introduction to Cartography Units: 3
Introduces the fundamental skills of map making: includes projections, lettering, map use and analysis, computer and manual cartography, graphic design and geographic data representation, and the history and ethics of cartography.
Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree
Term Offered: Spring