FREN - French

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

FREN 111 - First Year French I Units: 4

Introduction to the language through the development of language skills and through structural analysis. Includes an introduction to French culture. This course transfers to UNR as FREN 111.

Term Offered: Fall

FREN 112 - First Year French II Units: 4

Introduction to the language through the development of language skills and through structural analysis. Includes an introduction to French culture.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: FREN 111 or qualifying French CAPE Placement score.

Term Offered: Spring

FREN 198 - Special Topics in French Units: 1-6

Various short courses and experimental classes covering a variety of subjects. The course will be a variable credit of one to six credits depending on the course content and number of hours required. The course may be repeated for up to six credits.

Term Offered: AS NEEDED

FREN 211 - Second Year French I Units: 3

Emphasis is on structural review, conversation, writing, and readings from texts. This course transfers to UNR as FREN 211.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: FREN 112 or qualifying French CAPE Placement score.

Term Offered: Fall

FREN 212 - Second Year French II Units: 3

A continuation of French 211. Structural review, conversation, writing and readings in modern literature. This course transfers to UNR as FREN 212.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: FREN 211 or equivalent or qualifying CAPE placement score.

Term Offered: Spring