ENG - English
ENG 100 - Composition Enhanced Units: 5
Writing intensive course designed to strengthen college level writing skills, with particular attention to persuasion, analysis, synthesis and an introduction to research methodologies. Focus on process through drafting, revising, and editing is emphasized. Conventions of standard English are reviewed. Additionally, critical reading strategies of college level texts are developed. Course provides additional assistance in comprehensive writing and reading skills.
Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Qualifying ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension (RC) score, SAT, or ACT placement. Successful completion of ENG 100 with a C- grade or better satisfies ENG 101 requirement and students can enroll in ENG 102.
ENG 101 - Composition I Units: 3
Writing intensive course designed to strengthen college level writing skills, with particular attention to persuasion, analysis, synthesis and an introduction to research methodologies. Focus on process through drafting, revising and editing is emphasized. Conventions of standard English are reviewed. Additionally, critical reading strategies of college level texts are developed.
Enrollment Requirements: ACCUPLACER, SAT, or ACT test score--OR--high school unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above--OR--AP English Course (passing grade of B or better). Students who have successfully completed ENG 100 do not need to take ENG 101; they may enroll in ENG 102.
Term Offered: All Semesters
ENG 102 - Composition II Units: 3
Continuation and extension of English 101 with an exploration of essay forms with particular attention to interpretation, analysis and synthesis, while emphasizing analytical reading and writing, critical thinking and research methodologies.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: A grade of C- or better in ENG 100 or ENG 101 or equivalent or qualifying SAT/ACT score.
Term Offered: All Semesters
ENG 107 - Technical Communications I Units: 3
Introduction to expository methods with concentration on specific writing forms including memorandums, cover and business letters, formal and informal reports, manuals, and proposals. Suggested for students in occupational fields.
Term Offered: All Semesters
ENG 108 - Technical Communications II Units: 3
A continuation of expository methods. Concentration on developing writing projects required on the job. Lecture and individual instruction. Suggested for students in occupational fields.
Term Offered: AS NEEDED
ENG 113 - Composition I for International and Multilingual Students Units: 3
Writing the expository essay; develops fluency and emphasizes development, coherence, style, revision, and editing for target-language accuracy. This course satisfies the English 101 requirement for non-native English speakers.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Qualifying high school GPA; ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT, or AP placement score. Corequisite: READ 135 with qualifying ACCUPLACER test score.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
ENG 114 - Composition II For International and Multilingual Students Units: 3
Exploration of essay forms with particular attention to interpretation and argument; emphasis on analytical reading and writing, critical thinking, and research methodologies; attention to language skill development and needs of learners of English as a second language. This course satisfies the English 102 requirement for non-native English speakers.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 113 or equivalent or qualifying SAT/ACT score.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
ENG 181 - Vocabulary and Meaning Units: 3
Problems of meaning, word derivation and word formation are investigated with a view to enlarging and refining a working English vocabulary. Transfers for two credits to UNLV/UNR.
Term Offered: All Semesters
ENG 202 - Film Analysis and Interpretation Units: 3
Introduces the critical study and interpretation of film art, exploring aspects of film style and basic theoretical concerns while presenting a survey of important film genres, both narrative and non-narrative.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
ENG 205 - Intro to Creative Writing: Fiction and Poetry Units: 3
This class is an introductory level creative writing class in which primarily the principles of poetry and fiction will be addressed, with some limited discussion of creative nonfiction. Students who successfully complete this course will have a working knowledge of the literary arts and the life of the literary artist and should be better prepared to go on to advanced study in the genre of their choice.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
ENG 220 - Writing Poetry Units: 3
This class is an introductory level poetry writing class in which the study of poetic writing methods and forms will be addressed, with concentration on the student's creative writing. Students who successfully complete the course will have a working knowledge of the literary arts and the life of the literary artist and should be better prepared to go on to the advanced study of poetry.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
ENG 221 - Writing Fiction Units: 3
The study of fiction writing methods and forms with concentration on the student's writing and a focus on developing students' knowledge of the literary arts and the life of the literary artist.
Term Offered: All Semesters
ENG 222 - Intermediate Fiction: Novel Writing Units: 3
This course is a continuation of ENG 221 with an emphasis on novel writing. The class will be conducted as a combination craft lecture and writer's workshop.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 221 or instructor approval.
Term Offered: AS NEEDED
ENG 224 - Introduction to Screenwriting Units: 3
The study of screenwriting methods and forms with a concentration on the student's creative writing.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 113 or instructor approval.
Term Offered: AS NEEDED
ENG 231 - World Literature I Units: 3
Introduction to early literature and ideological trends in world literature from antiquity to 1650. The course will include materials from a variety of genres. Students will also explore thematic connections, ideological trends, and literary traditions from a variety of cultures.
Term Offered: Fall
ENG 232 - World Literature II Units: 3
Introduction to aesthetic and ideological trends in world literature through reading of literary masterpieces from 1650 to present.
Term Offered: Spring
ENG 246 - The Art of Literature Units: 3
Intro to literature that explores and considers the ways in which major literary genres (poetry, fiction, drama), themes, and literary movements interact with, reflect, inspire, and inform artworks in different fine arts (painting and sculpture, film, theater, music, and dance).
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
ENG 250 - Introduction to Children's Literature Units: 3
A survey of historical periods, major writers, and trends in children's literature, primarily in the Western tradition.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 113 or instructor approval.
Term Offered: AS NEEDED
ENG 267 - Introduction to Women and Literature Units: 3
A consideration of women as writers and as characters in literature. Readings are drawn from poetry, drama, fiction and biography. Women's voices are represented as diverse within a variety of cultures, sub-cultures, regions, and periods.
Term Offered: Spring and Fall
ENG 275 - Contemporary Literature Units: 3
The reading of recent literature of various types to acquaint students with contemporary writers.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 113 or instructor approval.
Term Offered: AS NEEDED
ENG 281 - Introduction to Language Units: 3
Nature and function of language, including an introduction to the linguistics subsystem of Modern English and the development of the English language. Crosslisted with ANTH 281.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 100 or ENG 113 or instructor approval.
Term Offered: Fall
ENG 282 - Introduction to Language and Literary Expression Units: 3
The forms and function of language with special application to literary study.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 113 or instructor approval.
Term Offered: Spring
ENG 298 - Writing About Literature Units: 3
Introduction to literary study--literary terms, genre, time periods, and analysis.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 100 or ENG 113 or instructor approval.
Term Offered: Fall
ENG 299 - Special Topics in English Units: 1-3
The successful student will be able to initiate one on one dialog between student and tutor, focusing on the degree to which the paper fulfills the requirements of the assignment. Diagnose written communication problems and offer suggestions for improving the writing quality. Help peers to evaluate their own writing in terms of fulfilling requirements of assignment, including the appropriate content, and accurately using grammar.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 113 or instructor approval.
Term Offered: AS NEEDED