EMHS - Emergency Management

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

EMHS 200 - ICS/NIMS/EOC Units: 3

This course will develop students comprehension of the systems utilized to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from emergencies of all types and complexities. The course will cover the Incident Command System (ICS), National Incident Management System(NIMS) and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) functions in the modern emergency services.

Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

EMHS 300 - Principles, Practices Philosophy & Doctrine of Emergency Management Units: 3

This course focuses on the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of the emergency management profession and the principles that define effective practice.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be provisionally or fully admitted to the EMHS program and have EMHS 200 as a prerequisite or corequisite.

Term Offered: Fall

EMHS 302 - Principles and Practices of Mitigation and Recovery in Emergency Management Units: 3

This course examines sustainable disaster mitigation and recovery including principles, concepts, processes, and practices currently used in the United States.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be provisionally or fully admitted to the EMHS program and have EMHS 200 as a prerequisite or corequisite.

Term Offered: Fall

EMHS 304 - Hazard Risk Management: Vulnerability and Risk Units: 3

This course will discuss underlying risk assessment and analysis theory, and explore the key steps and actions that can be taken to manage risk inclusive of: studying and understanding the community or entity at risk.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be provisionally or fully admitted to the EMHS program and have EMHS 200 as a prerequisite or corequisite.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 306 - Advanced ICS-EOC Interface Units: 3

Advanced Incident Command System and Emergency Operations Center interface is designed to enhance the student's understanding of methods to effectively manage the critical interface between field incident scenes, managed under the National Incident Management System and jurisdictional emergency operations centers. The course builds upon concepts learned in EMHS 200 ICS/NIMS/EOC.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Fall

EMHS 311 - International and Domestic Terrorism Units: 3

The course examines issues and concepts that make up the field of International and Domestic Terrorism. It will examine anti-terrorism and counter terrorism measures that are utilized and evolving to deal with this complex problem.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be provisionally or fully admitted to the EMHS program and have EMHS 200 as a prerequisite or corequisite.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 313 - Homeland Security: Preparedness, Prevention, Deterrence & Emergency Management Units: 3

This course examines the roots of terrorism, religious and political extremism, radicalization, terrorist structures, intelligence, combating terrorism and the evolution of emergency management relative to homeland security.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be provisionally or fully admitted to the EMHS program and have EMHS 200 as a prerequisite or corequisite.

Term Offered: Fall

EMHS 320 - History of United States Hazards and Disasters Units: 3

This course presents an overview of background and history of hazards, disasters and Emergency Management in the United States. It covers the birth of disaster response and identifies some of the early disasters that helped found the fundamentals of Emergency Management.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 321 - Homeland Security Policy, Ethics and Civil Liberties Units: 3

This course will examine the Federal Government response to terrorism since the 9/11 terrorist attacks and how that response affects protecting the Homeland and the ethics of balancing security and civil liberty.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be provisionally or fully admitted to the EMHS program and have EMHS 200 as a prerequisite or corequisite.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 322 - Trauma Treatment in an age of disaster and terrorism Units: 3

This course provides a broad overview of the causes and "first responder" treatment of psychological trauma in both human caused and natural disasters.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 323 - Physical Security and Deterrents to Terrorism Units: 3

This course will focus on the development and implementation of a physical security program and deterrents to terrorism utilizing a hazards analysis and vulnerability process.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 325 - Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Homeland Security Units: 3

This course examines the issues and concepts of terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and organized crime relative to the development and establishment of Homeland Security.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 410 - Social Dimensions, Lifecycle and Ethics of Disaster Units: 3

This course will examine the common patterns that make up the disaster lifecycle across a spectrum of historical and current events. Vulnerability, hazards, risk, technology, human behavior, and community will be explored to identify how they contribute to or mitigate the impact of disaster on societies. Ethical considerations will be explored that influence all phases of the disaster lifecycle.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 412 - Emergency Management Fiscal Administration Units: 3

This course will examine the processes and challenges of fiscal administration and management within the emergency management and disaster arenas. It will also explore the processes and administration of federal grant funds.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 414 - Organizational Crisis & Continuity Management Units: 3

This course will explore various strategies to insure public and private organizational continuity during and following crisis.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Fall

EMHS 416 - Introduction to Exercise Design and Evaluation Units: 3

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of emergency management exercise design, management and evaluation. Students will design an exercise, identify the logistics necessary for execution and management of the exercise, and develop an exercise evaluation plan.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Fall

EMHS 420 - Advanced Disaster Case Study Units: 3

This course will focus on the analysis of disaster events across a broad spectrum of causation, mitigation, response and recovery and their impacts on involved communities.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 421 - Critical Thinking and Strategic Intelligence Units: 3

This course offers an overview of critical thinking and its applications in the homeland security context. The focus is on essential elements of thought, asking the right questions, uncovering fallacies in reasoning and statistical misrepresentations. Evidence evaluation in a homeland security setting is featured with several examples interpreting real-world information. This course then examines the role of intelligence in homeland security policy and practice and how critical thinking applies to intelligence. The course analyzes the intelligence process with an emphasis on the role of the policy maker.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: EMHS 300 or EMHS 311. Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 422 - Public Health and Disasters Units: 3

The course examines the issues and concepts that make up the field of Public Health and how Public Health prepares for and supports disaster response. It will examine the intersection of security and public health policy, threats to public health, legal and policy infrastructure and the tools that are available to improve preparedness, response and recovery efforts.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Fall

EMHS 423 - Critical Infrastructure and Resource Protection Units: 3

Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) is a cornerstone of homeland security. This course examines the framework of CIP and provides the tools and techniques to identify, plan and implement protection for CIP.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Fall

EMHS 425 - Emergency Management/Homeland Security Leadership & Communication Units: 3

This course will introduce students to concepts, theories, principles and practices of leadership, public information and communication in All-Risk environments, as well as effective leadership principles in an emergency management shared power context.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Fall

EMHS 427 - Critical Incident Management for Public Safety Units: 3

This course prepares the student in the direct response, operations and management of critical incidents. Emphasis is placed upon the theoretical and applied models to understand and manage disasters, terrorism, and school/work place violence.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 429 - Transportation Systems: Security and multi-modal transportation Units: 3

This course examines issues and concepts that make up the field of transportation systems and their security from potential terrorist activity or attacks. It also examines historical transportation disasters.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the EMHS or the LOM bachelors program or have department approval at https://www.tmcc.edu/emergency-management-homeland-security/contact.

Term Offered: Spring

EMHS 470 - Emergency Management Homeland Security Internship Units: 3

This course will provide the student with the practical experience in an actual work environment. Emphasis is placed on all phases of the industry in the student's area of specialization (Local or State Emergency Management Office, Public Health, Homeland Security or Business Continuity). Students are acquainted with occupational responsibilities through realistic work situations and are provided with insights into management applications on the job. Topics include: Adaptability to the job setting, use of proper interpersonal skills, application of emergency preparedness skills and techniques, and professional development.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must be admitted to the Emergency Management/Homeland Security program and have completed 30 program credits.

Term Offered: All Semesters

EMHS 490 - Emergency Management Homeland Security Capstone Units: 3

This is a capstone course which will provide the student with a thorough review of all theories, techniques, and management practices within the field of emergency management and homeland security.

Enrollment Requirements: Students must be admitted to the Emergency Management/Homeland Security program and must have either already taken EMHS 425 or at a minimum take EMHS 425 and EMHS 490 concurrently.

Term Offered: All Semesters