EDU - Education

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

EDU 110 - Success Strategies in Education and Human Development Units: 3

Review career options and requirements for working in the field of Education. Discuss current topics within Education, including legal and ethical issues facing educators today. Learn about various educational theories, philosophies, and success strategies as you start your path to becoming an educator.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

EDU 201 - Introduction to Elementary Education Units: 3

Delve into the foundations of elementary education including historical, philosophical, and sociological issues. Study the developmental stages of children, explore learning styles, understand the basics of how to develop and present content, discuss assessment strategies, contemplate issues of diversity and more. Gain insight into the profession of an educator through the required field experience.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

EDU 202 - Introduction to Secondary Education Units: 3

As a perspective secondary teacher, become a reflective practitioner as you develop your own philosophy of education through understanding and examining the historical, political, legal, and economic forces influencing schooling in the United States. Discover best practices and teaching techniques as you observe teachers in action during the required field experience.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

EDU 203 - Introduction to Special Education Units: 3

Examine the various types of exceptionalities you may encounter in a classroom and learn about varying viewpoints regarding disabilities. Explore the characteristics of effective instruction for students with disabilities and gain skills to employ best practices when educating exceptional children.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

EDU 205 - Early Foundations in Mathematics Units: 3

Understand the development of early foundational mathematical knowledge and learn about specific ways to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in the classroom and home environment.

Term Offered: Spring

EDU 206 - Classroom Learning Environments Units: 3

Effectively managing your classroom will be a key aspect of creating a positive classroom experience. Explore various classroom management philosophies and approaches as you learn best practices for organizing and managing a diverse learning environment.

Term Offered: Spring

EDU 207 - Exploration of Children's Literature Units: 3

Explore the genres of children's literature in this survey class as you learn about current issues and the history of children's literature. Discuss what makes a good book and delve into a variety of subject matter, including multicultural elements and censored literature. Culminate the course experience by creating an original children's story of your own.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

EDU 208 - Students with Diverse Abilities and Backgrounds Units: 3

Ensure you are successful in the inclusion of all students in your classroom, specifically students with disabilities, students from culturally diverse backgrounds, and English language learners. Learn about teaching strategies, learning styles, assessment practices, and cultural implications that will help you create an inclusive learning environment.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite/Corequisite: EDU 203.

Term Offered: Fall

EDU 210 - Nevada School Law Units: 3

Examine the federal and state legal issues relating to education that can have an impact on the learning environment. Discuss legal principles and concepts, ethical issues, and examples of court cases to aid your understanding of student and teacher rights and responsibilities and other liability issues that you may encounter in a school setting.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

EDU 214 - Preparing Teachers to Use Technology Units: 3

Enhance student learning by incorporating technology into the classroom. Discover a variety of strategies to integrate technology into your lessons and advance your tech skills as you create your own professional electronic portfolio.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

EDU 215 - A Global Lens on Equity and Diversity in Young Adult Literature Units: 3

Explore multicultural young adult literature through a global lens, specifically addressing issues of equity and diversity. Review current fiction and non-fiction books that provide diverse perspectives and address a variety of societal issues. Discuss ways literature can impact student learning.

EDU 245 - Foundations of Elementary Literacy and the Science of Reading Units: 3

EDU 245 is part of the Paraprofessional Skills Certificate program. This course is designed to teach paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, and other support staff current research, theory, methods, and instructional strategies related to the science of reading. The curriculum will focus on the 5 pillars of literacy instruction. Effective literacy assessments, intervention strategies, and differentiation techniques will also be explored.

EDU 288 - Foundations of Teaching Multilingual Learners Units: 3

Support the multilingual learners in your classroom by creating equitable access to academic content while simultaneously developing English proficiency. Understand the key theories and research that will support effective teaching across disciplines and increase the success of multilingual students.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall