DH - Dental Hygiene

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

DH 100 - Introduction to Dental Hygiene Units: 1

This course is designed for students who have an interest in becoming a dental hygienist. It is an introductory course designed to give the student a greater depth of knowledge of the role of a dental hygienist, career opportunities available in the field and what to expect when admitted into the dental hygiene program. The goal of this course is to assist students in making a career choice that is the best fit for them.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DH 102 - Oral Biology Units: 4

Histology and embryology of oral structure formation. Clinical recognition of normal oral structures, study of physiological and structural functions of the teeth, head and neck and supporting tissues.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

Term Offered: Fall

DH 103 - Head and Neck Anatomy Units: 2

Anatomy of the head and neck with emphasis on structure and physiology of the oral cavity.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

Term Offered: Fall

DH 209 - Pain and Anxiety Control Units: 3

Administration of local anesthetics and nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia. Pharmacological agents, physical and emotional evaluation of patients, anatomy and neurophysiology. Management of related medical emergencies. (2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.)

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

Term Offered: Spring

DH 299 - Skills Lab Units: 1

Covers selected topics of interest to dental hygiene students, including review of Dental Hygiene National Board Examination. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 304 - Dental Hygiene Theory I Units: 3

This course is designed to introduce the student to dental hygiene practice which includes the role of the dental hygiene professional, dental hygiene process of care, evidence-based dental hygiene practice, ethical decision making, medical emergency care, medical and dental histories, extra/intra-oral examinations, dental biofilm, deposits, stains, fluorides, periodontal disease and carious lesion development and classifications, calculus classifications, documenting calculus, occlusal assessments, caries and restorations, treatment planning, oral infection control, and dental hygiene appointment procedures.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 305 - Pre-Clinical Practice Units: 3

Must be taken concurrently with DH 304 Dental Hygiene Theory I. This course focuses on clinical application processes which include infectious diseases, infection and exposure control. Concept and skill application to include sterilization, dental unit operation and maintenance, ergonomics, patient medical/dental history assessment, patient vitals, emergency care, basic instrument design, principles of instrumentation techniques, dental , extra/intra-oral assessment, introduction to periodontal and dental charting, inspection of teeth, dental hygiene diagnosis and care planning, oral prophylaxis, disclosing, coronal polishing, fluoride application, patient management, time management, documenting manual and electronic information in a dental software system. Students are required to pass instrumentation proficiencies on a typodont, prior to applying their instrumentation skills on a student classmate. Students will be required to bring in two patients for assessments, building upon their skill level. An instrumentation practicum exam will be required as part of the exit exam to move into DH 315 Clinical Practice I.

Enrollment Requirements: Acceptance to the Dental Hygiene Program. Must be taken concurrently with DH 304 Dental Hygiene Theory I.

DH 308 - Dental Materials Units: 2

Introduction into the physical properties of dental materials, including laboratory experience in manipulation and preparation of dental materials commonly used in dental practice.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 310 - Foundations of Dental Hygiene Practice Units: 3

This course is designed to introduce the student to dental terminology, introduction to infectious diseases and infection and exposure control, basic concepts of oral health and prevention, oral disease process, role of saliva, product evaluation, human needs assessment, behavior modification, learning principles, deposits, stains and fluoride. Students will have an opportunity to develop a time management schedule, present evidence-based information on oral healthcare products and develop an oral hygiene instruction flip chart which will be utilized by the student when treating patients in the dental clinic setting throughout the two year program.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 311 - Pharmacology Units: 2

A study of drugs by groups with special emphasis on those used in dentistry including their physical and chemical properties, dosage and therapeutic effects.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Current enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all first semester courses.

DH 312 - General and Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist Units: 3

DH 312 is designed to assist students in recognizing pathological processes and differentiating the normal from the abnormal by providing the fundamentals of gross pathology of disease, healing, repair and regression in the oral cavity and human body. The focus is on the role of the dental hygienist in recognizing deviations from normal, documentation, differential diagnosis, patient education on prevention, early detection and referral.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 313 - Periodontic Principles I Units: 2

The focus of Periodontic Principles I is on advanced instrumentation, ultrasonic devices, root planing, gingival curettage, subgingival irrigation, hypersensitivity treatment, instrument sharpening and care, care of dental implants and oral prostheses, and other adjunctive treatments.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 314 - Oral Radiology and Interpretation Units: 3

Focuses on the study of the theory of radiology, the techniques of film exposure, processing, mounting and interpretation. Radiation dosage and hazards as well as protection services for patient and operator are emphasized.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 315 - Clinical Dental Hygiene I Units: 3

This course has a clinical and seminar component. The clinical component is designed to focus on application of clinical practice including, infection and exposure control, sterilization, ergonomics, emergency care, oral prophylaxis, patient medical/dental assessment, extra/intra oral assessment, caries and periodontal risk assessments, periodontal and dental charting, nutrition and diet counseling, oral hygiene education, digital/radiography imaging, inspection of teeth, dental hygiene diagnosis and care planning, instrumentation skills and techniques, patient management, health promotion and disease prevention, patient scheduling, re-care systems, documenting manual and electronic information in a dental software system. The seminar component focuses on research, patient case presentations, clinic journal reflections, continuation of electronic portfolio from first semester, and discussions and review of clinical policies, processes and procedures.

Enrollment Requirements: Current enrollment in the dental hygiene program and successful completion of all first semester dental hygiene courses.

DH 403 - Periodontic Principles II Units: 2

Fundamental principles of periodontics, etiology, histo-pathology, classification of gingival and periodontal diseases, assessment, prevention and non-surgical treatment.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 404 - Research Methodology Units: 2

This course is designed to introduce students to the research process and how it applies to evidence-based patient care. Emphasis is on research design and methods, scientific databases and evidence-based strategies. Application of research methods and statistical techniques to the critical evaluation of current scientific literature will be addressed. Evidence-based decision making and development of critical thinking skills will be discussed.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 405 - Clinical Dental Hygiene II Units: 4

A continuation of Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice I. Clinical practice in application of the following: Infection and exposure control, sterilization, ergonomics, emergency care, oral prophylaxis, patient medical/dental assessment, extra/intra oral assessment, caries and periodontal risk assessments, periodontal and dental charting, nutrition and diet counseling, oral hygiene education, digital/radiography imaging, inspection of teeth, dental hygiene diagnosis and care planning, instrumentation skills and technique, patient management, pain management, health promotion and disease prevention, patient scheduling, re-care and manual and electronic documentation in a dental software system; with increased levels of achievement in all dental hygiene skills.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 407 - Dental Public Health Concepts Units: 2

DH 407 is the first in a series of two courses in the study of community dental health problems and disparities within the integrated health care system. (DH 417 Community Dental Health is the continuation.) The main focus is on local, state, and federal public health agencies, dental hygiene public health career options, the epidemiology of oral diseases, public prevention programs and measures, evaluation of research design and scientific literature and statistical data related to public health, methods of assessing the oral health status and needs of a population, with an emphasis on designing oral health educational programs/materials for a population based on their needs.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

Term Offered: Fall

DH 409 - Ethics, Law, and Business Practices Units: 2

The study of ethics, jurisprudence, business practices, finance, management, and policy creation for oral health care professionals, programs and businesses. This course examines current societal and professional issues and their impact on dental hygiene practices and management. This course will cover the following areas: planning, strategy and leadership, legal and ethical issues affecting businesses in the oral health care sector, financial statements, and professional considerations. The course will prepare students to take the Nevada Dental Hygiene Law and Ethics exam required for licensing as a Registered Dental Hygienist.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

Term Offered: Spring

DH 410 - Foundations of Inter-Professional Collaborative Practice Units: 2

This course is the first in a two course sequence for second year dental hygiene students and is designed to introduce healthcare students to inter-professional education (IPE) and collaborative practice and the evidence base that supports its effectiveness. The students will actively work within inter-professional student teams focusing on understanding professions' roles and responsibilities, scope of practice and a collaborative approach to patient-centered care. An emphasis will be on the impact of culture on healthcare delivery, respectful team interaction, effective communication and evidence-based practice.

Enrollment Requirements: Current enrollment in the dental hygiene program and successful completion of all first year dental hygiene courses.

DH 411 - Dental Public Health Field Experience Units: 1

This course will prepare the student to function as effective oral health educator, practitioner, and resource person in public health settings. This course involves 3 hours per week of field work. Some rotations will be arranged by instructor, others will be arranged by the student with prior approval from the instructor. Externship rotations may include, but are not limited to the VA dental clinic, Indian Health Service dental clinics, Community Health Alliance dental clinic, Early Head Start or Head Start programs, Future Smiles, Remote Area Medical events, nursing homes, oncology or memory care facilities, homeless shelters, and public schools.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 413 - Periodontic Principles III Units: 1

Advanced study of periodontology with emphasis on new surgical modalities and equipment. Orientation to all aspects of periodontal practice.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Successful completion of DH 403 and acceptance to the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 415 - Clinical Dental Hygiene III Units: 4

A continuation of Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice II. Clinical application of diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic procedures utilized in patient care by a dental hygienist with increased levels of achievement in all dental hygiene skills.

Enrollment Requirements: Acceptance to Dental Hygiene Program Successful Completion of DH405

DH 416 - Inter-Professional Collaborative Practice Field Experience Units: 2

This is the final course in a two-part series focusing on Inter-professional education. This course is designed to give students the opportunity to take concepts learned in DH 410 Foundations of Inter-professional Collaborative Practice and apply skills and knowledge during external clinical enrichment rotations in the community. Clinical rotation sites may include but are not limited to, hospitals, medical offices, short and long-term care facilities. This course will give the students the opportunity to present their inter-professional collaborative practice team experience to their classmates as a way of self-reflective practice to improve upon professional growth.

Enrollment Requirements: Current enrollment in the dental hygiene program and successful completion of DH 410 Foundations of Inter-Professional Collaborative Practice.

DH 417 - Community Dental Health Units: 2

DH 417 Community Dental Health is the continuation of DH 407 Dental Public Health Concepts. This course is designed to prepare the student to function as an effective oral health practitioner, educator, and resource person in a variety of community health settings. Evidence-based decision making will be applied to dental public health settings. Community water fluoridation, other forms of fluoridation, and other public health methods of primary prevention will be explored in terms of cost efficiency, efficacy, and safety. The role of the dental hygienist in tobacco cessation education will be emphasized. Community partners will be identified, if applicable to the class project. Students will conduct field work to identify an area of interest by contacting organizations, businesses, or educational institutions to discuss the feasibility of project ideas and the availability of participation. Emphasis will be on the development of a community service project on dental hygiene related topics taking into consideration the education level, SES, ethnicity, gender, age, and cultural considerations of their intended target population or audience.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program and passing grade in DH 407.

Term Offered: Spring

DH 420 - Dental Management of Special Patients Units: 2

This course provides the foundation for critical decision making in the management of medically compromised patients during oral health care treatment within the integrated healthcare system, with a special emphasis on the geriatric patient. The major focus is on precautions and treatment modifications needed to safely treat patients with physical or mental complications and protocols for preventing and managing medical emergencies.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 440 - Capstone I Units: 1

First in a series of two capstone courses. Students will work in groups of two or three. This course will focus on the introduction to the capstone project and evaluation of scientific, evidence-based literature, and ethical research methods. Basic research design components and writing skills will be reviewed. Projects could potentially involve but are not limited to clinical research, interprofessional collaboration, public health, or education. Students will design a six-minute PowerPoint presentation on a topic of interest related to dental public health.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program.

DH 442 - Capstone Seminar II Units: 2

This is the final course in the series of two capstone project courses. This course will provide the opportunity to implement and evaluate the culminating project to demonstrate achievement of program outcomes.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program and a passing grade in DH 440.