DAN - Dance

This is a draft edition of the 2025-2026 catalog. Information is subject to change.

DAN 101 - Dance Appreciation Units: 3

This course is an exploration of the world's first and most universal art form. Various forms of multicultural ethnic dance forms, plus an overview of popular dance forms, are explored through the use of lecture, video and demonstration. Satisfies the Diversity requirement for TMCC. Satisfies UNR Fine Arts core curriculum and applies as a general elective at UNLV.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DAN 132 - Jazz Dance (Beginning) Units: 1

Beginning techniques of jazz dance. May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DAN 135 - Ballet, Beginning Units: 1

Beginning techniques of ballet. May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DAN 138 - Modern Dance, Beginning Units: 1

Beginning techniques of modern dance. May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DAN 144 - Tap Dance (Beginning) Units: 1

Beginning, basic techniques of tap dance. Repeatable up to four credits.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DAN 188 - Choreography I: Improvisation for Composition Units: 2

Practical application of the techniques of improvisation for its use in composition.

Enrollment Requirements: Successful completion of at least one dance technique course in Jazz, Ballet or Modern or instructor approval.

DAN 232 - Jazz Dance (Intermediate) Units: 1

Intermediate work in the techniques of jazz dance.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: DAN 132.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DAN 235 - Ballet (Intermediate) Units: 1

Ballet, Intermediate work in the techniques of ballet. Repeatable up to four credits.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: DAN 135.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DAN 238 - Modern Dance Intermediate Units: 1

Intermediate techniques of modern dance. May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: DAN 138 or equivalent.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DAN 244 - Tap Dance (Intermediate) Units: 1

Intermediate work in the techniques of tap dance. Repeatable up to four credits.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: DAN 144.

Term Offered: Spring and Fall

DAN 281 - Dance Performance Units: 1

Learning of repertory and new choreography leading to formal and informal performance opportunities. Repeatable up to four credits.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Audition and/or approval of instructor.

DAN 287 - Concert Dance Company Units: 1

Professionally structured rehearsal of repertory and new choreography in preparation for formal performances, educational outreach programs and possible touring. May be repeated for up to four credits.

DAN 288 - Choreography II: Elements of Dance Composition Units: 3

Elements of dance composition including experience in spatial relationships, dynamics, movement qualities and design. Exploration of these elements through movement studies.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: DAN 188.

DAN 295 - Independent Study: Dance Units: 1-3

Tutorial study of special projects in Dance. A student submits a detailed project description and the objectives and learning outcomes specific to the project are formulated by the instructor and student.

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.